
cover art for Trees! with Professor Cecil Konijnendijk

The Making Good Podcast

Trees! with Professor Cecil Konijnendijk

Ep. 5

As its #nationaltreeweek, my guest is Cecil Konijnendijk a professor of urban forestry working at University of British Colombia in Vancouver. 

We spoke about the difference between urban and non-urban drivers for tree planting, unpacked their relevance to the climate change and air quality agendas and explored the way that sensitive design of planted areas can amplify the health and wellbeing effects of urban nature, especially around schools.

We also talked about how China is leading on urban forest policy, the huge potential for (and slow pace of) urban greening in India, and heard about the need for an explicit focus on social justice in the large scale deployment of trees in carbon offsetting schemes.

As always, if you find this week’s podcast useful please consider liking and reviewing on iTunes, and sharing in your networks so we can grow the reach of the ideas we’ve talked about. You can also follow us on Twitter @makinggoodpod 


Prof Cecil Konijnendijk - @CecilUforia

Health and Nature research at UBC - Dr Matilda van den Bosch

Sponge Cities - Kongjian Yu, Turenscape

When Darwin Comes to Town - Menno Schilthuizen - and Guardian review

The Nature of Cities blog

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    Re-greening Paris, with Nathalie BaumannThis weeks guest is Nath Baumann, urban ecologist with the Swiss Green Infrastructure Consultancy & Lecturer at the Zurich School of Applied Science (ZHAW).Nath joined me to talk about her more than ten years work in the regreening of Paris and in particular the initiatives under Mayor Anne Hidalgo to widen access to the benefits of nature as part of increasingly urgent efforts to transform the city into a beacon of circular and ecological design. The conversation was framed around La Recyclerie, an urban farm, repair cafe, sharing hub and restaurant but we covered a lot of the great initiatives and developments around Paris - and even touched on the way systems thinking is shaping its relationship with the agricultural areas beyond its periphery.LINKSNathalie Baumann: Recyclerie: Paris design competition:
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    01:06:56||Ep. 17
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  • 14. Urban & rural rewilding: nature recovery networks, with Dr Tony Whitbread

    01:04:47||Ep. 14
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    56:43||Ep. 13
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    01:16:10||Ep. 12
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    57:12||Ep. 11
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