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The Chemistry Factor

Empower Your Business Success

This podcast is dedicated for you to discover how to quickly shift energy-draining business stress into attitude empowering achievement, no matter what circumstances you are facing. Learn how to achieve greater success a

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  • 19. Things Get Easily Done When The Right People Surround You with Tatiana Wilk

    33:52||Ep. 19
    Who we work with is way more important than who we work for. Being more creative, happy, and productive at the workplace depends more on the people we surround ourselves with than the title at our office's door or the name of the company we work for. In today's episode, Tatiana Wilk visits us to share her experiences as Head of Finances at Mother, one of the world's more respected independent creative companies. Tatiana has been in the finance world, working for public and private advertising agencies for over 15 years, and she is a firm believer in the power of relationship chemistry and connecting from shared values. We had a fantastic conversation about how choosing the right people dramatically affects the workflow and work environment's smoothness and productivity. Tatiana explained how being surrounded by creative people influenced her to be creative, even though she works with numbers. We also chatted about the importance of celebrating failure, peak moments in Tatiana's career, why we should look at the blank canvas as an adventure, and so much more. Some Questions I Ask:Where outside of the office does your creativity shine? And how does it help you connect with the people at Mother? (2:15)How do you know you were making a wise choice? And when did you realize it was time to move on? (4:52)How do you determine the right talent to hire? (9:50)In This Episode, You Will Learn:About Tatiana's accurate gut feeling and the decision to work for Mother (6:52)How it is to work in a creative ecosystem (12:41)What is the best way to keep a positive attitude (16:09)What values were born from the flourishing of hybrid work environments (21:35)How to turn a blank canvas into an adventure (27:10)Resources:Book: David Cottrell - Monday Morning Leadership: 8 Mentoring Sessions You Can't Afford to MissConnect with Tatiana:LinkedInLet's Connect:WebsiteLinkedInFacebookTwitter

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  • 18. Leading Through Kindness and Empowering Love with Jeff Casto

    37:20||Ep. 18
    Clear, well-distributed, and easy-to-access information cleans up any organization's workflow. If team members don't need to chase information, they can focus exclusively on their job and spend more time in their zone of genius. Today's guest, Jeff Casto, does a great job explaining why information management is so important, among many other things. Jeff Casto is an Artist, Business System Analyst, and content creation information management expert. Jeff's vast experience in advertising took him to work in places like Google Creative Lab, SS+K, Deltek, and Anomaly, to name a few. His leadership style, based on kindness, brings the best of himself to the workplace and awakens the best in those who work with him.In this episode, we explore Jeff's fascinating mix of abilities as an accomplished artist, business systems analyst, and software architect. He explains why he believes everything is information management, the benefits of having teams in sync with clear information, and why leading with kindness is a game-changer. As the deep thinker he is, Jeff shares brilliant analogies that bring art, the agency world, and leadership together, creating an exciting and unique point of view of these different yet connected spaces. We also discuss values, peak moments, downsides in his career, and much more. Some Questions I Ask:What is content creation information Management? (2:36)Tell us about your work and success in the art world (12:58)What does your artistic mind and content creation mind have in common? (19:16)In This Episode, You Will Learn:Everything is information management (3:18)About's Jeff approach to leadership (7:04)Why Jeff decided to create little portraits (16:05)Helping people get out of their frustration through kindness (21:19)Creatives love independence (25:31)What happens when you empower love (32:28)Resources:Jeff Casto Art websiteConnect with Jeff:LinkedInEmail: Let's Connect:WebsiteLinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • 17. Seeing the Numbers Come Alive with Bill Afonso

    36:12||Ep. 17
    Bill Afonso joins us today to talk about the importance of creating a culture at the service of people, how to empower ourselves to make the right choices when hiring and laying people off, and how remote work impacted companies, leaders, and employees. Bill is the Chief Financial Officer at Johannes Leonardo and a Thought Leader in the industry. Before joining JL, Bill went from Finance Coordinator to Finance Director at 72andSunny, where he spent the last three of his ten years career in the company overseeing the financial operations in 72andSunny's office in Amsterdam.In this episode, we delve into Bill's journey in the advertising world and why he decided to work with creatives. We talk about Bill's leadership style, the highs and lows he experienced throughout his career, how he prepares himself before interviewing a potential employee, and how to ensure we make the right choice when hiring. Bill shared his thoughts on remote work's impact on companies, leaders, employees, and our idea of work itself. We discuss how to empower ourselves when having hard conversations with clients and employees, the importance of embracing "no" as a whole sentence and the best answer sometimes, and more. Some Questions I Ask:What inspired you to work for highly creative agencies? (2:31)What is your leadership style for success within a creative agency? (4:39)How do you determine the right talent to hire? (11:10)In This Episode, You Will Learn:What makes the advertising world so attractive (3:38)How the empowerment aspect of diversity changes one’s perspective on many things, not only work (9:28)The reason Bill prefers conversational interviews when meeting with a candidate for an open position (11:28)How remote work has impacted people’s relationships with their jobs (19:23)Dealing with the challenge of laying someone off (25:59)Resources:Johannes Leonardo websiteConnect with Bill:LinkedInLet's Connect:WebsiteLinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • 16. The Art of Using Numbers to Tell Stories with Justin Gee

    35:16||Ep. 16
    Joining us today is Justin Gee to talk about success, legacy, and the values that helped him go victorious through corporate chess and lifted him up when he was at his low during the pandemic. Justin is the CFO at Ziff Media Group. He is a creative and innovative business leader with over 22 years of experience in financial management experience. His resume is filled with huge names like PepsiCo, Wavemaker, and The Walt Disney Company, and he is passionate about building strong finance capabilities within dynamic, complex, and transformative businesses.In this episode, we go through Justin's journey in corporate America, the lessons he learned along the way, and what challenges made him stronger. We also discuss what's truly relevant during a hiring process, the changes the pandemic imposed on how we support and lead our teams, and the improvements it caused in terms of diversity and inclusion. Justin described his management style, how he approaches conflictive situations, and what values assisted him in navigating through tough times during the pandemic. Some Questions I Ask:How do you define success? (2:28)What factors do you look for in deciding the directions you've taken to climb the ladder of success? (6:17)How has the workplace evolved from when you started over 24 years ago to now? (11:05)In This Episode, You Will Learn:About Justin's view on being successful at work and at home (5:19)Being a good storyteller is also necessary in the world of finances (9:44)Justin talks about the changes the pandemic forced upon us (11:22)Justin describes his management style for success (15:39)What are the things we can do when we feel disconnected (29:44)Resources:Ziff Media Group websiteConnect with Justin:LinkedInLet's Connect:WebsiteLinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • 15. Helping Companies Hit A Home Run Through Managing Culture with Elba Lozano D’Elia

    30:09||Ep. 15
    Small talk, fortuitous meetings at the water cooler, and human interaction face to face, in general, are an essential part of keeping a company's culture flowing and growing. On the other hand, companies forced by the circumstances to work remotely or in hybrid attendance models certainly struggle to find a way to recreate real-world interaction in virtuality and keep culture alive and relevant. Today, Elba Lozano D’Elia joins us to share her thoughts on how to build a thriving community and humanize the workplace from virtuality. Elba is the Group Director of People and Culture at Group M (Americas); she is a member of CHIEF, a private network built to drive more women into positions of power and keep them there. Throughout our conversation, we dive into Elba's passion for working with people and creating a culture that makes people feel happy and comfortable while enhancing their skills and increasing productivity. We talk about the aspects she pays attention to for ensuring a successful hire, the evolution of the people and culture function in companies, and the peak moments in her career that empowered her values. Elba kindly explained the relevance of instilling curiosity within an organization, the need for increasing empathy, and bringing people together in the workplace.Some Questions I Ask:Aside from skill, what are the critical aspects of a successful hire? (5:22)I'd like you to name a peak moment in your career that inspires your value of confidence (9:07)You're a member of CHIEF. Can you tell me a little about that? (13:07)In This Episode, You'll Learn:About the importance of collaboration and how to adjust to its multiple definitions (6:17)The importance of promoting curiosity within an organization (8:28)How working with people and culture makes her feel (11:07)Elba’s biggest struggles as a leader (11:57)How to enhance human interaction in a virtual workplace (19:38)The best way to promote inclusion and promote productivity (24:03)Resources:GroupM websiteConnect with Elba:LinkedInLet's Connect:WebsiteLinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • 14. Using the Less Traveled Road To Create A Massive Social Impact with Michelle Stevenson

    38:12||Ep. 14
    Michelle Stevenson is joining us today to talk about communication and the power of active listening in marketing and PR, feminine empowerment, and solidarity. She is the Executive Director of Marketing and Communications at the Milken Institute and one of the founding members of Chief, a private network built to drive more women into positions of power and keep them there.Michelle Stevenson started her career in the film industry. She was fascinated by the idea that a film is, in essence, a product ideated to reach as many people as possible. Then she transitioned to PR, where her passion (and talent) for building brands' stories took her to work with FleishmanHillard, Burson-Marsteller, and the HL Group. In this episode, we delve into Michelle's journey from majoring in Theatre at Northwestern University to the PR and agency world. We talk about the peak moments and the hardest challenges she faced throughout her career and the lessons she took from them. Michelle kindly described her sensations during her career transition, why she decided to join Chief and her work at The Giving Keys. Some Questions I Ask:When did you discover your passion for building brand recognition? (2:51)Name a peak moment in your career that inspires confidence in you (7:46)Tell us about a difficult challenge in your career and how you overcame it (14:19)In This Episode, You Will Learn:The power of active listening applied to marketing and PR (4:13)Pro tip: Speak to people the way they speak to each other (9:48)The massive impact of storytelling (13:51)Empowering our values by going to happy places in our minds (19:43)About the benefits of discovering our flexibility before getting too beat up (28:27)The importance of keeping our minds open and never stop learning (34:22)Resources:Milken Institute websiteConnect with Michelle:LinkedInLet's Connect:WebsiteLinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • 13. Making Everything Run Smoothly by Prioritizing Values and Connections with Jason Cammorata

    29:47||Ep. 13
    Being the "everything operations" person leading sustainable growth, putting "everything operations" teams together, and overseeing those teams throughout several mergers and acquisitions sounds, at minimum, a little bit overwhelming. However, our guest, Jason Cammorata, managed to do it his entire career and with impressive efficiency. Jason Cammorata was the SVP and Head of Global Operations at Stagwell Global. He has over ten years of experience in cross-functional leadership in highly successful private and public marketing and technology companies. Jason is an actively involved leader, passionate about growing, strengthening, optimizing, and scaling teams, systems, and processes. He is also a devoted husband and father and pet owner of a lovely cheagle. In this episode, we delve into Jason's activities as the "everything operations" person and his role in the several mergers and acquisitions he promoted and facilitated throughout his career. We discuss the importance of observing values when building teams, recognizing our blind spots, surrounding ourselves with diversity and excellence, and implementing the "field trip mentality" into our endeavors as team leaders.Some Questions I Ask:How did you come to call yourself the "everything operations" person? It sounds challenging and exciting (2:43)What do you love about what you do? (4:40)Give me a challenge that was just a disappointment; how did you manage it, and what did you learn from it? (6:57)In This Episode, You Will Learn:Jason shares one of his peak success stories (6:07)What Jason has learned about empathy and how has that helped throughout his career (11:16)About Jason's perfectionist tendencies and how that can hold us back in our lives (15:53)The better you know yourself, the better you can connect with others (18:50)How can "the field trip mentality" improve our relationships (23:40)Resources:Stagwell Global websiteBook: Richard Carlson - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life.Connect with Jason:LinkedInLet's Connect:WebsiteLinkedInFacebookTwitter