These words of the hermit Kunley are useless for fools, but a joy for sages. I, Jonathan Mace Bent, speak them at the request of Gogkarwa at Ralung Til, Tibet.The silver light of the diamond flame of tantra is a cure to all ailments. Fools will see their dreams turned to dust and their fields will fall empty through reading this story. For those who seek to remain in a state of being that provides endless suffering, then avoid this book. Warning to all that this book contains dangerous Tantric practices.I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if any one adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if any one takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life in the holy city, which are described in this book So be fore warned that if ye approach the Sutra of the inner teachings of Drukpa Kunley askance or with appropriate solemnity, than some mischief will occur.For the devout and pious man, this book will bring about a great deal of trouble of mind, so it would be best to avoid. Furthermore, it is possible that the shocking use of profanity, discussion of sex, sex trafficking and drug use will be problematic for. Also, you should by all means avoid to listen to the podcast if violence is a problem. Specifically domestic violence. But if you are ok with hearing about subjects like that: good to go!Perhaps, you might feel offended by something. I present this story as I was told to do so, as an oral transmission,At no point is any of this podcast to be relied upon for any purpose whatsoever.
This brief introduction to the series discusses how the terma of the Sutra of the Hidden Secret Teaching of Drukpa Kunley was transmitted to Jonathan Mace Bent, of the USA. This prelude describes the provenance of the most precious Sutra. Through analysing this Sutra many riches will await the devout listener. The actual story contained in the Sutra is set forth: the epic battle between Nakula and "She of many names" whose daughter is named Adi.
So begins Nakula's relationship with the one he knows as Manimekhalai. Of course, she is one with many names, and so is not really from Manipallavam. This episode begins the tale of the Mongoose and the sorceress of deceit. The story is presented in the first person from the point of view of Nakula,