
cover art for Rebuilding your life after emotional and financial betrayal (with Tracy Hall)

Better Than Yesterday: Osher Günsberg

Rebuilding your life after emotional and financial betrayal (with Tracy Hall)

Few things can wound a person as much as betrayal.

As your whole world comes crashing down around you, how can you hold onto reality? How do you move on with your life?

Tracy Hall is a high-powered single mum in the corporate world. She was left absolutely devastated by emotional and financial betrayal perpetrated by one of the world's most prolific con men, Hamish McLaren.

Tracy is now ready to talk about how she re-built her life. She’s not just surviving, she’s thriving.

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  • The secret to maximising productivity is play (and other insights from Dr. Ali Abdaal)

    Dr Ali Abdaal is a world-renowned expert in Productivity. He spent a few years working with the NHS in the UK before leaning full time into the videos he was making, initially to help other med students pass their exams. This grew into a larger offering around making sure your work ethic and your values are aligned in the best way possible… Today Osher and Ali speak about scientific ways of approaching productivity, methods to make sure that we’re doing more good work in less time, and therefore giving us the free time to recharge, recoup, reflect, and perhaps just think - so that when we’re back on the tools we come with a fresh perspective, fresh ideas, and the ability to produce higher quality work than if we’re up at 3am trying to finish something. He’s a fascinating man, his YouTube is epic - and his latest book is a New York Times bestseller, “Feel Good Productivity“.If you've never done a values quiz before, they can be very valuable to help with decision making:‌To get in touch with Osher, get on the newsletter and listen to every episode ever, head to
  • Rule 2: It’s show business, not show friends (And three other fundamental rules of Show-business that you will find useful)

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  • A way to use music to help kids (and adults) manage emotions

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  • Using music to supercharge your child’s development w/ Teeny Tiny Stevies

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  • Where I lose count of how many relationships I've had in the ten years I've been with my wife

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  • A podcast pamphlet about addiction (leave in a prominent place to be found by someone you care about.)

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  • How addiction impacts others, and what to do about it - Live at SXSW (with Diane Young)

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