
cover art for Dealing With Criticism

The Lonely Leader

Dealing With Criticism

Ep. 8


Dealing with criticism 


Fear of criticism is one of the most debilitating barriers to creating and sustaining high performance. James draws upon his unique career experiences and shares tools that can help anyone suppress that fear and ensure that they are better placed to optimise their performance.


For people in leadership roles, criticism comes with territory. If we allow the fear of criticism to dominate we will never be able to sustain high performance.

Operating in the intensity of the sporting sector as a former professional rugby player and predominantly as a CEO of two clubs provided a unique insight into how to process criticism. 

Being decisive is essential whilst accepting that not every decision will be the right one.

There will always be ´Armchair Quarterbacks´ people with solutions for every problem but always with the benefit of hindsight.

Do not take criticism personally from people that do not know you personally. 

Critical to seek self validation as opposed to external validation. 

Take strength from The Man in the Arena - Theodore Roosevelt 


James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SMEs, the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.

His twenty year career in elite sport, initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive, has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.

As a high performance coach James, specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment, we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives. 


Warning Signs of Burnout and Tips to Prevent It



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  • 38. Mastering The Art of Communication

    16:42||Ep. 38
    EPISODE THIRTY EIGHT Mastering The Art of CommunicationSUMMARYIn this episode of The Lonely Leader Podcast, James explores the vital role of effective communication in leadership. Discover six essential communication techniques that every leader should master to inspire and engage their teams. Learn about the importance of active listening, clarity and conciseness, constructive feedback, adaptability, empathy, and preparation. These strategies will enhance your communication skills and your impact as a leader.KEY TAKEAWAYSWhen communication is handled well it can enhance individual and team performance. When handled poorly it will destroy resilience in a team. As a leader you need to set the standard and demonstrate an ability to gather your thoughts and communicate them concisely. We must create a culture where feedback particularly constructive criticism is embraced as a mechanism for individual and collective improvement.Leaders must demonstrate empathy and build rapport otherwise their communication will never engage, inspire or motivate. ABOUT THE HOST James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SME´s the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.His twenty year career in elite sport initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.As a high performance coach James specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives.  EPISODES TO CHECK OUT NEXT Episode 35 - Leading a Hybrid TeamEpisode 22 - Creating Psychological Safety in a Team Episode 12 - Eight Steps to Create a Quality Culture CONNECT & CONTACT Lonely Leader's LinkedIn James' THIS SHOW WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LONELY LEADER MEDIA 
  • 37. Recovery: The missing link for high performance

    21:56||Ep. 37
    EPISODE THIRTY SEVENRecovery: The missing link for high performance  SUMMARYRecovery is the missing link for creating and sustaining high performance. In this episode James highlights how so many leaders fail to focus on recovery as an integral part of their working week. As a consequence they compromise their performance and potentially physical and mental health. He shares five simple but powerful steps he believes should be a priority for all of us to enhance our recovery. KEY TAKEAWAYSLeaders have become increasingly neglectful of the need to focus on recovery.Remote working and virtual calls have created a norm where we no longer take enough breaks.Recovery tasks do not need to take up a significant amount of time. Building recovery tasks into your diary significantly increases the likelihood of them being done.Recovery is not a luxury rather it is a necessity. It enhances your ability to perform at a higher level and critically sustain that performance over the longer term.ABOUT THE HOST James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SME´s the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.His twenty year career in elite sport initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.As a high performance coach James specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives.  EPISODES TO CHECK OUT NEXT Episode 33 - High Performance Pledges Episode 23 - Lessons Learned from Burnout Episode 2 - Why leaders must adopt a holistic view to create and sustain high performance CONNECT & CONTACT Website Lonely Leader's LinkedIn James' LinkedInInstagramEmail: THIS SHOW WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LONELY LEADER MEDIA 
  • 36. Leadership Essentials: Confidence

    17:23||Ep. 36
    EPISODE THIRTY SIXLeadership Essentials: Confidence SUMMARYWhen faced with making difficult decisions, and dealing with challenging situations maintaining self confidence is essential. A leader must retain the belief in his or her ability to make the right call and find the solutions the situation requires. James explores this topic and shares his number one tool for enhancing confidence. KEY TAKEAWAYSA confident leader can inspire. A team will look to their leader for inspiration and guidance especially while enduring periods of adversity. Panic is infectious and it frequently leads to procrastination and inaction. Conversely so is confidence. When staff witness a calm confidence in their leader it emboldens them to be proactive and take action. That action creates momentum which is essential to drive the organisation forward and through challenge and adversity. Two leaders I admire and who epitomise this were Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill. As chaos and panic raged around them they presented a confidence which inspired people to heroic action. How different history may have been if their confidence had failed them at those critical junctures. Using the Pride List Tool enables you to draw on your inner confidence and is particularly useful when you sense doubt in people around you. ABOUT THE HOST James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SME´s the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.His twenty year career in elite sport initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.As a high performance coach James specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives.  EPISODES TO CHECK OUT NEXT Episode 20 - Tackling Imposter Syndrome  Episode 19 - Leadership Essentials: Courage Episode 14 - Leadership Essentials: HumilityCONNECT & CONTACT Lonely Leader's LinkedIn James' THIS SHOW WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LONELY LEADER MEDIA 
  • 35. Leading a Hybrid team

    18:51||Ep. 35
    EPISODE THIRTY FIVELeading a Hybrid Team SUMMARYLeading a hybrid team of onsite and remote workers is a new phenomenon which poses a unique set of challenges for the modern day leader. James shares five key tips to ensure you can create and sustain high performance in a hybrid team whilst also protecting the health and wellbeing of you and your staff. KEY TAKEAWAYS-The leader must foster inclusive communication and ensure everybody is on the same page.-It is far harder for a leader to create and maintain a vibrant culture when staff operate remotely. -It is imperative a leader celebrates and shares individual and team success with the wider organisation.-Embrace flexibility but ensure everybody has clarity of roles and responsibilities and accountability for their performance.-Judge performance on output as opposed to hours worked. -Remote workers have experienced a blurring of professional and personal boundaries. This puts them at risk of compromised performance and or burnout. ABOUT THE HOST James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SME´s the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.His twenty year career in elite sport initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.As a high performance coach James specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives.  EPISODES TO CHECK OUT NEXT Episode 21 - Value Your People Episode 28 - The Destroyers of Culture Episode 12 - Eight Steps to Create a Quality Culture CONNECT & CONTACT Lonely Leader's LinkedIn James' THIS SHOW WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LONELY LEADER MEDIA 
  • 34. Dealing with Negative People

    16:32||Ep. 34
    EPISODE THIRTY FOURDealing with Negative People SUMMARY Negativity and negative people are a fact of life. We will all encounter them in our personal lives and professional roles. James shares key steps for dealing with those people, ensuring you protect them, the organisational culture and performance and crucially your wellbeing as their leader.KEY TAKEAWAYSIf somebody is negative over the long term then perhaps you need to consider how you limit your exposure to that individual.When you encounter negative behaviour it is important to identify the root cause. Is there anything you can do to address it?We need to put our ego to one side and not take negativity personally.Imperative as the leader to move quickly from identifying the problem to talking about solutions.Focussing on what we can control and solutions forces us to move from negativity to positivity. Being a relentlessly positive leader is integral to reducing negative behaviour in your team.ABOUT THE HOST James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SME´s the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.His twenty year career in elite sport initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.As a high performance coach James specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives.  EPISODES TO CHECK OUT NEXT Episode 28- The Destroyers of Culture Episode 31 - Creating an Empowered MindsetCONNECT & CONTACT Lonely Leader's LinkedIn James' THIS SHOW WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LONELY LEADER MEDIA 
  • 33. High Performance Pledges

    24:29||Ep. 33
    EPISODE THIRTY THREEHigh Performance Pledges SUMMARY  The Optimists Creed was written by Christian Larson. He believed that we all have untapped potential that can be accessed if we adopt the right attitude. He presents a series of pledges that are as relevant today as they were when the poem was written. In this episode James explores the pledges and how they can be utilised to create and sustain high performance in all aspects of our lives. KEY TAKEAWAYSThese pledges provide a roadmap for high performance in our professional roles and personal lives.What is your stock answer when somebody asks you how you are? Your answer impacts your mindset and outlook. We cannot control what happens to us but we can control how we react. We can slide into pessimism or fight to stay relentlessly optimistic. There is always opportunity in adversity.Are you a good role model? Do you set the standard at work as a leader and at home as a partner or parent? How often do you bring the best version of you to the fore?ABOUT THE HOST James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SME´s the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.His twenty year career in elite sport initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.As a high performance coach James specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives.  EPISODES TO CHECK OUT NEXT Episode 32 - High Performance LessonsCONNECT & CONTACT Lonely Leader's LinkedIn James' THIS SHOW WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LONELY LEADER MEDIA 
  • 32. High Performance Lessons

    16:09||Ep. 32
    EPISODE THIRTY TWOHigh Performance LessonsSUMMARY  James shares five high performance lessons from his Knowledge Library. This has been developed through his own leadership journey and tenures as a CEO. In addition it has been massively enhanced from the best practice James has witnessed coaching and mentoring high performing leaders in a diverse range or roles and sectors around the world. KEY TAKEAWAYSThese lessons can be adopted and applied in any role to assist in creating and critically sustaining high performance. Each and everyone one of us is a work in progress.High performers will always wrestle with work life integration.Being able to step out of your ´Familiarity Zone´ and through your fears is a trait of high performers.The notion that resilience is innate is a myth. It can be enhanced. The highest performers in sport, business and the military all accept the need for personal accountability. High performers recognise the need for gratitude. ABOUT THE HOST James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SME´s the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.His twenty year career in elite sport initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.As a high performance coach James specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives.  EPISODES TO CHECK OUT NEXT Episode 31 - Creating an Empowered MindsetEpisode 2 - Why Leaders Must Adopt a Holistic View to Create and Sustain High PerformanceCONNECT & CONTACT Lonely Leader's LinkedIn James' THIS SHOW WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LONELY LEADER MEDIA 
  • 31. Creating an Empowered Mindset

    21:30||Ep. 31
    EPISODE THIRTY ONECreating an Empowered MindsetSUMMARY  Everybody wants an empowered mindset but not everybody knows how to facilitate it. It is the foundation for creating high performance for you as an individual and for your wider team. In this episode James shares six tips that will help you create and sustain an empowered mindset. ABOUT THE HOST James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SME´s the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.His twenty year career in elite sport initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.As a high performance coach James specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives.  EPISODES TO CHECK OUT NEXT Episode 30 - Preventing Loneliness in LeadershipEpisode 27 - How Google Assess Their Leaders Episode 25 - Leadership pitfalls to AvoidCONNECT & CONTACT Lonely Leader's LinkedIn James' THIS SHOW WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LONELY LEADER MEDIA 
  • 30. Preventing Loneliness in Leadership

    17:56||Ep. 30
    EPISODE THIRTYPreventing Loneliness in Leadership  SUMMARY  An appropriate topic for James to discuss having branded this podcast The Lonely Leader. In this episode he shares eight steps that every leader can utilise to prevent succumbing to the loneliness and isolation of leadership. KEY TAKEAWAYSToo many leaders experience loneliness and isolation in their role but it does not have to be this way.Two major reasons are the fear of exposing a skill gap and fear of expressing any form of vulnerability. As a consequence leaders internalise pressure which compromises performance or healthWhatever it is you want to excel at find somebody who can mentor you, share their wisdom and accelerate your learning. Guard against becoming insular and focussing only on your job. Maintain perspective by remaining connected to loved ones, friends and hobbies. ABOUT THE HOST James is an experienced mentor, coach and thought leader who works with a range of clients from FTSE 100 companies, SME´s the NHS and wider public and not for profit sectors.His twenty year career in elite sport initially as a professional rugby player but predominantly as a chief executive has given him an invaluable insight in managing the success, failures and pressures associated with leadership at the highest level.As a high performance coach James specialises in enhancing resilience and leadership development. He is a passionate advocate of the notion that to find lasting fulfilment we need to take a holistic view of high performance and create it in both our professional roles and personal lives.  EPISODES TO CHECK OUT NEXT Episode 11 - Leadership Essentials: Delegation Episode 21 - Value Your PeopleEpisode 25 - Leadership pitfalls to Avoid CONNECT & CONTACT Lonely Leader's LinkedIn James' THIS SHOW WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LONELY LEADER MEDIA