
Alesha's School of Oneness
Relationships, Connection and all the way to the Bible with Anne Hellgren
I was supposed to be interviewing Anne Hellgren, but she kind of ended up interviewing me.
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Sacred Languages
09:24|Pride is an important part of self esteem isn't it? why does it count as one of the 7 cardinal sins?Hypnotherapy it's not just for addictions
44:10|Regina Brancato-Dunderdale introduces us to the depths of hypnotherapy and how it works on the subconscious mind.Oneness Leadership with Maggie Sarfo
42:05|What is oneness leadership, and how can it be taught? Maggie is working on a project doing this, and she has some interesting insights into personal and business development.The Spiritual Science of Tantra Yoga part 4 - Asanas
24:42|Asanas - yoga postures, are very popular these days, but do we really understand their power to affect consciousness, and not just to stretch the body.Baba nam kevalam - the “universal mantra”
27:25|Ok so universal is a bit of an overstatement but it is a very versatile mantra that can be applied in many different ways.