
cover art for The Inspiring Journey of Sergio Avila

The Good "Tu'i" Medicine Podcast

The Inspiring Journey of Sergio Avila

Season 4, Ep. 5

Good morning everyone!

In this episode, we sit down with Sergio Avila, a highly respected person in the community who has experienced both great success and burnout in his career.

Sergio shares his candid story of how he lost his passion and motivation for his some his work, and the steps he took to reignite that spark.

Sergio takes us with him on his first capture of a Jaguar in Northern Sonora, to his life changing experiences here in S. Arizona, and his current work in advocating for community and social justice for everyone.

Join us as we dive into Sergio's journey and learn from his experiences.

Learn more about Sergio here:

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Shout out to our sponsors: Tucson Premium DJ Entertainment Service

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  • 50. 2024 Tribal Election Results and Reaction

    What a groundbreaking election and results! In this episode I will have my reactions to the election results and my thoughts for the future of the Tribe. There is a change and ultimately it will come to all of us. Change will happen and it allows for us to grow as a people, organization, and Tribe. We are seeing a generational change and shift in the workforce and our leadership, and it's happening right now! Generational change and leadership happens to all organizations and structures. I thought the change would happen around 2028 in the next elections. The change came sooner! and I'm really happy to see the new generation step up and take the leadership roles for the Tribe. I've worked with all of them and I'm completely confident in their abilities. May the creator bless all of them in their upcoming duties and service. Thank you, Pete
  • 49. The Evolution of Indigenous Storytelling.

    Welcome back to The Good "Tu'i" Medicine Podcast Show! 🎙️ In this episode "Preserving the Past, Pioneering the Future: The Evolution of Indigenous Storytelling," we'll be diving into indigenous storytelling.While I've been away from recording new content, we've been hard at work setting up a new studio for recording and carefully curating new episodes, complete with new guests!❤️ Join me as a tell a couple of my own personal stories and journey to preserve and share digital stories passed down by our parents, grandparents, and ancestors. This is not just a passion—it's my life's work. Together, we'll explore how storytelling has evolved over time and the vital role it plays in preserving culture, connecting communities, and shaping the future.We all have stories to share, whether they're about preserving traditions, entertainment, or simple pleasures like growing up on eating fried bologna sandwiches.Don't miss out on this episode and let me know if you have stories to share! Support us on Patreon: Patreon Link #IndigenousStorytelling #PodcastPreview #PreservingTraditions #NewEpisode
  • 48. New Year 2024 - Gratitude

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  • 7. Voices of the Yaqui: Journey of Snowbird Aquaia

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  • 7. Voices of the Yaqui: Orphaned to Legacy

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  • 6. Voices of the Yaqui: Exploring History and Heritage through Reading

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  • 4. Walking and Painting . . not at the same time.

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