
cover art for The Cost of Ageism

Midlife Flyness

The Cost of Ageism

Season 3, Ep. 56

Welcome to Midlife Flyness, a podcast celebrating the beauty and wisdom that comes with age. Join us on a journey through midlife as we navigate the challenges, celebrate the triumphs, and embrace the power of authenticity. In each episode, we explore topics like ageism, self-discovery, and empowerment to inspire listeners to live their best midlife."

**Ways Ageism Affects Us and Combatting It:**

Ageism affects us all in subtle yet profound ways, from societal expectations to workplace biases. It can lead to isolation, mental health issues, and barriers to personal and professional growth. To combat ageism, we must first recognize and challenge ageist attitudes within ourselves and others. By advocating for equal treatment, supporting age diversity, and empowering ourselves to redefine aging, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society where age is celebrated, not condemned. Join us on Midlife Flyness as we dive deep into the impact of ageism and discover how we can all work together to combat it.

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  • 61. Sandwiched

    Join host Kendra Lendsey in an insightful episode of "Midlife Flyness" as she explores the theme of authenticity in one's older years and the challenges of being perceived as "overdoing it" while simply living authentically. Kendra delves into the complexities of embracing one's true self in a world that may misunderstand or misinterpret genuine authenticity.Through engaging conversations and personal reflections, Kendra and her guest unpack the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of societal expectations and judgments. They share personal stories, practical tips, and strategies for navigating the misconceptions that can arise when living authentically in midlife and beyond.Listeners are invited to reconsider their perceptions of authenticity, challenge the notion of "overdoing it," and embrace their unique qualities and values unapologetically. "Midlife Flyness with Kendra Lendsey" delivers a message of empowerment and self-discovery, encouraging individuals to embrace their authenticity and live their best lives in their golden years.Tune in to this thought-provoking episode for inspiring insights, heartfelt discussions, and a celebration of the beauty and richness that comes with embracing authenticity in the later chapters of life.
  • 60. Come Into My House

    Join host Kendra Lendsey in an insightful episode of "Midlife Flyness" as she explores the theme of authenticity in one's older years and the challenges of being perceived as "overdoing it" while simply living authentically. Kendra delves into the complexities of embracing one's true self in a world that may misunderstand or misinterpret genuine authenticity.Through engaging conversations and personal reflections, Kendra and her guest unpack the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of societal expectations and judgments. They share personal stories, practical tips, and strategies for navigating the misconceptions that can arise when living authentically in midlife and beyond.Listeners are invited to reconsider their perceptions of authenticity, challenge the notion of "overdoing it," and embrace their unique qualities and values unapologetically. "Midlife Flyness with Kendra Lendsey" delivers a message of empowerment and self-discovery, encouraging individuals to embrace their authenticity and live their best lives in their golden years.Tune in to this thought-provoking episode for inspiring insights, heartfelt discussions, and a celebration of the beauty and richness that comes with embracing authenticity in the later chapters of life.
  • 59. Never Too Much (Midlife Remix)

    Join host Kendra Lendsey in an insightful episode of "Midlife Flyness" as she explores the theme of authenticity in one's older years and the challenges of being perceived as "overdoing it" while simply living authentically. Kendra delves into the complexities of embracing one's true self in a world that may misunderstand or misinterpret genuine authenticity.Through engaging conversations and personal reflections, Kendra and her guest unpack the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of societal expectations and judgments. They share personal stories, practical tips, and strategies for navigating the misconceptions that can arise when living authentically in midlife and beyond.Listeners are invited to reconsider their perceptions of authenticity, challenge the notion of "overdoing it," and embrace their unique qualities and values unapologetically. "Midlife Flyness with Kendra Lendsey" delivers a message of empowerment and self-discovery, encouraging individuals to embrace their authenticity and live their best lives in their golden years.Tune in to this thought-provoking episode for inspiring insights, heartfelt discussions, and a celebration of the beauty and richness that comes with embracing authenticity in the later chapters of life.
  • 58. Embrace Your Age

    Embracing Your AgeIn this empowering episode of the "Midlife Flyness" podcast, the hosts delve into the importance of embracing your age and rejecting societal norms that limit self-expression based on age. The episode challenges the notion that one's chronological number should dictate their identity and highlights the beauty and wisdom that come with aging.Hosted by experts in self-care, mindfulness, and personal development, the episode features insightful discussions on:1. **Breaking Stereotypes**: The hosts discuss common stereotypes surrounding age and encourage listeners to break free from these limitations to fully express their true selves.2. **Self-Acceptance**: The importance of self-acceptance and embracing all aspects of oneself, regardless of age, is explored. The hosts share personal anecdotes and tips on fostering self-love at any stage of life.3. **Living Authentically**: Listeners are inspired to live authentically and unapologetically, celebrating their unique qualities and experiences that come with age.4. **Cultivating Confidence**: Strategies for boosting self-confidence and self-esteem, particularly in midlife, are shared to empower listeners to embrace their age with pride and confidence.5. **Mindset Shift**: The episode emphasizes the need for a mindset shift towards aging, viewing it as a journey of growth, wisdom, and self-discovery rather than a limitation.6. **Practical Tips**: Practical tips on embracing age gracefully, such as self-care practices, mindfulness techniques, and staying socially connected, are provided to help listeners navigate the aging process with positivity and resilience.Through engaging conversations, personal stories, and expert insights, the "Midlife Flyness" podcast episode on embracing your age serves as a beacon of inspiration for listeners seeking to redefine aging on their own terms and embrace their true essence, regardless of the number of years they've lived. Tune in to discover the beauty and power of embracing your age with authenticity and confidence in this transformative episode.
  • 57. You are the secret sauce

    **Summary: Midlife Flyness Podcast Episode**In this episode of Midlife Flyness, we delve into the timeless wisdom that being yourself is the secret sauce for success at any age, with a special focus on the power of authenticity for aging adults. We explore how embracing one's true self can unlock opportunities, fulfillment, and joy in the second chapter of life.The episode begins by highlighting the importance of authenticity in navigating midlife transitions and reclaiming one's identity. We discuss how staying true to oneself can lead to a renewed sense of purpose and direction, even in the face of societal expectations and stereotypes about aging.We delve into the unique benefits of authenticity for aging adults, emphasizing how being true to oneself fosters confidence, resilience, and self-acceptance. By sharing personal stories and insights, we illustrate how authenticity can be a guiding light through the challenges and opportunities of midlife.Practical tips and strategies are offered to help listeners embrace authenticity at any age. From cultivating self-awareness and setting boundaries to practicing self-compassion and authentic communication, we provide actionable advice for living authentically and authentically at any stage of life.Through thoughtful reflections and listener testimonials, we explore the transformative power of authenticity in aging gracefully and living a life of purpose and passion. We conclude by emphasizing that being yourself is not only the secret sauce for success in midlife but a timeless key to unlocking true fulfillment and happiness at any age.Join us on this inspiring journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we celebrate the beauty and power of authenticity in the pursuit of Midlife Flyness.
  • 55. Mind Your Mental

    Episode Title: Mind Your MentalIn this enlightening episode of "Midlife Flyness" hosted by the insightful Kendra Lendsey, listeners are invited to unravel the intricate web of mental health challenges that shape the journey of aging communities in midlife and beyond. Join Kendra as she delves into the profound impact of mental well-being on individuals navigating the complexities of aging gracefully.Explore the pivotal role that menopause plays in the mental health landscape of midlife, as Kendra sheds light on the hormonal, emotional, and psychological changes that accompany this transformative phase. Discover how menopause can serve as a catalyst for a range of mental health concerns, from mood fluctuations to cognitive shifts, and learn empowering strategies to navigate this profound transition with grace and resilience.Journey deeper into the conversation as Kendra fearlessly addresses the pervasive issue of isolation among aging communities, shining a compassionate light on the feelings of loneliness and disconnection that often plague individuals in midlife and beyond. Explore the far-reaching impact of isolation on mental well-being, and uncover strategies to cultivate connection, community, and a sense of belonging in the face of loneliness.Moreover, Kendra explores the intricate intersections of depression, anxiety, and hoarding within aging communities, offering empathetic insights and practical guidance to navigate these complex mental health challenges with compassion and understanding. From breaking the stigma surrounding mental health disorders to fostering a culture of support and healing, this episode aims to empower listeners to embrace their unique mental health journey with courage and grace.Tune in to "Midlife Flyness with Kendra Lendsey" for a transformative episode that redefines the narrative of mental health in midlife and beyond. Engage with thought-provoking discussions, heartfelt personal stories, and expert insights that illuminate the path to emotional well-being, resilience, and self-love in the prime of life.Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as Kendra Lendsey guides you through the maze of mental health challenges faced by aging communities in midlife and beyond. Together, let's unravel the layers, embrace the complexities, and redefine the narrative of aging with style, grace, and, of course, flyness.Are you ready to explore the depths of mental wellness in the realm of midlife and beyond? Join Kendra Lendsey on "Midlife Flyness" as we unveil the layers of mental health challenges, celebrate the beauty of aging gracefully, and soar to new heights of self-discovery and empowerment in the prime of life.Elevate your mental health journey with "Midlife Flyness" and discover the power of resilience, connection, and self-love in navigating the complexities of aging with grace and flyness. Tune in to this transformative episode to unlock the secrets to thriving in midlife and beyond with courage, confidence, and compassion.Fly high, stay grounded, and embrace the essence of midlife with Kendra Lendsey on "Midlife Flyness." Because in every challenge lies an opportunity for growth, in every transition lies a moment of transformation, and in every episode lies a message of hope, healing, and flyness.
  • 53. Unlearning

    Before you make those New Years resolutions - Are you clear about the things that you need to unlearn? Grab your headphones...