
cover art for The Foxkey Chronicles: What Hides Beneath

The Foxkey Chronicles: What Hides Beneath

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  • 3. The Foxkey Chronicles: What Lurks Below Episode 3 of 6

    22:20||Season 0, Ep. 3
    Inola stood in a river of red. Rich, unfamiliar red, mixing in with river clear, and turning into a milky, pink froth on the banks, as it burbled, and curdled, and sucked at the mud. Inola stumbled backward, her eyes round, her heart racing. The garment in her hand dripped with it. The length of her skirt was dyed red with it. And her wrists, oh her wrists, they were stained up to the elbow. Dripping pink ochre. Feeling sick to her stomach, Inola dropped the garment and turned, her feet slushing through the water, churning up rich mud that made the red less obvious but the terror in her heart no less turbulent.

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  • 2. The Foxkey Chronicles: What Lurks Below Episode 2 of 6

    25:33||Season 0, Ep. 2
     Curious, the Bernard siblings walked up the hill in search of that thing that they had seen, yet not seen. All the while Montgomery came to wonder if what Inola had seen was nothing but a shadow, a figment of her imagination, a mistruth traveling on the breeze because when they reached the top of the hill, no dark figure was to be found.
  • 1. The Foxkey Chronicles: What Lurks Below Episode 1 of 6

    21:49||Season 0, Ep. 1
       Evil, Kin, Evil has a way of twisting a thing. Ain't no denying that we've seen it plenty until now. Sometimes, though, the most well-laid-out plans go awry. And sometimes, if we're lucky, evil can twist and twist and twist a thing right on back to good.    Inola Bernard, at 13 years of age, was the middle child of the Bernard children. At least, she used to be, that is, until her eldest brother died of consumption. Now? She was the oldest. Her youngest brother was less of a brother and more of a tyrant. You know the sort, one of those brothers that knew just the right buttons to push. When it came to Inola, it seemed Montgomery Bernhard had been birthed just to make her life a living hell.
  • 3. The Foxkey Chronicles: Of Snow and Blood Part 3 of 3

    31:12||Season 0, Ep. 3
    In part three, the final piece to this trilogy, Jack discovers more of the evil workings going on in Greyrock Township. It's now up to him to save the town...or die trying.
  • 2. The Foxkey Chronicles: Of Snow and Blood Part 2 of 3

    25:28||Season 0, Ep. 2
    Drip. Drip. Drip.Jack Handler blinked awake as something wet and warm dripped onto his head. Opening his eyes, he looked upward and could see, by the faint light of the lamp, a stain growing on the ceiling of the floorboards above him.Drip.Drip.Drip.Jack winced away from the wet splash of liquid as it struck him upon the forehead once more and reached up, touching a hand to his face. He lifted his hand towards the light and saw the dark fluid on his fingertips glisten red.Blood.Find us on, where you can join us kin for exclusive storylines.
  • 1. The Foxkey Chronicles: Of Snow and Blood Part 1 of 3

    28:56||Season 0, Ep. 1
    The evening air was filled with an icy chill that saturated the forest, soaking into bark and sap. The tree limbs above creaked and moaned, threatening to burst from the chill. The pines were covered in a layer of snow so deep that one could hardly see their needles, and the same went for the earth. Jack Handler was a tall man on a tall horse and even he found the thick snow to hamper his onward progress. His own limbs were cold enough to creek in time with the trees above, and his beard had taken on a snowish appearance thanks to the ice and snow that had collected on its hairy surface. He wore his winter finest, shoulders stacked high with furs and a coat of the finest ermine. The Call grew stronger in his chest, pulling him forward and urging him on. What horrors would he find in the Township of Greyrock?
  • 22. Ep 22: The Woman in the Tree

    25:24||Season 1, Ep. 22
    There is a certain peace that comes over a person when they enter the sacred boundaries of those things we call forests. A finding of at-oneness with nature that comes from the acrid scent of pine tree sap and the deep, loamy squish of nature beneath the feet.  It was no different here, in the barely tamed wild outside the woodlands of Jasper County. Here the trees were so dense, and their crowns were so thick that the air seemed to come from a place unknown, created by the trees themselves. Here, the sky shone blue, the ground glistened with green, and the forest animals seemed scarce and far between. Here was a world all it’s own. It was enough to make an individual home.  But, believe me, kin, when I tell you that it does not hold true for all.To donate to our cause, please head to our website FoxkeyChronicles.comThe Foxkey Chronicles is an LGBTQ+ audiodrama.The Foxkey Chronicles is a horror, western audio drama. It features themes of graphic violence and may not be appropriate for some viewers.Podcast Summary:The year is 1874, and no children walk the cobbled streets of Murkwood, Texas. For going on two decades, they had been haunted and stolen into the night. Leaving behind nothing more than the sacrificial remains of their parents. The Sacrifice three. The blood of the Mother, the blood of the Father, and the Child. That is what was needed for them to become something cursed…a Whisper, lost on the wind. And with each loss, the town of Murkwood came closer and closer to the darkness hidden below. The lifeblood slowly draining from the town. Another sacrifice given to the unholy thing that is the Reverent Sun. Long-standing between the dark things of the world is the Clan, made up of Foxkeys and Walkers. People with the power to hold back the dark tide itself. They are the final shield standing between the demons of the West and humanity. Vera Fowley, once Vera Foxkey, was mother, widow, and homeless. What she most decidedly was not was a witch. Chased by the ghosts of her past from St.Louis into the wild west of Texas, she must face her family's legacy to save her daughter and, more importantly, the world from a whole new existence filled with demons and monsters. She must face the secrets of her past to discover the power within.