
cover art for S1E33: Squeal

The Nightmare Trials

S1E33: Squeal

Season 1, Ep. 33

Hello Listeners,


And a special hello to all of our listeners across the world. Our fan base is growing at an alarming rate and we are happy to see it. Most of our international listeners are coming from Europe with a consolidation within one specific area. We see you Belgium, and we hope you are continuing to like our content. And if you need more content, you can find us on Patreon for ad free listening, bonus episodes, and the interdimensional radio station. It only costs $5 per month to support this podcast. We hope to see some new names within our Patreon community and we hope to hear from you all within our Patreon chat.


Now, on to this week's episode. Some of us work so hard to do what's right. This could mean giving up your seat to an elderly person on the subway, standing up for a person who may be in a bad situation, or even just ensuring that you study hard in school to make something of yourself. But doing what is right can be hard for some, There will be times when the wall of moral protection falls and is replaced with the animalistic need to cut loose. And that is fine, insofar as you are not harming others. In this week's research file we will be looking into what happens when the walls of responsibility drops and is replaced with that primal drive to be free. So listen in as we discuss… Squeal.

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  • 39. S1E39: Be Mine

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    Hello Listeners,If you want access to the interdimensional radio station become a subscriber on Patreon. Further, visit our website and get your Nightmare Trials merchandise just in time for the cooler season. Prof. Adontes Finch
  • 38. S1E38: Night Drive Bonus Interdimensional Radio

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    Hello Listeners,This week we are providing you a horrifying tale of a man and his cathartic remembrance of night driving. Further, at the end of the episode you will get a bonus look into the interdimensional radio station. And what a chilling tale that is. Be sure to follow this podcast and hit the notification button so you never miss an episode.
  • 37. S1E37: I See What is in People

    12:14||Season 1, Ep. 37
    Hello Listeners, For access to the Interdimensional Radio Station, subscribe to Patreon for only $2 per month. Your contribution allows for us to continue with this podcast. Further, if you would like some Nightmare Trials Swag, go to and pick up one of our many merch items. If you are liking what you hear and just want to contribute by showing some love, give this podcast a positive review and hit the follow button so you never miss a minute of the horror. Until next time....
  • 36. S1E36: I Come In Peace

    14:56||Season 1, Ep. 36
    Hello Listeners, I know you didn't hear my voice last week and I do apologize about that. Even the professor needs to take a short break from time to time. As an update, I wanted to thank all of you for getting us to over 400 followers on Spotify and collectively we have over 5,000 streams between our platforms. That is because of you and your dedication to our work here. I will remind you that if you are loving what we do please give the podcast a positive review. Further, you will notice that our Patreon platform has been updated. We are now offering access to the interdimensional radio station episodes for just $2 per month. Subscribing is just one small way you can help this podcast grow and continue to do what we do. Lastly, we have music in this episode from a band called The Beasts of the Intergalactic Rainforest… Fitting for us I know. If you enjoy the music heard today you can find them on Spotify and all major social media outlets. Now, on to this week's research file. Humans stare at the stars and wonder what could reside beyond our tiny floating rock. Some find solace that the light we see could harbor other intelligent life while others fear what could be out there. To those who are enlightened we hold the truth that both aspects of fear and wonder balance our understanding. And for us to keep this balance we must explore and find what is hiding within every inch of our universe. But what happens when what we may be searching for finds us first. Do we let our curiosity get the better of us or do we cower in the darkness. The answer to this is that no one really knows what they will do when faced with beings outside of our natural understanding. So, this week we will explore a file I found of a youth and his encounter with something out of his world. Let's listen in as we discuss… I Come in Peace.
  • S1 Bonus Episode 1: Earl

    12:06||Season 1
    Hello my Listeners,We have discovered a file that has brought us a look into what Earl may be. And the saying, it's what's inside that counts rings true. The little man isn't what he appears to be. Further, something is mentioned in this file that keeps nagging at me. It appears the Oteev are searching for something but, what it may be is beyond me. I hope to find out more in the coming months. Listen in to this week's episode, Earl, and be sure to say hello.
  • 35. S1E35: She Follows Death

    33:09||Season 1, Ep. 35
    Hello Listeners,You will notice that there isn't an introduction from me this week. While I do apologize about this I will say that I took some time away from research to clear my head. And I did have the full intention of recording an intro for you but, I forgot to do so. So please enjoy this episode as it is and be ready for next week. I may have stumbled upon something that gives us an understanding about what is happening in other universes and dimensions. But for now, enjoy She Follows Death.
  • 34. S1E34: Asylum

    21:12||Season 1, Ep. 34
    Hello listeners, I want to start out this weeks episode as a reminder that we are offering a free 1 week trial of our Patreon site. You will unlock the interdimensional radio station and bonus episodes. And if you like what you hear there, you can continue on with your subscription for only $5 per month. On average, that only costs you 17 cents per day and with your support we can continue on with our work here. Now on to this week's episode. We all hold a little crazy within us. Something that will drive us mad and take us from docile creatures of society to raging lunatics hell bent on destroying whatever is in front of us. Some of you may say this isn't you but, I want you to really think about that. Think about your animalistic needs…. You felt it didn't you. That little tinge above your diaphragm. That jolt of electrical synapses that bled into your frontal cortex. And the vision of that one thing that can drive you crazy. The good news is most of us are civilized enough to not give into that feeling. We suppress it knowing that it goes against societal norms. It is what defines us as human and begins to eradicate any trace factors that lead back to our primitive beginnings. But, what happens when that need can no longer be held? What if something causes that feeling to break free? Well, let's find out in this weeks case file… Asylum.