
cover art for Serious Issues: A Comic Book Podcast with Andrew Levins

Serious Issues: A Comic Book Podcast with Andrew Levins

A weekly comic book review podcast

A weekly comic book and manga review podcast. Hosted by Andrew Levins, created by Andrew Levins and Siobhan Coombs.

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  • Episode 12: The Best Comics and Manga of 2021 (with Chloe Cade and every special guest ever)

    01:15:19||Season 2
    Our favourite comics and manga from 2021 REVEALED! Featuring special guest Chloe Cade from the Wine Mums podcast, plus appearances from Siobhan Coombs, Bryan O'Sullivan from the Let's Fight A Boss Podcast, Rebecca Hart, Jake Fortier and Sanspants' own Joel Zammit, Jackson Baly and Joel Duscher. Happy new year! Thanks for listening to me ramble in 2021.SUPPORT US ON PATREONSUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES / STITCHERDOWNLOAD MP3FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOKJOIN THE SERIOUS ISSUES FACEBOOK GROUPFOLLOW US ON TWITTER

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  • Episode 11: Cockatoo Comics (with Siobhan Coombs)

    37:26||Season 2
    Shinbone makes her grand return with a big announcement and a review of Pipette and Dudley: Charming Dog Adventure. Levins reviews Kaiju No. 8. US ON PATREONFOLLOW US ON FACEBOOKJOIN THE SERIOUS ISSUES FACEBOOK GROUPFOLLOW US ON TWITTER
  • Episode 10: Dark Nights Metal Revisted, Revisited (with Jackson Baly and Joel Duscher)

    51:03||Season 2
    Levins reads Metal Suit Gundam: The Origin, Jackson reads Dark Nights Metal and Duscher reads The End of the World.SUPPORT US ON PATREONFOLLOW US ON FACEBOOKJOIN THE SERIOUS ISSUES FACEBOOK GROUPFOLLOW US ON TWITTER
  • Episode 9: Zammit the Conqueror (with Jackson Baly and Joel Zammit)

    46:22||Season 2
    Jackson reviews Hellboy: The Corpse, Levins reviews volume one of Fist of the Northstar and Zammit reviews KANG.SUPPORT US ON PATREONFOLLOW US ON FACEBOOKJOIN THE SERIOUS ISSUES FACEBOOK GROUPFOLLOW US ON TWITTER
  • Episode 8: Magneto's Giant Hands (with Joel Zammit and Jackson Baly)

    Zammit read The Trial of Magneto, Jackson read Amazing Detective Cases, Levins finished Fullmetal Alchemist (and started reading Berserk).SUPPORT US ON PATREONFOLLOW US ON FACEBOOKJOIN THE SERIOUS ISSUES FACEBOOK GROUPFOLLOW US ON TWITTER
  • Episode 7: What's the Deal With Hawkeye? (with Joel Duscher and Jackson Baly)

    49:42||Season 2
    Duscher reviews Hawkeye, Jackson reviews Crisis Zone and Levins reviews Transformers: The Manga.SUPPORT US ON PATREONFOLLOW US ON FACEBOOKJOIN THE SERIOUS ISSUES FACEBOOK GROUPFOLLOW US ON TWITTER
  • Episode 6: Jojolion Spoiler Episode featuring Bryan O'Sullivan and Chloe Stephens)

    01:13:20||Season 2
    The 8th volume of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Jojolion, started in 2011 and finally wrapped up last month. To celebrate, Levins is joined by Bryan from Let's Fight A Boss and Chloe from Wine Mums for an in depth look at the series, a ranking of all the Jojos and mini reviews of Dai Dark, Ressentiment and Salary Man Kintaro.Listen to Let's Fight A Boss: to Wine Mums: Levins's new kids book: US ON PATREONFOLLOW US ON FACEBOOKJOIN THE SERIOUS ISSUES FACEBOOK GROUPFOLLOW US ON TWITTER