
The Tub Hub
Do those that you have taught return for fellowship?
Season 1, Ep. 12
Whilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection this podcast explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.
For our tenth episode we caught up Aisha Walters, an ex elite gymnast and founder of Benchmark Gymnastics.
We discuss what its like to run a business, how she has dealt with discussions about racism and how the recent Netflix documentary Athlete A has affected her sport and industry.
Have a listen and tell us what you think.
Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!
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19. Educating should not be harmful to the educator
01:04:08||Season 1, Ep. 19Matilda Egere-Cooper - Founder Fly Girl Collective, Journalist, Writer, Head of Content.Whilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection this podcast explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.This week in we touch on equality, sexism, racism, mental health, running, therapy, and the importance looking after yourself.Thank you to Dianne for joining me.Have a listen and tell us what you think.Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!18. Love, Support & Understanding.
27:59||Season 1, Ep. 18Leon Cerrone - Tailor, Buyer, Rider and Runner.Whilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection this podcast explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.This week in episode 4 we touch on depression, therapy and the power of exercise and sport.Thank you to Leon for joining me.Have a listen and tell us what you think.Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!17. Puppets in a game...
01:12:56||Season 1, Ep. 17Courtney Fearon - PT, Group Exercise & Fitness Consultant.Whilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection this podcast explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.This week in episode 3 we touch on equality, sexism, racism, mental health and the importance looking after yourself.Thank you to Courtney for joining me.Have a listen and tell us what you think.Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!16. Women Hold Up Half The Sky.
01:14:15||Season 1, Ep. 16Dianne Larrington - Voice Over Artist, Broadcaster & a London Fire Brigade Outreach Coordinator.Whilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection this podcast explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.This week in episode 2 we touch on equality, sexism, racism, mental health and the importance looking after yourself.Thank you to Dianne for joining me.Have a listen and tell us what you think.Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!15. You knew way before you read those books...
01:02:13||Season 1, Ep. 15Ayo Akinwolere - World Record Swimmer & BroadcasterWhilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection this podcast explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.For our 1st episode of season 2 we caught up with Ayo Akinwolere, a dear friend of mine, a World Record Swimmer & Broadcaster who has always been someone I have looked to for the both inspiration and advice.Not that all the others haven't been "deep" this episode touched more nerves than others.Thank to Ayo for joining me.Have a listen and tell us what you think.Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!14. Racism is dynastic, use your skills to end it.
01:07:32||Season 1, Ep. 14Tom Flowers - Runner, explorer and teacher.Whilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection this podcast explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.For our 12th episode we caught up with Tom Flowers, a dear friend of mine, a runner, explorer and teacher who I met many years after he came to join a RunDemCrewWest, a little running crew I used to run over in Maida Vale.Tom and I discuss our love for running and our relationship with it. We discuss racism, the education system and how we feel we can be better.Have a listen and tell us what you think.Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!13. Discretely but consistently connected.
54:02||Season 1, Ep. 13Jeggi Elinzano - Whilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection this podcast explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.For our 11th episode we caught up Jeggi Elinzano, a dear friend of mine, a runner, explorer and philanthropist who co founded TrackMafia with Jules and I back in 2012.Jeggi and I discuss our love for running and travelling, racism, the protests and the work that Jeggi has been doing to help his community as well as his extended running family.Have a listen and tell us what you think.Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!11. The Helpers High!
49:55||Season 1, Ep. 11Whilst in the Tub, typically a place of relaxation and reflection this podcast explores the topic of HELP in all its forms.For our ninth episode we caught up Shara Tochia and Hettie Holmes, the founders of DOSE which stands for A little dopamine for motivation, oxytocin for relaxation, serotonin for self-care and endorphins for the high.DOSE was set up as a platform dedicated to helping other women like them achieve a balanced, active lifestyle to get their happy hormones firing and was launched back in 2016.On this episode we discuss racism, sexism and classism as well start ups and whats its like to run your own business.Have a listen and tell us what you think.Who's this podcast for? Anyone who ever asked for help...... or didn't!