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What You Can REALLY Expect For 2025 - Drones, Taxes, Asteroids and Memberhips 🌠
01:04:50|What can you expect for 2025? I break it all down in this livestream! Remember the 4 Cs: Consciousness, Collective, Community, Courage. Here's your dose of spirituality & divination for 2025 ❤️This is the audio version of my live videos which I offer 12 times a week, starting at only $2 to gain access to join my online community, including livestreams with me and many other goodies. For more tarot, astrology and spirituality, including readings and forecasts for each sign every week, subscribe to my Youtube channel at and follow me on Instagram for daily enlightenment and energy reads @thetarotship.
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January 2025 Astrology - The Truth About The Drones - Big Change To Come! 🌠
26:32|Welcome to 2025! The astrology of January 2025 is wild. We'll discuss what you can expect as we kick off the new year! Here’s your monthly tarot horoscope forecast ❤️This is the audio version of my live videos which I offer 12 times a week, starting at only $2 to gain access to join my online community, including livestreams with me and many other goodies. For more tarot, astrology and spirituality, including readings and forecasts for each sign every week, subscribe to my Youtube channel at and follow me on Instagram for daily enlightenment and energy reads @thetarotship.JANUARY 2025 Key Dates (Happy new year!) Week One2. Mars Opposite Pluto VENUS ENTERS PISCES4. Sun sextile Saturn6. MARS ENTERS CANCER (Retrograde)7. Mercury square Neptune 8. MERCURY ENTERS CAPRICORNWeek Two12. Mars trine Neptune13. FULL MOON IN CANCERSun Trine Uranus 14. Venus square Jupiter 15. Sun opposite Mars 17. Sun sextile Neptune18. VENUS CONJUNCT SATURNWeek Three19. Mercury sextile Venus 20. SUN ENTERS AQUARIUS21. Sun conjunct Pluto23. Mars sextile Uranus Mercury oppose Mars25. Venus trine MarsWeek Four26. Mercury sextile Neptune Venus sextile Uranus27. Mercury trine UranusMERCURY ENTERS AQUARIUS28. Mercury conjunct Pluto 29. NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS30. Sun trine Jupiter Uranus goes directDecember 2024 Astrology Preview: ALL 12 Signs! 🌠
01:20:42|December 2024 is a month of transition! Slow downs (with retrogrades)! And new beginnings! We'll discuss what you can expect with 2 new moons, Mercury and Mars retrograde, Neptune direct, and the best day of December! Here’s your monthly tarot horoscope forecast ❤️This is the audio version of my live videos which I offer 12 times a week, starting at only $2 to gain access to join my online community, including livestreams with me and many other goodies. For more tarot, astrology and spirituality, including readings and forecasts for each sign every week, subscribe to my Youtube channel at and follow me on Instagram for daily enlightenment and energy reads @thetarotship.DECEMBER 2024 KEY DATES Week One 1. NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS 2. Venus trine Uranus 4. Mercury opposite JupiterSun Square SaturnVenus sextile Neptune 5. Sun conjunct Mercury 6. Mercury square SaturnVENUS ENTERS AQUARIUSMARS RETROGRADE IN LEO 7. Venus conjunct Pluto Sun opposite JupiterNeptune goes direct (since July 2) Week Two12. Venus opposite MarsMercury sextile Venus 15. FULL MOON IN GEMINI Week Three18. Sun square Neptune19. VENUS TRINE JUPITER!21. SUN ENTERS CAPRICORN/ Solstice Week Four24. Jupiter square Saturn26. Mercury opposite JupiterMercury square Saturn27. Venus square Uranus30. NEW MOON IN CAPRICORNCurrent Energies: Working With Polarity And Why The Election Is Hard To Predict
01:04:44|November is a historic month. I discuss the energies of the moment, as well as the astrology: Mars opposite Pluto, New Moon In Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Taurus, Pluto in Aquarius, as well as what polarity is, and why it's hard for astrologers, tarot readers and psychics to predict the election. Here's your dose of spirituality & divination ❤️This is the audio version of one of my live videos which I offer 12+ times a week, starting at only $2 to gain access to join my online community, including livestreams with me and many other goodies. For more tarot, astrology and spirituality, including readings and forecasts for each sign every week, subscribe to my Youtube channel at and follow me on Instagram for daily enlightenment and energy reads @thetarotship.November Astrology Overview - Mercury Retrograde And 2 New Moons! 🌠
56:24|Here’s your monthly tarot horoscope forecast. ❤️ November is wild, one of the most important months of 2024. For the astrology of November 2024, we have two new moons, full moon in Taurus, Mars enters Leo, Mercury enters Sagittarius, Venus enters Capricorn, Pluto enters Aquarius and Saturn goes direct. Not to mention, Mercury retrograde at the end of the month. Expect a lot of changes and a desire for transformation. 🌠 *Key astrological dates this month below*This is the audio version of my live videos which I offer 12 times a week, starting at only $2 to gain access to join my online community, including livestreams with me and many other goodies. For more tarot, astrology and spirituality, including readings and forecasts for each sign every week, subscribe to my Youtube channel at and follow me on Instagram for daily enlightenment and energy reads @thetarotship.NOVEMBER 2024 KEY DATESWeek One1. NEW MOON IN SCORPIOMars sextile Uranus2. Mercury trine MarsMercury sextile PlutoMERCURY ENTERS SAGITTARIUS3. (Daylight Savings - US)Mars opposite PlutoVenus opposite JupiterMARS ENTERS LEO4. Sun trine Saturn 9. Venus square NeptuneWeek Two 11. VENUS ENTERS CAPRICORN 12. Mercury square Saturn15. FULL MOON IN TAURUSSATURN GOES DIRECT IN PISCESSun opposite UranusWeek Three18. Mercury opposite jupiterSun trine Neptune19. PLUTO ENTERS AQUARIUS21. SUN ENTERS SAGITTARIUSSun sextile Pluto 22. Venus sextile SaturnWeek Four 25. MERCURY RETROGRADE IN SAGITTARIUS (until December 15)27. Sun trine Mars28. Saturn square Sun (official December 4)30. NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUSMid-Oct: Intuitive Predictions, The Great Awakening and Why We're Feeling Major Change
01:04:50|I'll discuss energies of the moment, including intuitive predictions, as well as upcoming and notable astrological aspects, including the full moon in Aries and more. 🌠 I'll be live with my November Astrology Overview on Sunday, October 20 ❤️Here's your dose of spirituality & divination ❤️This is the audio version of my live videos which I offer 12 times a week, starting at only $2 to gain access to join my online community, including livestreams with me and many other goodies. For more tarot, astrology and spirituality, including readings and forecasts for each sign every week, subscribe to my Youtube channel at and follow me on Instagram for daily enlightenment and energy reads @thetarotship.Guest Astrologer SJ Anderson On Rising Signs + Birth Charts (LIVESTREAM)
01:28:18|Join renowned astrologer S.J. Anderson @sjanderson144 and me discussing your rising sign! What it means, why it's important for your horoscope and how you can better understand your birth chart. Birth chart readings with SJ: S.J. is a lifetime member of the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR), amd his astrological writing has been featured in publications such as Ignota Press, IAM: Infinity Astrological Magazine, and Wellbeing Astrology Guide. His insights into astrology have been covered in major publications like India Times, Daily Express, Mashable, and Yahoo! News. Here's your dose of spirituality & divination ❤️This is the audio version of my live videos which I offer 12 times a week, starting at only $2 to gain access to join my online community, including livestreams with me and many other goodies…For more tarot, astrology and spirituality, including readings and forecasts for each sign every week, subscribe to my Youtube channel at and follow me on Instagram for daily enlightenment and energy reads @thetarotship.”