
Rosecast | 'Bachelor' Recaps with Rim and AB
"Ferocious O’Clock" | 'The Bachelorette' S21 E1
Our new Bachelorette Jenn is looking for a ferocious love this season. If her First Impression Rose segment is any indication, she may have already found it. Plus: Thomas N. and Noah’s twin shine, while Shot O’Clock grows on one of your hosts. Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)
Text the mailbag: (773) 234-7794
Join our group on the RealTVFantasy app! One sticker winner each week, and a t-shirt for the full-season champion (Honor system re: spoilers): (code: 17384gVqmssiaFU)
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- Check the Scoring tab to see how points are tabulated.
- It’s a Weekly Budget league, so contestants’ prices will change based on performance throughout the season.
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Timestamps (approximate):
2:00 AB admits he enjoys “Shot O’Clock”
4:00 Jenn background intro
9:00 LYTH and CTF mansion
12:00 Limo entrances
41:00 Cocktail party
1:00:00 First Impression Rose
1:02:00 Rose Ceremony
1:06:00 Mailbag question for next week
1:07:00 AB’s ‘Bachelor’ Headline of the Week: Kelly Ripa reacts to Bachelorette star Jenn Tran's shady quip about meeting Mark Consuelos: 'Are you acting on your show?' (EW)
1:10:00 Power Rankings and predictions
1:16:00 RealTV Fantasy league
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8. "A Taken Man" | 'The Bachelor’ S29 E8
57:50||Season 29, Ep. 8One perfunctory date stood out from the others, while Grant wonders if maybe he shouldn’t have told Litia he loved her before the finale. Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)Ad-free episodes and discussions available for $2/month on Patreon! the mailbag: (773) 234-7794SocialInstagram @rosecastpodcastX @rosecastpodcastTikTok @rosecastpodcastFacebook group store: rimandab.comJoin our group on the RealTVFantasy app! One sticker winner each week, and a t-shirt for the full-season champion (Honor system re: spoilers): an account by logging in via Google, Apple, or FacebookCheck the Scoring tab to see how points are tabulated.It’s a Weekly Budget league, so contestants’ prices will change based on performance throughout the season.Timestamps (approximate):0:15 Explosive and shocking episode3:00 Basketball statistics and towels6:00 Juliana and Daisy8:00 Juliana date - day time10:00 Juliana date - night time14:00 Morning after18:00 Zoe and Rachel 19:00 Zoe date - day time21:00 Zoe date - night time24:00 Morning after26:00 Litia and Kaity27:00 Litia date - day time30:00 Litia date - night time36:00 Morning after38:00 Rose Ceremony40:00 Finale predictions44:00 Mailbag50:00 AB’s America Online ‘Bachelor’ Headline of the Week52:00 RealTV Fantasy sticker winner54:00 Power Rankings55:00 John Carpenter7. "Pen To Paper" | 'The Bachelor’ S29 ‘Women Tell All’
30:38||Season 29, Ep. 7For the first time in four years, a recap of a standalone ‘Women Tell All’. Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)Ad-free episodes and discussions available for $2/month on Patreon! the mailbag: (773) 234-7794SocialInstagram @rosecastpodcastX @rosecastpodcastTikTok @rosecastpodcastFacebook group store: rimandab.comJoin our group on the RealTVFantasy app! One sticker winner each week, and a t-shirt for the full-season champion (Honor system re: spoilers): an account by logging in via Google, Apple, or FacebookCheck the Scoring tab to see how points are tabulated.It’s a Weekly Budget league, so contestants’ prices will change based on performance throughout the season.Timestamps (approximate):0:15 Women Tell All20:00 Mailbag6. "I Wanna Shake Your Hand" | 'The Bachelor’ S29 E6
01:04:23||Season 29, Ep. 6Grant seemingly power ranks these hometowns based on the number of family members present. Plus: Lingering questions about what Grant and Litia’s future together would look like. Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)Ad-free episodes and discussions available for $2/month on Patreon! the mailbag: (773) 234-7794SocialInstagram @rosecastpodcastX @rosecastpodcastTikTok @rosecastpodcastFacebook group store: rimandab.comJoin our group on the RealTVFantasy app! One sticker winner each week, and a t-shirt for the full-season champion (Honor system re: spoilers): an account by logging in via Google, Apple, or FacebookCheck the Scoring tab to see how points are tabulated.It’s a Weekly Budget league, so contestants’ prices will change based on performance throughout the season.Timestamps (approximate):0:15 Hometowns3:00 Juliana hometown (Newton, Mass.)11:00 Zoe hometown (New York City)20:30 Litia hometown (Star Valley, Wyoming)30:00 Dina (Chicago, Illinois)40:00 Joey makes an appearance44:00 Juice forthcoming?47:00 Rose Ceremony51:00 Mailbag59:00 AB’s ‘Bachelor’ Headline of the Week1:00:00 RealTV Fantasy sticker winner1:01:00 Power Rankings5. "The Friends We Made" | 'The Bachelor' S29 E5
01:09:59||Season 29, Ep. 5Grant makes his four Hometowns (!?) picks based seemingly on places he’d like to visit, rather than connections or conversation resumes. Plus: Everything we got wrong this episode. Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)Ad-free episodes and discussions available for $2/month on Patreon! the mailbag: (773) 234-7794SocialInstagram @rosecastpodcastX @rosecastpodcastTikTok @rosecastpodcastFacebook group store: rimandab.comJoin our group on the RealTVFantasy app! One sticker winner each week, and a t-shirt for the full-season champion (Honor system re: spoilers): an account by logging in via Google, Apple, or FacebookCheck the Scoring tab to see how points are tabulated.It’s a Weekly Budget league, so contestants’ prices will change based on performance throughout the season.Timestamps (approximate):0:15 Hometowns already?4:00 Lot of wrong predictions6:00 Scotland7:00 Date card9:00 Juliana 1-1 date - day time12:00 Date card16:00 Juliana 1-1 date - night time21:00 Group date - day time30:00 Group date - night time (w/ AB’s ‘Bachelor’ Headline of the Week’)39:00 Litia 1-1 date - day time43:00 Litia 1-1 date - night time52:00 Rose Ceremony57:00 Mailbag1:06:00 RealTV Fantasy sticker winner1:07:00 Power Rankings4. "Lowe’s Rocks" | 'The Bachelor' S29 E4
01:20:36||Season 29, Ep. 4Just seven women remain, and it seems like any of them could get the final rose?! Plus: Carolina and Juliana agree to disagree. Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)Text the mailbag: (773) 234-7794SocialInstagram @rosecastpodcastX @rosecastpodcastTikTok @rosecastpodcastFacebook group store: rimandab.comJoin our group on the RealTVFantasy app! One sticker winner each week, and a t-shirt for the full-season champion (Honor system re: spoilers): an account by logging in via Google, Apple, or FacebookCheck the Scoring tab to see how points are tabulated.It’s a Weekly Budget league, so contestants’ prices will change based on performance throughout the season.Timestamps (approximate):3:00 “The Prom from HELL”4:00 Jesse playing sports5:00 Fashion commentary8:00 Dina 1-1 date - day time13:00 Dina 1-1 date - night time19:00 Back at the hotel22:00 Group date - day time30:00 Group date - night time40:00 Sarafiena 1-1 date - night time42:00 Sarafiena 1-1 date - night time49:00 Cocktail Party56:00 Rose Ceremony1:00:00 Mailbag1:14:00 AB’s ‘Bachelor’ Headline of the Week1:16:00 RealTV Fantasy sticker winner1:17:00 Power Rankings3. "Post-Date Wall" | 'The Bachelor' S29 E3
01:37:06||Season 29, Ep. 3I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious. Plus: Did Grant really tell Rose he was thinking of her while dancing with Carolina? Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)Text the mailbag: (773) 234-7794SocialInstagram @rosecastpodcastX @rosecastpodcastTikTok @rosecastpodcastFacebook group store: rimandab.comJoin our group on the RealTVFantasy app! One sticker winner each week, and a t-shirt for the full-season champion (Honor system re: spoilers): an account by logging in via Google, Apple, or FacebookCheck the Scoring tab to see how points are tabulated.It’s a Weekly Budget league, so contestants’ prices will change based on performance throughout the season.Timestamps (approximate):3:00 Dreams and nightmares4:00 Group date - day time10:00 Group date - night time25:00 Carolina date - day time29:00 Carolina date - night time34:00 Back at the house38:00 Mini group date - day time43:00 Back at the house46:00 Litia 1-1 date - night time48:00 Back at the house52:00 Prom Cocktail Party1:06:00 Rose Ceremony1:08:00 Mailbag1:27:00 AB’s ‘Bachelor’ Headline of the Week1:30:00 RealTV Fantasy sticker winner1:31:00 Power Rankings2. "It’s Mario!" | 'The Bachelor' S29 E2
01:07:34||Season 29, Ep. 2Triple threat musician Grant Ellis searches for love in an empty mall after a game of Bill Laimbeer’s Combat Basketball breaks out in a local rec center. Plus: The number one contestant on Rim’s power rankings fails to make it past week two. Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)Text the mailbag: (773) 234-7794Join our group on the RealTVFantasy app! One sticker winner each week, and a t-shirt for the full-season champion (Honor system re: spoilers): an account by logging in via Google, Apple, or FacebookCheck the Scoring tab to see how points are tabulated.It’s a Weekly Budget league, so contestants’ prices will change based on performance throughout the season.'More Rim and AB!' weekly podcast: store: rimandab.comSocialInstagram @rosecastpodcastTwitter/X @rosecastpodcastTikTok @rosecastpodcastFacebook group (approximate):0:15 The singing5:00 Fashion Update7:00 Group date card8:00 Group date - day time17:00 Group date - night time28:00 Back at the house29:00 Alexe 1-1 date - night time35:00 Group date - day time (extended discussion about the future of Grant performing on this season)45:00 Group date - night time52:00 Cocktail Party54:00 Rose Ceremony58:00 Mailbag1:00:00 AB’s ‘Bachelor’ Headline of the Week1:01:00 RealTV Fantasy winner1:02:00 Power Rankings1. "Pyrite and PowerPoints" | 'The Bachelor' S29 E1
01:12:59||Season 29, Ep. 1Grant (who can dunk with ease) begins his journey by welcoming 25 seemingly kind-hearted individuals and a llama to Bachelor Mansion. Plus: Parisa bursts onto the scene with an unprecedented opening night activity. Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)Text the mailbag: (773) 234-7794Join our group on the RealTVFantasy app! One sticker winner each week, and a t-shirt for the full-season champion (Honor system re: spoilers): an account by logging in via Google, Apple, or FacebookCheck the Scoring tab to see how points are tabulated.It’s a Weekly Budget league, so contestants’ prices will change based on performance throughout the season.'More Rim and AB!' weekly podcast: store: rimandab.comSocialInstagram @rosecastpodcastTwitter/X @rosecastpodcastTikTok @rosecastpodcastFacebook group (approximate):0:15 Episode takeaways3:30 Grant background11:00 Limo entrances33:00 Cocktail party56:00 Rose Ceremony1:02:00 Camaran Eubanks Award Preseason Watch List1:04:00 Power Rankings1:06:00 AB’s ‘Bachelor’ Headline of the Week1:11:00 Odds and ends8. "Step By Step" | 'The Golden Bachelorette' S1 Finale
49:18||Season 28, Ep. 8With a little help from her friend, Joan regains her confidence in time to find love with the only man she introduced to her family. Bring on the next Golden Wedding! Thanks for listening. (Timestamps below)'More Rim and AB!' New episodes every week on Patreon: a free member to hear this week's episode, or sample more with a 7-day free trial!Text the mailbag: (773) 234-7794SocialInstagram @rosecastpodcastTwitter/X @rosecastpodcastTikTok @rosecastpodcastFacebook group store: rimandab.comTimestamps (approximate):0:15 Nice to meet ya2:00 ‘Men Tell All’ summary4:00 The flagship6:00 Is Joan unloveable??10:00 Joan’s family12:00 Chock Chapple meets the family (his pleasure)17:00 Chock’s final date22:00 Guy’s breakup26:00 Guy in studio30:00 The engagement33:00 Golden wedding?34:00 After the Final Rose40:00 Mailbag