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The Semper Reformata Podcast

Christian Ethics, Doctrine and Life

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  • One Flesh - Implications for Marriage

    31:04||Season 5
    One Flesh - Implications for Marriage Ephesians 5:28ff Practical Help for HusbandsPaul goes a step further in his teaching on marriage. Not only must a man love his wife, as Christ loved the church, but he must love her as much as he loves himself. Your wife, (your husband is MORE than just a partner.) Paul tells us here that a man’s wife is part of his own body, his own flesh and blood. What does that mean, and what are the implications for married men?Read the NOTES HEREthis sermon was recorded at Ballymacashon, - apologies for the sound/echo.

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  • The Minor Prophets - Malachi #1

    15:20||Season 5
    The Minor Prophets - Malachi #1Malachi 1:1-5 (Part 1)Short introduction to the Book of Malachi, and then we ask, "How has God loved us?"
  • Husbands, Love Your Wives

    25:55||Season 4
    Husbands and the Bride of ChristText: Ephesians 5:25-26 and Matthew 22:1-15After addressing wives in verses 22 through 24, Paul switches focus to husbands has some wise words for them. A husband is to earn the respect of his wife, by loving her, as Christ loved the church. That prompts us to ask how OUR love for our wives can be Christlike love.APOLOGIES FOR THE SOUND QUALITY ON THIS RECORDING. IT WAS RECORDED LIVE AT BALLMACASHON AND IS VERY ECHOEY.Read the NOTES HERE.
  • Was Paul a Misogynist?

    21:30||Season 4
    Was Paul a Misogynist?Ephesians 5:21-24Let’s look at the verse that tells us that wives are to submit to their own husband… What can that mean? In some religions, particularly in Islam, women are regarded as inferior to men. Greatly inferior. Is that what Paul means here?This is a live sermon, recorded at Ballymacason. Apologies for the sound quality.Read the NOTES HERE.
  • BONUS EPISODE: Prayer is the Answer!

    31:08||Season 4
    BONUS EPISODE: Prayer is the Answer!Speaking at TRC, Bob looks at the government's response to recent unrest and rioting in the UK, and seeks to understand what the underlying causes of that unrest might be. He suggests that there is a deep sense of unfairness in the population, which has already simmering tensions to rise to the surface and manifest itself in riot, civil disorder and violence.he sees no hope from politicians, whose stock in trade seems to be broken promises and downright lies. What can we do? There is only one course of action for the nation. That is for God's people to humble themselves enough to admit that we need to learn again the power of prayer, for prayer is the answer...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14This message was recorded at Templepatrick Reformed Church, and is reproduced here with their kind permission.
  • The Symbols of Headship

    34:53||Season 4
    The Symbols of HeadshipA reason why the doctrine of headship in the church is so unpopular could be because of the symbols of headship, which have been ordained by God in the church. For men, the symbol of headship is that the head should be uncovered during worship, and for the female, the head should be covered during worship. Many people, - (many women.) do not like that. People’s attitudes have varied from downright rebellion to outright hypocrisy. But what does the Bible say? 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 is the text we have to consider. It is about headship - and about glory - The GLORY of God, the GLORY of a man, the GLORY of a woman. Listen to learn more...(This sermon was recorded at Templepatrick Reformed Church, and is reproduced here with their kind permission.)
  • The Doctrine of Headship

    27:12||Season 4
    The Doctrine of HeadshipColossians 1:15-22 & Ephesians 5:24ffBob digresses from his meander through Ephesians to emphasise the importance of a much neglected doctrine, - the Doctrine of headship. In this episode we look at the doctrine of Christ’s headship over the church, which is mirrored in our marriages, and in the church also.1 Corinthians 11:3. But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. This is such an important doctrine that when Paul wrote to the Corinthians he established symbols of headship, to remind us of it when we meet. We cover that in the next podcast, before returning to Ephesians.This episode was recorded live at Templepatrick Reformed Church, and is used here with their kind permission.