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The Semper Reformata Podcast

Conversations: A.S.R. Paul Somerville

Season 3
Conversations: A.S.R. Paul Somerville

Paul Somerville talks with Bob about life in the army, his conversion and his work with the Soldier's and Airmen's Scripture Readers Association. A valuable insight into the Lord's work among the young men and women who are part of the British Armed Forces. And we discus whether it is possible to be a Christian and a soldier.

Find out more about SASRA HERE.

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  • How To Survive in the Last Days

    22:13||Season 5
    How to Survive the Last Days. Text. 1 John 2:26 -29. John has already declared that we are living in the last days – that long period between the ascension of The Lord Jesus into Heaven after his resurrection, and before he returns in glory to judge the world. The period when there would be antichrists, inside the church and without, and Christians need to be wary. In this passage he gives those Christians some really practical teaching to help them to persevere in these days.Read the NOTES HERE
  • REPRISE: Arthur Guinness – An Irishman and a Christian

    Arthur Guinness – An Irishman and a ChristianGalatians 6:9-10 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.I’m wondering have you ever seen a bottle of Guinness? There’s a signature on that bottle, or can, ARTHUR GUINNESS. The Guinness company have been promoting that in recent years with their ‘Arthur’s day’ advert, every September, when we are all invited to raise a glass of Guinness ‘To Arthur.’ I would venture to suggest that Arthur Guinness would be turning in his grave at that! So, who was Arthur Guinness?
  • The ONLY Way to Heaven

    29:05||Season 5
    The ONLY Way to HeavenJohn 14:1-6This sermon was preached at Templepatrick Reformed Church, and is reproduced here with their kind permission.
  • REPRISE: The REAL St. Patrick.

    19:02||Season 5
    The REAL St PatrickMany Roman Catholic people hold Patrick in such esteem that they will accept little or nothing about him which runs counter to their perceived opinion. Many Protestants have, traditionally, been so apathetic about Patrick that they have bee content to ignore him, and leave it to their Roman Catholic friends to celebrate his life in whatever way they have chosen. This podcast seeks to challenge both positions and to encourage us, in this modern age, to consider our soul's welfare, as Patrick did in bygone days.
  • Antichrists in the Church

    27:04||Season 5
    Antichrists in the Church. Text: 1 John 2:18-27.John turns from Christian behaviour, in the earlier verses of the chapter, to Christian BELIEF in these verses, and the first point he makes is a warning against false teachers in the church – he speaks of The antichrist. What exactly does the Bible say about the antichrist in this passage?we examine this passage under three headings:The Age for AntichristsThe Appearance of these AntichristsThe Antidote to Antichrist's Activities in the Church.Read the NOTES HERE.
  • Christian Concern

    20:48||Season 5
    Christian ConcernText: Ephesians 6:21-24. (Cf Colossians 4:7-9)Here we have Paul’s final words, in his letter to the Christians in Ephesus, as he brings his epistle to a close and in closing he brings them a word of consolation, a word of commendation, and a word of blessing. It is an expression of Christian fellowship and love.This sermon was recorded live at Ballymacashon, - please excuse the sound quality.Read the NOTES HERE.
  • Do Not Love The World

    21:48||Season 5
    Do Not Love The WorldText: 1 John 2:15 Christians must be wary, for the present world holds much attraction, and they will be tempted to take of its goods and trust in its promises, but it is a false hope, for this world and everything in it is passing away. Don't be beguiled by its empty promises and false hopes...Read the NOTES HERE.
  • Paul's Prayer Request.

    Paul's Prayer Request.Text: Ephesians 6:19-20 – 2 Corinthians 12:9ffThe Christian has a ‘prayerful lifestyle’ – a basic disposition to prayer, a heart that will turn to God for help in whatever circumstances, seeking His guidance and help, whatever might come our way. And we are to pray for others. So, having made that point, Paul now puts them to work, – admitting HE needs prayer and asking them to pray for him, in the difficult situation in which he finds himself. Read the NOTES HERE.This message was recorded at Templepatrick Reformed Church, and is reproduced here with their kind permission.
  • Who We Are and What We Have in Christ

    22:04||Season 5
    Who We Are and What We Have in Christ. Text: 1 John 2:12-14This is a ‘greeting’ of sorts, perhaps a hymn – or even a ‘transition’ – like between the slides on a powerpoint! Certainly it’s an exhortation to the Christians to show them who they are, and what they have in Christ.Read the NOTES HERE.