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The Catholic Canuck Podcast

Being in the world, but not of the world! Conversations about faith, culture, and current events from the perspective of a Catholic in Canada.

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  • 131. The Power of Sacramental Baptism w/Ken Litchfield

    51:29||Ep. 131
    Ken Litchfield is a Catholic author, apologist, and radio host who joins us to talk about the origins and power of Sacramental Baptism. Why do we get baptized in the first placeThe view of infant baptism from Scripture and the Early ChurchRoles of parents and godparents for the baptizedThe important formula that must be used to be validly baptizedLink to Ken's book:'s email: kenlitchfield61@gmail.comFacebook: Catholic Canuck Podcast is on social media! Follow, Like, & Share:Facebook @TheCatholicCanuckPodcastX @canuck_podcastEmail:

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  • 130. Right Order in Sports & Life w/Bruce Wawrzyniak

    58:59||Ep. 130
    Bruce Wawrzyniak is a speaker, publicist, and host of the podcast Catholic Sports Radio. He has worked in public relations and communications in the NHL, NLL, and the Olympic Movement. Bruce also relates to carrying crosses that our Lord commands for all of His followers. He has overcome two open-heart surgeries, two strokes, a motorcycle accident, hospitalized with COVID, and has been in chronic atrial fibrillation for 24 years.Bruce shares his love for sports through past work, his current apostolate with Catholic Sports Radio, and his journey of faith through suffering and other challenges while recognizing God's Hand in his life.Where to find Bruce:Podcast: catholicsportsradio.netYouTube: @cathsportsradioFacebook: @cathsportsradioInstagram: @cathsportsradioX: @cathsportsradioThe Catholic Canuck Podcast is on social media! Follow, Like, & Share:Facebook @TheCatholicCanuckPodcastX @canuck_podcastEmail:
  • 129. Evangelizing the Culture While Staying Rooted in Truth w/Joe Pacillo

    49:09||Ep. 129
    Joe Pacillo makes up one half of The Frontline with Joe & Joe that can be found both in podcast form and live through Rumble and YouTube. We talk about navigating the fluid changes of politics in the US and Canada while prioritizing evangelization in our Church where there seems to be mixed messages from certain individuals within. We also cover the issue and problem of the Church receiving money from the State and the importance of prioritizing crucial social issue in the public square and moving our culture back toward Christ.Where to follow The Frontline with Joe & JoePodcast: @withjoeandjoeFacebook: Catholic Canuck Podcast is on social media! Follow, Like, & Share:Facebook @TheCatholicCanuckPodcastX @canuck_podcastEmail:
  • 128. Bad Prime Ministers, Erroneous Oaths, & Hope for the Future w/Charles Coulombe

    01:11:54||Ep. 128
    Charles Coulombe is a best-selling author, columnist, historian, and podcast host. We chat about outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the French Revolution's impact on Catholicism in Canada, and connecting the dots of past events in politics and in the Church that have lead to the decline of Christianity in the West.Books By Charles at Tumblar House - the Menu Podcast - Magazine - European Conservative - Channel - Charles through social media. Facebook and X (@RCCoulombe).The Catholic Canuck Podcast is on social media! Follow, Like, & Share:Facebook @TheCatholicCanuckPodcastX @canuck_podcastEmail:
  • 127. So Far So Blessed: The Best of 2024

    01:00:23||Ep. 127
    2024 has been a year of comebacks, vindications, and a renewed vigour of searching for the truth. The podcast enjoyed another great year of guests with thoughtful insights and unforgettable stories. We couldn't have done it without your prayers and support! So we compiled a small sample of some your favourite conversations and packed them into this episode. Links to full episodes mentioned in this episode:Episode 109 w/Trent Klatt: 110 w/Allan Smith: 112 w/Peter Grandich: 116 w/Jim McMurtry: 118 w/Allan Ruhl: 120 w/Tom Tookey: 121 w/Mark Anielski: 126 w/Michelle Stirling: Catholic Canuck Podcast is on social media! Follow, Like, & Share:Facebook: @TheCatholicCanuckPodcastX: @canuck_podcastContact Email:
  • 126. Changing Narratives & Telling the Truth About Canadian History w/Michelle Stirling

    01:13:45||Ep. 126
    Michelle Stirling is a writer and researcher whose works have appeared in various Canadian publications and cover a variety of topics of consequence. Michelle provides us with timely insights and facts around the history of Indian Residential Schools in Canada. We discuss the erroneous reports around "mass graves" and "genocide" in Canada and the resulting church burnings and waves of anti-Christian sentiment. As legacy media continues pushing narratives, we share what Catholics and other people of goodwill can do to present the truth with clarity and charity.Follow Michelle's work:Website: michellestirling.comAmazon: Standard: @stirlingmgLink to the church burning in Grouard, AB: Catholic Canuck Podcast is on social media! Follow, Like, & Share:Facebook @TheCatholicCanuckPodcastX @canuck_podcastContact Email:
  • 125. What Will Your Lasting Legacy Be? w/Preston Allex

    37:13||Ep. 125
    Preston Allex is the Chief Financial Officer of Catholic Legacy and a Certified Public Accountant. He brings over 15 years of non-profit experience to his role, including more than 6 years at Catholic churches, where he assisted in parish administration, hosting numerous end-of-life seminars, and planning hundreds of funerals. We talk about the importance of estate and end-of-life planning from the view of Catholic teaching. Catholic Legacy provides an informative and user friendly experience to help Catholics prepare for eternal life!Website: catholiclegacy.comThe Catholic Canuck Podcast is on social media! Follow, Like, & Share:Facebook @TheCatholicCanuckPodcastX @canuck_podcastContact Email: