
Revolution Church
Our Capacity to Suffer
Here we are with Part 2 of Martin Luther King’s sermon: Love Your Enemies. It goes without saying that just about all of us are fearful, or angry, or confused these days, especially after the recent presidential debates. So, we get it. We get it because we feel the same—we understand why, but we also want love to win out. And who better to guide us than MLK. With this part of the talk Jay dives into the ‘Theoretical Why’ when it comes to loving our enemies. We emphasize love in a time where loving feels impossible because hate multiplies hate, and multiplying hate makes for some very dark nights of the soul. And also, we have to ask ourselves, have Christians just been making bigger divisions? Is there so much anger that we forget just how to have conversations? Does this anger turn our enemies into ‘the least of these?’ and if it does, shouldn’t that spark our love even more? Because after all, doesn’t hate just divide our own personalities and hurt us just as much as it hurts the people we hate?
This talk was given on June 30, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.
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assume nothing, except diversity
01:06:44|“Peace without justice is a false ideal” - Jay BakkerCelebrating differences and promoting the healing For Everyone
10:47|Unfortunately, Jay is under the weather with the flu this week, so we have a short, but very important talk. This is a great time to consider our intentions and our desire to not only advocate for others but for those that need freedom from the being an oppressor. I am sure that many of us know someone that has had a change of heart and now feels differently about someone else. We have to consider that loving others is a calling to put in the work to help with our collective growth. This time is about coming together and that should continue to be our intention.'re all in the same boat now (Late peace makers and the current state of things)
01:07:05|It’s hard to find a lot of optimism right now. Compassion and mercy should always be bi-partisan. If you believe in grace and mercy, asking a leader to show mercy is something that should always be acceptable to ask for. When we are more divided than we have ever been, radical acceptance of where we are currently and where others are as well, will help us find common ground and, ultimately, the change we all hope for. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. saw the need for us to come together and that violence was never an option. John Hume stated that “when people are divided, then only solution is agreement”. Continuing in Galatians follows Paul’s work in bringing a divided city together. It might take years, but it’s worth it. It might take a radical movement of reaching out to people that we might disagree with in order to find ways that we can agree. 2025: Part 3
57:50|Is everyone welcome? When you turn away from grace too soon, it doesn’t have time to be inclusive. Jay was very excited about this message from Galatians 2. Paul takes a huge step towards inclusion. You might say he was a Super Friend to speak the truth to the disciples and to advocate for others. When Paul met with James, John and Peter in Jerusalem he reveals his message of reaching the Galatians. This was a transmutation away from the insular religious tradition to suggest that the entirety of humanity should be able to be included and receive the gospel.The church of Jerusalem, through this message, became the most diverse community in the early church. Sound familiar? There’s no need to be afraid of inclusion.This was a big moment for Paul speaking to the people in Jerusalem and we often take it for granted that he was reaching out to the Gentiles (everyone). Paul was such a big part of making the first church more inclusive. He was a champion for inclusion. That inclusion was the gospel and Paul was always trying to make sure that people lived the gospel and didn’t forget that we’re all one. 2025: Part 2
01:04:10|A lot of this talk was about figuring out how we treat the disease rather than constantly fighting just the symptoms. Paul was able to take critique and often just ignore it and able to stand in his truth. We can lear to not be distracted by and Balme the individual but take it a deeper look at the system to find out what the root cause of an issue is. How does Grace fit into all how we treat people? The evolution of Grace in our own lives and the universal acceptance of grace teaches us to universally accept it for all 2025: Part 1
52:30|The perfect way to start off a new year is to revisit Galatians! Jay's talk covers a lot of ground in Galatians 1 and discusses how the writings of Paul can be practically applied in the current times. The hope is that this message can be used to encourage all of us to argue well, have empathy towards each other and bridge the gap that has been forming between us all. This talk was given on January 6, 2025 from Seattle, and Respect
40:35|A happy and merry Christmas from everyone here at Revolution. Jay did a special Christmas Day talk for everyone, and we think it will perk you up more than salt in your coffee! Today Jay talks about the Christmas Spirit…but probably not in the way you’re thinking. He focuses on trying to find a way for us to live the Christmas Spirit all year long—but we don’t mean decking halls and sleigh rides, we’re talking about the spirit of kindness that we almost all unify with for one day of the year. But if it can be done one day, it can be done all days! We just have to get there. Today Jay also discusses the idea of echo chambers. It’s easy for us to see other’s echo chambers and judge them while ignoring our own, but the truth is no one is exempt from echo chambers, we all have them and we’re all part of them—they just look different. But the real paradox and conundrum we face is that even though no one is spared from being a part of an echo chamber…Christianity shouldn’t actually be one…but it is. Jay looks at the letters of Peter and James today in discussing how we can hopefully swap out our personal echo chambers, and instead focus on the humanity of everyone. Because if we focus on that then maybe we can find a path to expand our ‘echo chamber’ rather than be limited by it. If we see ourselves in each other, it makes it easier for us to be kind and gentle to all, and to treat everyone with respect. Unifying together is how we survive! By focusing more on our commonalities than on our differences. And in doing that, we learn how to become “curious, instead of furious” (thanks for great idea, Linda!)This talk was given on December 25, 2024 from Seattle, Have a Utopian Dream
41:25|We’re all tired, and we’re all frustrated—and that shared sentiment can be heard in this talk. Sometimes it all feels like it’s too much. Too much hate. Too much anger. Everything we do seems to come at the expense of someone else, it’s maddening. Today Jay discusses the idea of love and power. Are love and power polar opposites? Can the two ever share a same space? Do churches today speak truth to power? Can we unite in diversity? Because it often feels like the powers that be fear bringing people together. Can we all work together for justice with power that has love in it and embraces diversity? Is this possible or is it just a utopian daydream? God is love. And God without love is no God at all. And power without love is power with no God at all. It’s all starting to be too much. Something has to give! How much more divided can we be, how much more divided can politicians make us? Billionaires make us? It makes us all want to scream. But luckily if it makes us all want to scream, than that means we’re all united in this frustration—and finding any way that we’re all united can be a pretty strong starting point to finding our way to this utopian dream.This talk was given on December 15, 2024 from Seattle, are No Saints
42:35|Today’s talk so something pretty cool! After years, Jay gives a talk to a live audience! Jay Bakker Live from ECMCC! It’s really fun to listen to Jay speak and hear feedback and reactions, rather than just reading them in chat. But even though the setting has changed, the talk, and spirit of Revolution stays the same! Today Jay talks about peace. He does a deep dive into the Gospel of Matthew and discusses the Beatitudes. He also talks about how the Kingdom of Heaven is now, not off in the sky in some distant future, but here and now! Especially if you’re feeling poor in spirit, which many, many of us are. Even more so these days. Jay discusses living life on life’s terms, but also how we have to be the narrow road walkers! We have to find a way to fight monsters without becoming one ourselves. Because if we all truly believed what we say we do, wouldn’t society and social media look different? Wouldn’t there be more peace and uplifting? Wouldn’t there be a change in mindset and attitude? How can we become that change? How can we do all of this and still stay on the narrow path? This is a great talk, in front of a great group of people! More in person speaking engagements please!This talk was given on December 8, 2024 from Seattle,