
The On Topic Podcast
Richard and John Discuss a set topic each ep
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2. Social Media
51:44||Season 2, Ep. 2In another hilarious instalment of the award winning weekly on topic podcast the guys take a look a social media.
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1. Board Games
56:13||Season 2, Ep. 1We are back! after a quick break Richard and John are back to talk about board games.40. Wine
51:56||Season 1, Ep. 40weekly podcast that chats about a new topic each week this week wine39. Egypt
57:55||Season 1, Ep. 39Two numpties trying to make each other laugh by talking about a random topic each week.38. Funerals
55:11||Season 1, Ep. 38cheery light hearted chat about a different topic each episode this time its the cheery light hearted topic of funerals37. Zoos
52:09||Season 1, Ep. 37slightly funny podcast featuring two 80s kids who take a sideways look at a specific topic each week, this week its Zoos... you know those big places full of animals36. 2022
01:02:38||Season 1, Ep. 36weekly podcast on a different topic each week. this week its a look back at 2022