
cover art for Thank U Snowboarding - S1 - Ep8 - Tom Kingsnorth

Thank U Snowboarding

Thank U Snowboarding - S1 - Ep8 - Tom Kingsnorth

Season 1, Ep. 8

Seeing a grom grow into a really great adult sums it up for me with Tom. Our paths first crossed at a dryslope in SE London way back in the 90's when Tom was a mere 11 years old, but already quite a character. We, of course, treated him like a grom, gave him plenty of shit, but also encouraged him, always chatting to his family and I think from there, his parents could see a good community of people their son could be part of.

Fast forward many years and Tom is now the owner of Transform gloves, a great brand doing cool things in its own way, in its own time. Its got style and a sensability that isn't chasing fashion or hype, just going about business making great products for snowboarders, by snowboarders. He still has a SE London sensability but is more worldly than that, I'd like to think he would say the same thing about me, not interested in entertaining the bullshit, but getting on by doing...

If you'd like to check out Transform Gloves, you can find them here: There is a cool 10% off your first order or, of course, you can order them from The Snowboard Asylum who are also doing a discount off your first order:

The movie Odd Man Out is on the Shred Flicks playlist on our Youtube channel, you can check that here:

Hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did...x

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  • 19. Thank U Snowboarding - S2 - Ep19 - Phil Young

    01:51:22||Season 2, Ep. 19
    I knew Phil was already on the scene when I first picked up Snowboard UK, but I didn't know he was around from the very, very early days, indeed his youthful good looks and approach to life don't indicate that he could have been around for that long, but Phil is a lifer, through and through and he uses his experiences in snowboarding to be a kind of 'go between' for brands that want some action sports cool, and the worlds we live and hold dear.His journey has taken him from hand building his first board, to hosting what was, at the time, Channel 4's most watched program 'Board Stupid' a kind of lucky break, but instead of treating it like that, he made sure snowboarding and its culture was presented in the right way, which I think has some part to play in snowboardings popularity in the UK.There are a few episodes up on Youtube, so I've added them to our channel you can get to here: continues to ride, take photos, champion diversity in action sports and is an all round ambassador for the sports we love. He helps brands and most importantly, he is a great person to hang out with, and I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did making it...If you want any info about the Brits, you can find it here: always, we are kindly looked after by The Snowboard Asyum and Dan from Burton from Transform Gloves from Canoe Inc for Oakley Goggles a shout out to Tom from Volcom
  • 18. Thank U Snowboarding - S2 - Ep18 - Duncan Carr

    02:48:37||Season 2, Ep. 18
    Duncan Carr is and isn't your typical UK snowboarder. He has clocked more dryslope time than probably anyone except absolute lunatics, but kind of never went and did a season, which for a lot of UK riders is the goal. Dripping with style, he held his own in (and won) many competitions, but again, the drive wasn't competitve in itself. There was definitley progression, but not at the expense of style.He worked in snowboard shops, for snowboard distributors, was at every contest, board test and general get together for ever and never lost the love of the shred. Living close to Hemel when it was converted from a dryslope to a fridge didn't help either, making that fix of snowboarding readily available, with a motley crew of friends, among them his long time best mate Joe Rackley.Last year, bad news hit Duncan and his wife, they were both diagnosed with cancer and have been through the eye of a storm... Thankfully, both are clear for now, and his thoughts have turned back to snowboarding, and I for one, can't wait to take some laps with him, to try and get some tips on those frontside spins...If you are affected by anything we talk about on the podcast, you can find help in many places, here are a couple: you want any info about the Brits, you can find it here: always, we are kindly looked after by The Snowboard Asyum and Dan from Burton from Transform Gloves from Canoe Inc for Oakley Goggles a shout out to Tom from Volcom
  • 17. Thank U Snowboarding - S2 - Ep17 - Jonny Barr

    01:46:42||Season 2, Ep. 17
    There aren't too many riders who have lived the life like Jonny Barr. Still frothing for snow up in Aviemore where he now calls home, from the dryslope at Llandudno via Chamonix and some of the biggest mountains in the world, Jonny has seen the sun set on more days riding than most, and can still rip.He shares his love of the Scottish Highlands and splitboarding with his event 'The Upbattle' which is really an excuse for snowboarders to get together, talk aout snowboarding, go snowboarding and enjoy a pint or three back at base camp, and why the fuck not? In all seriousness, the Upbattle looks to get riders stoked on exploring the Highlands but with workshops on Avalanche awareness, route finding, how to choose the right kit, etc... so the people that find it can enjoy it safely and come home with a smile on their face.If you'd like to know more, click here: you want any info about the Brits, you can find it here: always, we are kindly looked after by The Snowboard Asyum and Dan from Burton from Transform Gloves from Canoe Inc for Oakley Goggles a shout out to Tom from Volcom
  • 16. Thank U Snowboarding - S2 - Ep16 - Scott Mcmorris

    01:24:31||Season 2, Ep. 16
    Scott is one of the most stylish heavy hitters this country has produced, from being taken up to the highlands every weekend from a young age, to Whistlers superpark and mixing it on Red Bull projects with Travis Rice, let alone hitting rails in Trafalgar Square in London.A deep bag of tricks and an innate abiluty to make them look effortless, it occured to me as he rode ast me at about 80kmh last week that I'd describe his style as efficient. A snowboarders snowboarder if you will. Off the hill he is blessed with a great sense of humour and comedy timing, chiselled like Edinburgh granite and eyes as deep as Loch Ness, he is great company, both interested and interesting, which is a rare gift. he has long been friends with my brother Dave and our paths have only crossed occasionally, so I'm really stoked to have spent the last five days riding, laughing and hanging out with Scott. Crazy plans are forming for more of the same and I for one can't wait!You'll want to watch Scotts section in Lockdown Projects Terminal Ferocity, which you'll find here you want any info about the Brits, you can find it here: always, we are kindly looked after by The Snowboard Asyum and Dan from Burton from Transform Gloves from Canoe Inc for Oakley Goggles a shout out to Tom from Volcom
  • 15. Thank U Snowboarding - S2 - Ep15 - Christian Stevenson

    02:04:48||Season 2, Ep. 15
    Some might call Christian larger than life, but he isn't. He is as large as his life and his life is large! Starting filming snowboarding way back in the day, to producing one of the first European snowboarding movies (With a killer soundtrack) moving into presenting and winning BAFTA's, team manager for Vans to his current incarnation as DJ BBQ, Christian is a tour de force. Odd Man Out had a massive influence on UK snowboarding, at least two other guests have cited it as the reason why they started snowboarding, it showed UK riders mixing it with some of Europes and the worlds best, which in turn, opened doors for those riders. Above all the accomplishments though, Christian is fun to hang out with, kinda like Tigger, he bounces around, has Duracell bunny type energy and has a lot of funny stories. Christian doesn't find life, life finds Christian.You can watch Odd Man Out (Without the killer soundtrack) here: you want any info about the Brits, you can find it here: always, we are kindly looked after by The Snowboard Asyum and Dan from Burton from Transform Gloves from Canoe Inc for Oakley Goggles a shout out to Tom from Volcom
  • 14. Thank U Snowboarding - S2 - Ep14 - Jenny Jones

    02:23:46||Season 2, Ep. 14
    I normally start this section off with, you may not have heard of such and such, but not this time. I"m pretty certain you will have heard of Jenny Jones, and for good reason.Winning bronze at the Sochi Olympics is just part of her story, sadly, she wasn't the inspiration for the movie chalet girl and indeed, has never watched it, but she did start her career older than Mia Brookes is now, and went from seasonaire in Tignes to returning to win X Games gold there many years later (via two wins in the US) Jenny's presence in the sport is cemented by not only picking up medals, but by the legacy of people that saw her on TV and decided to learn to snowboard that day, and the fact that snowboarding in the UK 'grew up' that day. Thats quite something...This is a real dive into Jennys story, and a real pleasure, after being friends for years, to actually sit down and get to know her, I hope you enjoy this one. xIf you want any info about the Brits, you can find it here: always, we are kindly looked after by The Snowboard Asyum and Dan from Burton from Transform Gloves from Canoe Inc for Oakley Goggles a shout out to Tom from Volcom
  • 13. Thank U Snowboarding - S2 - Ep13 - Stu Brass

    02:18:33||Season 2, Ep. 13
    Its fair to say that Stu Brass has lived many lives in snowboarding, from grom riding with his brothers Si and Russ up at Rossendale, to working for the British Snowboarding Association, to running comps to organising events, most motably The Brits, the yearly get together for the UK snowboarding community. In my mind, Stu has always been fairly business like in his snowboarding, but I guess it takes some drive to acheive what he has acheived, he helped athletes cross over into the mainstream, and certainly most snowboarders he helped earned way more out of the wider worlds interest into our sport/lifestyle than they would have if they didn't have Stu representing them.But, like most of us, its done out of pure love for standing sideways and sliding down a mountain, which is something we can all agree is the most fantastic thing.British snowboarding owes Stu a pint for keeping the community together, even when the chips were down, even hosting The Brits up in Cairngorm, which, must have been a gamble in these times. Fair play to you Stu and I'm gonna see you in Mayerhofen for this years!If you want any info about the Brits, you can find it here: always, we are kindly looked after by The Snowboard Asyum and Dan from Burton from Transform Gloves from Canoe Inc for Oakley Goggles a shout out to Tom from Volcom
  • 12. Thank U Snowboarding S2 Ep12 Neil Campbell

    01:31:07||Season 2, Ep. 12
    Neil’s story is quite incredible and quite unlike anyone else I’ve interviewed and is completely inspirational. How small moments and kindness of strangers can turn your life into a completely new direction, both good and bad.Luckily for us, the bad came before the good and the good came in the shape of The XScape in Milton Keynes offered Neil a new life that wasn’t obvious at first, but slowly revealed itself and led Neil to a new life.He now uses his background in life and snowboarding to advocate for change in the industry, recently winning The Reason magazines 'Rider of the Year' and you won't find a single person with a bad word to say about Neil which is testament to the way he carries himself.You can see the documentary Adidas made about him a couple of years ago here: always, we are kindly looked after by The Snowboard Asyum and Dan from Burton from Transform Gloves from Canoe Inc for Oakley Goggles a shout out to Tom from Volcom
  • 11. Thank U Snowboarding - S2 - Ep11 - Johno Verity

    01:17:08||Season 2, Ep. 11
    You probably have heard of Johno Verity, as a pro rider he was all over the UK snowboard magazines and movies, particularly the Lockdown Projects movies he helped to make. He wasn't afraid to take the piss out of himself, using down time to write and film skits which added another dimension to his parts and that has seen him move into writing, directing and running his own film production company, working with big brands and pushing his skills even further forward.Johno also has a nice angle on life, he is funny and thoughtful, and good fun to hang out with, conversation topics range wildly but he always seems to find the interest in people, which is a rare talent.This episodes photo is courtesy of @adamwhiteheadphoto If you want to see Johno in action you can find the Lockdown Projects movies on our Youtube channel always, we are kindly looked after by The Snowboard Asyum and Dan from Burton from Transform Gloves from Canoe Inc for Oakley Goggles a shout out to Tom from Volcom