
cover art for r/AITA HUSBAND ATE MY LEFT OVER PIZZA! - Reddit Stories



Season 24, Ep. 37

Reddit rSlash Storytime r amithejerk? where AITA for ruining a funeral and potentially costing a lot of family members their jobs? AITA because I won’t ask the teacher to change my daughter’s grade? AITA for not buying concert tickets for my fiance? AITA for refusing to babysit my niece while my sister goes on vacation? AITA for telling my SIL I find it weird she's so against adults living with their parents? AITA for telling my wife's friends I make more money than her? AITA for telling my parents they need to find an alternative solution for long term care for my disabled siblings because I will not be the solution? AITA for telling my husband's parents and sister not to use me in their sick and twisted scheme to erase his late wife? WIBTA for telling my parents I do not want to go to college after all they saved up for me? They have been preparing & molding it into my future since I was little and I never spoke up about my true feelings. AITA for blowing up after husband who doesn’t cook for us ate my leftover pizza?

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    Reddit rSlash Storytime r amithejerk? where AITA for telling my friend’s fiancé that it’s his fault she won’t eat? AITA for leaving everything to my bio children and none to my step? AITA for being rude to my stepdaughter and banning her from eating with the family WIBTA for uninviting my brother to my wedding after he canceled on hosting the wedding. AITA for telling my dad to correct his and his wife's lie to his stepdaughter or he can deal with the consequences? AITA for suggesting someone turn down their toddler’s phone/tablet volume during a wedding reception speech? AITA for Warning My Brother’s Fiancé Her Wedding Dress Might Cause Problems? AITA for not taking back pajamas my bf’s girl best friend wore? AITA for telling another parent they're wrong to blame my daughter and expect too much of me when their kid is in my home? AITA for banning my daughter from going to her best friends house?
  • 63. r/NuclearRevenge I STOLE MY GIRLFRIENDS CREDIT CARD FOR… - Reddit Stories

    Reddit rSlash Storytime r nuclearrevenge where My revenge against my ex husband's sister I got my abusive ex-partner arrested. But I slightly regret my actions I used my girlfriend’s card to subscribe for access to random apps
  • 62. r/EntitledParents CRAZY MOTHER LEARNS SHE CAN’T BUY EVERYTHING! - Reddit Stories

    Reddit rSlash Storytime r entitledparents Navigating the sibling fallout of no contact with father My daughter likes your pin and button can she have them? There are boy mums and then there are also pick-me mums. My entitled mom expects me to spend my money on my step sibling. I pay you, so you my son can move up, too!

    Reddit rSlash Storytime r amithejerk? where AITA for using my husband's salary to make a point to his family (after he told me I should stand up for myself instead of expecting him to do it for me)? AITA for telling my stepdaughter she can have her dead dad pay for the wedding AITA for not declining or signing over my portion of my ex bfs life insurance payout too his mom? AITA for abandoning my parents at an island in the Caribbean so I could get back to our cruise in time? AITA for telling my dad's wife she's not included in any pre-wedding activities because her one sided contest with my mom is pathetic? AITA for telling my former social worker I don't credit her for my good outcome? AITA? My stepdaughter's daughter mentioned me in her graduation speech and not my stepdaughter AITA for reminding my friend that she married for intelligence and look where it got her?
  • 60. r/ProRevenge CLOG MY TOILET? I’LL RUIN YOUR NOSE! - Reddit Stories

    Reddit rSlash Storytime r prorevenge where Try parking there now, entitled asshats. Karen asks for trouble, will receive it. Flip me off? Then stay behind me Your food is taking too long when the brand new restaurant is packed? My brother threw a cat ticked soaked shirt into my bed. Rub my belly, rub it good I bought the property he wanted, he was a jerk about it Bully’s last day before emigrating. 7 year old’s revenge at church My gross dad started dating a girl younger than me, so I started “dating” a guy older than him! See how he likes it! He clogged my toilet so I stunk up his bedroom!
  • 59. r/NuclearRevenge THE TIME MY FATHER LIED TO ME! - Reddit Stories

    Reddit rSlash Storytime r nuclearrevenge where I exposed my stepfather and he was humiliated by the church Selfish actions, resulting in Ruined friendships. My Father Lied To Me
  • 58. r/EntitledParents MOM TRIES TO KEEP ME AT HOME FOREVER! - Reddit Stories

    Reddit rSlash Storytime r entitledparents Father who is not a feminist My entitled mother is begging me to 'reconcile' My mom and dad are insufferablly delusional Ma'am this is a Wendy's not a daycare Why do my parents want to take me being on my laptop away from me when they don't even do anything with me they sit on their phones and watch Netflix and don't do anything I wasn't to do when I don't ask for munch like a phone or a job but they want to take things away from me? Entitled mother hates my ex boyfriend My mom ruined my wedding day. My bio dad texted me yesterday (my birthday)... Happy birthday to me...... I’m 25 with children , single mom and ready to move away from my home state, but my mother says no.
  • 57. r/AITA I KICKED MY OWN SON OUT OF THE HOUSE! - Reddit Stories

    Reddit rSlash Storytime r amithejerk? where AITA for telling my mom's husband he could try growing up and not being such a dick? AITA for acting “rude” when I asked my stepdad why he came into my room at 11 pm unannounced? AITA For Leaving My Husband At Home With Our Kids After He Blew Off Our Anniversary? AITA for refusing to share my pen name with my family? AITA for refusing to make a packed lunch for my SIL even though we work together? AITA for not allowing my brother to bring a random Grindr hook up as his +1 at my wedding ? AITA for buying my gf a gift she didn’t need? AITA for not helping my parents with my brother anymore? AITA for not giving someone else a free bag of food I had just been gifted AITA for enlisting in the military instead of thinking of my girlfriend AITA for kicking my son out of my house after he said bad things about me to his friends?
  • 56. r/ProRevenge HOW TO GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH IN HOTELS! - Reddit Stories

    Reddit rSlash Storytime r prorevenge where I thought she was my friend. Mother's Revenge On My Behalf Don't stiff a hungry fat man out of his gravy. Don’t do the project? Don’t pass the class! Food sabotage FU Father-in-law How I caught my (now) ex-wife cheating with my best friend. I destroyed his marriage as payback. Throwing my neighbor's dogcrap all across her front door and walkway? Grandparents forgot my Birthday Use a Parental Lock on a TV at a paid hotel? Feel my wrath.