
r/Relationships DO I USE MY BOYFRIEND FOR…SEX?! - Reddit Stories
Season 18, Ep. 60
Reddit rSlash Storytime r relationships where My bf (25M) had dinner with his ex My (22F) boyfriend (27M) got in my face and threatened to throw something at me. **I (30M) am trying to divorce my wife (33F) but she doesn't want to **My boyfriend (24M) didn't get me (23F) anything for my birthday, however he spends a lot of money on gifts for his friends and himself **My girlfriend asked me if I think her childhood friend/roommate is pretty, what should I say? **I [32F] should divorce my wife [36F] ? I (29F) feel a lot of resentment towards my sister (25F) when we chose different paths in life
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1. I Will NEVER Make Coffee For My GIRLFRIEND AGAIN! r/AITA Reddit Stories
28:23||Season 29, Ep. 1r amithejerk? where AITA for kicking a lady and her autistic kid out of my beach party? AITA for a French joke I made? AITA: for refusing to give my coworker a ride after he called me his "personal chauffeur"? AITA for refusing to share my food with my roommate? AITA for telling my daughter she'd be punished? AITA for refusing to let my girlfriend bring her dead dog’s ashes on vacation? AITA? New Neighbor Requesting Surveillance footage for a 30 second activity within a 2 week time frame - I've said no twice and they keep asking AITA for assigning blame when the shower curtain fell down? AITA for believing my 2.5 yo over my MIL? AITA For accusing my friend's kids of stealing my child's toys? AITA for telling my girlfriend I wouldn't make her coffee anymore unless she stops micromanaging me?100. AITA For Having A Baby With Another Woman?! r/AITD Reddit Stories
30:56||Season 28, Ep. 100r amithedevil? where Am I wrong for no longer cooking for wife after she drunkenly admitted she wished her male co worker could cook for her instead AITA for tidying up in the bathroom while my girlfriend was in the shower? AITA for Not Giving My Girlfriend Space After I Lost My Temper? My GF 33F left me 30M after 10-year relatinoship My wife is sad because I skipped her mom’s first death anniversary to attend my sister’s best friend’s death anniversary AITA for scaring my sister out of ordering something with peanut butter at a restaurant? AITA for Not Letting My Daughter Visit Me in the U.S. This Summer? How do I get my female friends to stop talking about their dating “troubles” with me? AITA for suggesting we hire a surrogate for our second baby and telling my wife why when she freaked out and refused?99. I Put A Lock On My Girlfriends Door... r/AmITheAsshole Reddit Stories
30:43||Season 28, Ep. 99r amithejerk? where AITA for expressing concerns about my partner getting a new dog rather than pretending I'm fully supportive? AITA for uninviting someone from my wedding after she just spent $2k on my bachelorette AITA for telling my husband that I can't trust him with my children AITA for asking my GF if she can take a shower? WIBTA if I don't "share" the inheritance that I received from a friend with her daughter? AITA for insisting my husband stop giving his daughter food that makes her sick or stop letting her come home from school all the time? AITA for refusing to pay for my nephew's college tuition, while paying for my cousin's dog's medical fees? AITA because I get up for five minutes after my fiancé and I have a meal? AITA for not taking in my friend after she was kicked out by her homophobic mom? WIBTA if I put a lock on my bedroom door so my GFs mother can’t sleep in our bed98. I BANNED My Friends From Talking To ANY MEN r/AmITheDevil Reddit Stories
33:09||Season 28, Ep. 98r amithedevil? where Update: Am I wrong for no longer cooking for wife after she drunkenly admitted she wished her male co worker could cook for her instead My fiance dumped me cause I got into a discussion with his ex. AITA for wanting daughter and step daughter treated equally? AITA for asking if a button on a kiosk said something? AITA for telling someone not to bring my name up during a conference? AITA for eating a sandwich I thought nobody was going to have? 24M About to Have a Huge Financial Change. How Would You React If I Wanted to Marry You but Had a Bold Idea? AITA for telling my wife to deal with my job? My gf (22f) snuck out of our bed to cuddle with her brother (22m) on the couch in the middle of the night, and now she's mad that I'm mad?? AITA FOR TELLING MY SISTER SHES OVERREACTING? AITA For not wanting a guy included in our mom friend group AIO for being offended that my parents called a little girl “the cutest little girl” they had “ever seen”? Am I wrong for no longer cooking for wife after she drunkenly admitted she wished her male co worker could cook for her instead AITA for tidying up in the bathroom while my girlfriend was in the shower? AITA for Not Giving My Girlfriend Space After I Lost My Temper? My GF 33F left me 30M after 10-year relatinoship My wife is sad because I skipped her mom’s first death anniversary to attend my sister’s best friend’s death anniversary AITA for scaring my sister out of ordering something with peanut butter at a restaurant? AITA for Not Letting My Daughter Visit Me in the U.S. This Summer? How do I get my female friends to stop talking about their dating “troubles” with me? AITA for suggesting we hire a surrogate for our second baby and telling my wife why when she freaked out and refused?97. I Complied To Catch a THIEF! r/MaliciousComplaince Reddit Stories
29:47||Season 28, Ep. 97maliciouscompliance where Wife wants verbal confirmation that I’m listening… you got it dear! "Carefully study these 2 files and tell me what's going on here" Using tennis balls as MC I can sit anywhere? Great! "Score it Accurately!!"? No problem. Let's just fail Algebra. You want your uniform back? Come and get it. MC to catch a thief... or 3. I’ll make your danged pizza boxes96. You Want REVENGE On My Grandma?! r/ProRevenge Reddit Stories
28:26||Season 28, Ep. 96r prorevenge where Bad neighbour Happy anniversary MF My roommate threw food in my trash can in the midst of an ant infestation, so I'm directing them towards him Petty Vengeance Is Best Served Loud, With a Bucket of Popcorn and An Empty Cup of Soda! Turnabout is fair play. Want to party in the hotel room next to me? Enjoy your wake up call… A Jr. High teacher kicked me out of her class for having cramps, so I never went back to her class. Wife was told she should enter nursing school instead of engineering...nah. Grandkids? -eh, I know a source Mess with my dad and I'll turn of your lights This girl got revenge on her bullies(my grandmother was one of them) Getting revenge on my crapy manager Petty revenge on shopper a**hats by being kind. Worst guy in the barracks got assigned to my room. He made me miserable. So I returned the favor. Van drivers keep blocking the pavement, making it dangerous for pedestrians - gets in trouble with his boss and police Got cut off at the security check point. I got petty and skipped her carry ons. Guy comes in seconds before closing get turned away Oh, you’re senior to me and there’s nothing I can do about it Pay for your child95. I Went Kayaking With Crocodiles? r/TIFU Reddit Stories
32:55||Season 28, Ep. 95r TIFU TIFU. by just taking a nice stroll to mcdonalds? TIFU by throwing up on my crush TIFU by trying to make vodka sauce TIFU by sitting like a idiot TIFU by buying the wrong book for a child’s birthday TIFU by crashing my brother's truck the day before I officiated his wedding. TIFU by running in the teacher relay race TIFU by telling a rabbit folk tale in a more authentic version TIFU by putting a magnet on my laptop TIFU by not checking if the store gave me back the my WHOLE charger TIFU by making myself scared of minesweeper TIFU by kayaking with alligators94. My HOA TRICKED Me?! r/MaliciousCompliance Reddit Stories
29:33||Season 28, Ep. 94maliciouscompliance where Put my Cat to Work Thanks for my master’s degree! Time is money Sure, I won't wear a tanktop during my workout. Deny my leave, we’ll see who wins this game The Boss Didn't Trust His Team, So I Built a System to Track Every Move We Made Followed Health and Safety, Coworker Complained You must read the text you've memorized! Hours are 8 am to 5 pm, okay HOA Pulled an Uno Reverse93. I Bought The Wrong XBOX... r/TIFU Reddit Stories
32:36||Season 28, Ep. 93r TIFU TIFU by telling a customer they only want to hear themselves talk TIFU I Accidentally Got Into the Wrong Car and Ranted to a Stranger! I bought 5 beers per person for a work party and I can only imagine what the result was, but even though I F’ed Up, let’s be real… my boss F’ed Up more by asking the non-drinker to buy the alcohol. I get cluster headaches, I got one before a large speech and threw up all over the stage because I was too stubborn to tell anyone. Tried to make a joke about Grandpa’s squirrel conspiracy hobby and accidentally started World War III between him and Grandma. Was tired, fell asleep, missed a meeting where our manager was basically saying goodbye to us :( I feel pretty bad for missing the meeting :( Trapped man. Man escaped. Still have have bait. Wife unimpressed. I'll probably lose a marketplace star rating. dropped off kid at daycare, owner/client texts me with picture of found medical marijuana with my name on it. TIFU by remembering a scene from Supernatural at the wrong time then having a six year old yelling Pudding with pants down over and over again. The mall was just 2 blocks away from my work. Lesson learned: Always do a tooth check before leaving the house.