
The Nightmare Trials
Merry Christmas To All
Season 2
Merry Christmas ya filthy animals! We hope everyone had a joyous holiday and we hope that this bonus short will satiate your sadistic needs this holiday season.
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13. S2E13: A Very Merrick Christmas
27:15||Season 2, Ep. 13Hello Listeners,Today concludes the saga of Merrick and his Christmas shenanigans. What we find here today is how Merrick received his garb and I feel sorry for whatever reality this man exists in. Outside of this, we hope you all have a very happy holiday season. And if you would like to give us a gift for Christmas, you can do so by giving the podcast a positive review. It helps more than you know. Until next time...Holiday Horror Special - The Toymaker
16:24|Hello Listeners,This is the second to last episode that follows Merrick's reign of terror this holiday season. Tune in on Tuesday for a full-length episode.12. S2E12: Forever Dying
12:30||Season 2, Ep. 12Hello Listeners,In this most recent episode we look into the life of an individual who cannot die but, they can experience death in ways we could never understand. So, enjoy this week's episode... Forever Dying.Holiday Horror Special - The Baker
15:01|Hello Listeners,Merrick is back with another holiday episode. Listen in to his tale of Patricia. A lovely baker who finds herself in a sticky situation. For ad free episodes and extra bonus material, go to and subscribe to be an interdimensional traveler. The cost is only $2 per month. Enjoy this tale and we will be back on Tuesday with more episodes. Until we meet again...11. S2E11: Lucky
13:32||Season 2, Ep. 11Hello Listeners, I know we have all had those days where everything seemed to go wrong. There was nothing you could do and the world was crashing all around you. What if the reason for that day's insanity was due to something sinister? Well this week's research file will delve into luck and it being against you. Before we begin, I wanted to remind you that you can join our Patreon for extra stories and chat discussions. Just search for the nightmare trials on Patreon and join for $2 per month. Further, if you go to you can browse through our merchandise catalogue. And if you feel so inclined, you can purchase a shirt or hoodie to horrify your wardrobe. Now, on to the story… Strap in tight… the trials are about to begin.Holiday Horror Special - The Carpenter
10:53|Hello Listeners,As our present to you this holiday season, we will be enjoying a 3 part mini series based around Merrick. The most outlandish and vile of Foster's personalities.He has been let loose on the world and is once again wreaking havoc on people. Leaving them unsavory gifts. But with each gift comes a story. So be sure you stay off the naughty list this year... Or Merrick may pay you a visit.10. S2E10 Foster Chylds: Diary Entry 2
21:50||Season 2, Ep. 10Hello Listeners, And welcome to the holiday season. This month we will have a slew of Christmas-themed stories to tell. Culminating into a crescendo if you will, of holiday mayhem. But before we begin, I would like to remind you that you can receive bonus and commercial-free episodes through out Patreon site. The cost is lower than an XL Baka Cola from your interdimensional gas station. And your contribution helps us continue with our research. Now on to why we are really here today. This week's research file delves into the mind of a very troubled man. A man who is having a hard time understanding who he really is. And each side of him is warring for the spotlight. So let's start out this holiday month by listening to a Diary entry from Foster Chylds. Strap in tight… the trials are about to begin.9. S2E9 The Darwin Project - Level 2 Part 2
28:47||Season 2, Ep. 9Hello Listeners, This week we will conclude level 2 of The Darwin Project. When we last left James and Rebecca they were dealing with some unsavory creepy crawlies. And while I would love to tell you that it was all a fever dream, you will find that these monsters are the least of their problems. For those who are new here, I would suggest listening to the Darwin Project Level 1 from season 1, and then the first part of this story to understand what is happening. And for those who are joining us today and every Tuesday. Strap in tight… The trials are about to begin!