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The ECE Quality Ireland Podcast

S5Ep1: Purposeful Play

Season 5, Ep. 1

In this first episode of season 5 we chat with Shannan Mulrooney, founder of Maia Purposeful Play, on the importance of facilitating intentional opportunities for open ended playful learning opportunities for young children. We focus on the importance of process over product, children's right to choose, parents attitudes to messy play and educator confidence to support open ended play and know when to stand back and observe the learning as an important part of their role. You can find out more about Shannan's workshops and classes on

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  • S5Ep3: Bridging the Gap Between Research and ECEC Practice in Germany

    We chat with Sarah Girlich about ECEC in Germany and the LaKoS project where researchers and ECEC educators in Saxony collaborate in the area of early literacy to develop resources, training and other supports for evidence based ECEC practice in an effort to bridge the gap between academic research and early childhood practice.The LakoS is a project of the Association for the Promotion of Language and Communication in Education, Prevention and Rehabilitation, funded by the Saxon State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs in cooperation with Prof. Glück, University of Leipzig and the Institute for Language and Rehabilitation Communication. You can explore all of their work and access their resources on early literacy here: LakoS Saxony - State Competence Centre for Language Education & Language Support at Day Care Centres in Saxony LakoS Saxony
  • 2. S5Ep2: Identifying and Communicating Developmental Concerns

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    An insightful and interesting chat with Jenny Nechvatal, a parent of adult children with additional needs and an experienced early childhood educator, about practical strategies for supporting early intervention, sharing developmental concerns with parents/caregivers and the need for further educator training and policy support for this sensitive area of early childhood practice. Jenny is based in New South Wales, Australia and has written and published a book on this topic which takes the dual perspective of educator and parent.
  • 5. S4Ep5: The Graduation Ceremony - Who is it for?

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    We discuss the end of year preschool graduation ceremony. Should we do it, how should we do it? Is it adult led or child led? Whose needs are we meeting and how can we find a balance to meet the needs of all stakeholders, children, parents/caregivers and educators?
  • 4. S4Ep4: STEAM in the Early Childhood Environment

    39:48||Season 4, Ep. 4
    In this episode we talk about STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts and maths) in early childhood education. How and why would should we incorporate more STEAM into our ECEC practice, thinking of technology as more than screens, recognising the STEAM we already 'do' and intentionally extending children's STEAM learning using language and affordable resources we already have in most ECEC environments.
  • 3. S4Ep3: Risky Play and Guns in Early Childhood Education

    45:59||Season 4, Ep. 3
    We have a really interesting chat with Leah Russell, early childhood lecturer, about what risky play is, how to provide for risky play and whether or not toy guns and gun play should be incorporated into the early childhood education setting.
  • 2. S4Ep2: What is the Appropriate Age to Start Primary School?

    28:40||Season 4, Ep. 2
    With our guest. primary school teacher Dee O'Toole, we discuss the appropriate age for children to transition from early childhood education to primary school education. Why do children in Ireland start at 5 when most other OECD countries children start at 6 or 7. We wonder why some children don't avail of their second free ECCE preschool year and what impact this can have on them when they transition into primary school and beyond.
  • 1. S4Ep1: Quality ECEC - Síolta in Practice

    28:59||Season 4, Ep. 1
    We discuss implementing and maintaining quality standards in early childhood education and how Paula's new book "Síolta in Practice" can help educators make sense of the Síolta standards and how they are already implementing many of them in their daily ECEC practice. Paula's insightful and practical book has lots of great suggestions highlighting how all areas of our knowledge, best practice guidelines, legislation and policy feed into the implementation of the quality standards and how each standard is interlinked both with other Síolta standards and areas of ECEC practice. You can buy Paula's book from
  • 3. S3Ep3: Establishing a New ECEC Service in Ireland

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