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Scholars and Dragons

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    54:31||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Four college students meet at a Halloween party, and get involved with a science experiment that's soon to thrust them into an epic journey where they must discover themselves before they lose themselves.Make sure to tell your friends about the show!Brock the Rock is Stone AhrendtRoland Brown is Garrett CostaGabriel Minos is Michael DiStasiMargaret Hollsman is Melanie SchwartzDM is Nate DietzVicky Nguyen is our Community Manager. (@vixpix24 on Instagram)Cover art by Jenna Hight (@jennahight06 on Instagram)Theme song and outro music arranged by Nate Dietz.This episode was edited by Nate Dietz.This episode has profanity, violence, reference to fictional alcohol use, and reference to mature content.Episode 2 releases Oct. 31, 2023.Episode 3 releases Nov. 14, 2023.Find our socials HERE! We are in the final stages on getting our socials and website up and running. Check back soon for more!

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  • 2. Ep. 2 - The One Where They Meet Their Friends

    49:25||Season 1, Ep. 2
    The students learn more about their unique situation and split up to meet with their friends.Make sure to tell your friends about the show!Brock the Rock is Stone AhrendtRoland Brown is Garrett CostaGabriel Minos is Michael DiStasiMargaret Hollsman is Melanie SchwartzDM is Nate DietzVicky Nguyen is our Community Manager. (@vixpix24 on Instagram)Cover art by Jenna Hight (@jennahight06 on Instagram)Theme song and outro music arranged by Nate Dietz.This episode was edited by Nate Dietz.This episode has profanity, violence, reference to alcohol use, and reference to mature content.Episode 3 releases Nov. 14, 2023.Episode 4 releases Nov. 28, 2023.Find our socials HERE! We are in the final stages of getting our socials and website up and running. Check back soon for more!
  • 3. Ep. 3 - Fartown

    01:01:18||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Dropped into the Forgotten Realms, the scholars orient themselves in this strange new world.Make sure to tell your friends about the show!This episode has foul language, violence, and reference to fictional alcohol and drug use.Brock the Rock is Stone Ahrendt.Roland Brown is Garrett Costa.Gabriel Minos is Michael DiStasi.Margaret Hollsman is Melanie Schwartz.DM is Nate Dietz.Vicky Nguyen is our Community Manager. (@vixpix24 on Instagram)Cover art by Jenna Hight (@jennahight06 on Instagram)Theme song and outro music arranged by Nate Dietz.This episode was edited by Nate Dietz.Find our socials HERE! We are in the final stages of getting our website up and running. Check back soon for more!Please leave us a review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you find your listening experience!Episode 4 releases Nov. 28, 2023.Episode 5 releases Dec. 12, 2023.
  • 4. Ep. 4 - Every Dog Has Its Day

    52:45||Season 1, Ep. 4
    The scholars speak to the mysterious stranger named Justin, and attempt to meet potential allies.Make sure to tell your friends about the show!This episode has foul language, violence, brief mild body horror, brief graphic bathroom humor, and reference to mature content and, fictional alcohol and drug use.Brock the Rock is Stone Ahrendt.Roland Brown is Garrett Costa.Gabriel Minos is Michael DiStasi.Margaret Hollsman is Melanie Schwartz.DM is Nate Dietz.Vicky Nguyen is our Community Manager. (@vixpix24 on Instagram)Cover art by Jenna Hight (@jennahight06 on Instagram)Theme song and outro music arranged by Nate Dietz.This episode was edited by Nate Dietz.Find our socials HERE!Please leave us a review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you find your listening experience!If you are listening on Spotify, you can now engage in Q&As and Polls. Scroll down on the episode to where lyrics would be if it were a song, and feel free to answer our Q&A or vote on the poll. We'll have this live for every episode on Spotify!Episode 5 releases Dec. 12, 2023.Episode 6 releases Dec. 26, 2023.
  • 5. Ep. 5 - Random Encounters of the Third Kind

    39:25||Season 1, Ep. 5
    After deciding to seek out Daryll and Dan, the scholars must journey through the Mushroom Forest. Nate introduces the first random encounters of the series.Make sure to tell your friends about the show!This episode has foul language, violence, and reference to mature content.Brock the Rock is Stone Ahrendt.Roland Brown is Garrett Costa.Gabriel Minos is Michael DiStasi.Margaret Hollsman is Melanie Schwartz.DM is Nate Dietz.Vicky Nguyen is our Community Manager. (@vixpix24 on Instagram)Cover art by Jenna Hight (@jennahight06 on Instagram)Theme song and outro music arranged by Nate Dietz.This episode was edited by Nate Dietz.Find our socials HERE!Please leave us a review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you find your listening experience!If you are listening on Spotify, you can now engage in Q&As and Polls. Scroll down on the episode to where lyrics would be if it were a song, and feel free to answer our Q&A or vote on the poll. We'll have this live for every episode on Spotify!Holiday Special releases Dec. 26, 2023.Episode 6 releases Jan. 9, 2024.Addition music credits: "Blippy Trance" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
  • 5.5. Ep. 5.5 - HOLIDAY SPECIAL - Fiasc-Ho Ho Ho!

    34:49||Season 1, Ep. 5.5
    Join the Scholars this holiday season as we play a heavily watered-down version of the game Fiasco. Happy Holidays!Make sure to tell your friends about the show!This episode has foul language, violence, reference to fictional alcohol and drugs use, and reference to mature content.Bone is Stone Ahrendt.Vulcan is Garrett Costa.Goose is Michael DiStasi.Butler Pens is Melanie Schwartz.Santa Claws is Nate Dietz.Vicky Nguyen is our Community Manager. (@vixpix24 on Instagram).Cover art by Jenna Hight (@jennahight06 on Instagram).Cover art holiday enhancements done by Melanie Schwartz.This episode was edited by Nate Dietz and Melanie Schwartz.Find our socials HERE!Please leave us a review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you find your listening experience!Episode 6 releases Jan. 9, 2024.Episode 7 releases Jan. 23, 2024.Additional music
  • 6. Ep 6. - Shroomy's Got Talent

    36:42||Season 1, Ep. 6
    Seeking rest and refuge with a nearby colony, the scholars find themselves learning more about their fungal friend.Make sure to tell your friends about the show!This episode has foul language, cartoon violence, and reference to mature content.Brock the Rock is Stone Ahrendt.Roland Brown is Garrett Costa.Gabriel Minos is Michael DiStasi.Margaret Hollsman is Melanie Schwartz.DM is Nate Dietz.Vicky Nguyen is our Community Manager. (@vixpix24 on Instagram)Cover art by Jenna Hight (@jennahight06 on Instagram)Theme song and outro music arranged by Nate Dietz.Thanks to Purple Planet and the following for premium sfx on Freesound: GregorQuendel, inchadney, CGEffex, alonsotm.This episode was edited by Stone Ahrendt, Nate Dietz, and Melanie Schwartz.Find our socials HERE!Please leave us a review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you find your listening experience!Ep. 7 releases Jan. 23Ep. 8 releases Feb. 6