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The Big C

Cancer is ******, let's talk about it!

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  • 9. Rare Resilience: From Patient to Advocate - A CEO's Journey

    49:32||Season 1, Ep. 9
    Join us as we talk to Christine Cockburn.Christine says that caring for her mum was one of the great privileges of her life, then when she had her own cancer experience, she realised that her Mum's rare diagnosis had been a whole different world. Now every day Christine gets to work with the rare community, and she couldn't feel more fortunate. After six years as Head of Patient Support, and then General Manager at Rare Cancers Australia (RCA), she now holds the position of Chief Executive Officer.Christine combines her expertise in sociology and public health with her drive to be bold and brave in leading RCA’s advocacy efforts and its dedicated team in their mission – to improve the lives and health outcomes of Australians living with rare and less common cancers. She sits on several advisory bodies including for Australian Genomics and Patient Voice Initiative; and is proud to be supervising an industry PhD project in partnership with LaTrobe University on rare cancers and the provision of information.Visit for more information.

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  • 8. Bonus Episode: Hair Loss and Mollie the Wig

    27:04||Season 1, Ep. 8
    When you are diagnosed with Cancer and are told you require chemotherapy, you immediately think hair loss.In this bonus episode, Nikki and Sam discuss the journey of hair loss from when Sam was first diagnosed to almost 18 months later including using a cold cap, buying a wig (Mollie) and the stages of it growing back.We discuss the beautiful family business A Warriors Gift.If you are looking for gift ideas for someone who has recently been diagnosed with cancer, visit their website to shop hampers, head scarves and other gorgeous gifts.
  • 7. Resilient Resurgence: Defying Cancer Three Times

    52:01||Season 1, Ep. 7
    Join us as we talk to Erini Dinou about her cancer diagnosis, recurrence and dealing with 2 cancers at the same time.At 34 Erini was diagnosed with HER2+ breast cancer, then 8 years later the same breast cancer returned along side thyroid cancer at the start of Covid lockdown in Sydney.Erini chose to have a bi-lateral flat closure mastectomy at the same time as thyroid removal.Followed by chemotherapy for BC and radio active iodine treatment for thyroid.Erini moved back to NZ once the boarders were opened, and slowly restarted her life again, training in brow tattooing and opening up her own beauty salon in Wellington.Her health is great now but the on going effects from treatments still play a hard part in her daily life - finding a juggle of feeling great and not feeling so great which is probably the hardest part of her journey.Erini is an absolute injection of positive energy that everyone needs in their life.
  • 6. Life After Loss: A Husbands Journey

    39:37||Season 1, Ep. 6
    Join us as we talk to Nick Kelly about navigating losing the love of his life to a rare cancer and becoming a single parent to his 1 year old son, Xander. But also how life led him to meet Nikki and how his late wife's legacy lives on in their life each and every day. Visit to find out more about the bears Nikki mentions.
  • 5. Legacy of Love: Turning Loss into Action for Cancer

    49:48||Season 1, Ep. 5
    Join us as we talk to Sam Hollier James. Sam is a proud wife, mother of two dynamic daughters and is a driving force behind positive change. Co-founding Tour de Cure in 2007, she transformed a personal loss into a powerful catalyst for creating an incredibly successful cancer foundation.Through her blend of business acumen, marketing expertise, and event management skills, Sam helped turned a simple idea into a major charity that has raised over $118 million since its inception. Tour de Cure's impact speaks volumes: 1,000 Australian Cancer Research, Support, and Prevention projects have been funded, leading to an impressive 150 major breakthroughs in cancer research.
  • 4. I'm Molly Croft and I'm Still Standing

    45:05||Season 1, Ep. 4
    Join us as we talk to Molly Croft.Molly was a happy go lucky country kid whos world was flipped upside down on her 12th birthday when she was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma and went on to spend 292 nights in Ronald McDonald House, Westmead while she underwent chemotherapy and surgey.Molly is an absolute force to be reckoned with and since being told she was cancer free she has gone on to pay it forward raising $208,000 for Ronald McDonald House plus more recently starting her very own charity - The Tie Dye Project.The Tie Dye Project:'s Mission:
  • 3. Nikki's Story - The Unasked Job

    33:27||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Nikki has quite a story, one that has meant that from her different journeys and paths, the company she founded MyMuse was formed as well as becoming co-host to The Big C Podcast.In this episode, Nikki shares her story of not only being a caregiver but hearing the second time round about a rare cancer - Osteosarcoma.Find out more about the company Nikki founded at