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Revolution Church

The Wrong Crowd

Talk by Pastor Jay Bakker for Sunday, May 28th, 2017. Recorded live from Bryant Lake Bowl in Minneapolis, MN on Sunday, May 21st, 2017.

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  • Community, Alienation, and the Rebel

    Today Jay dives into some of the philosophy he’s been reading and shares a lot of the lessons and insights he’s picked up in his studies. In this talk Jay talks about community, but hand in hand with that Jay also discusses the idea of alienation. How the feeling of being alienated is an essential bond that unites all of us. It’s our common ground. Jay also ties that together with some thoughts he has on inclusion. On what true inclusion looks like. How true inclusion involves having different views and backgrounds, this can’t be avoided if we’re seeking to actively practice inclusivity. Jay asks us to look within ourselves and our groups and ask if we have any unseen asterisks next to the grace we show people. Do we see the shared alienated humanity in everyone? Or do we make exceptions on who gets love, grace, and inclusion. How does alienation affect us? How does oppression affect us? How does it affect others? And maybe most importantly, are we becoming all the things we hate by alienating others and forming close exclusive communities that aren’t as inclusive as they appear?This talk was given on Sept 15, 2024 from Seattle,
  • But What Will Happen to Them…

    In today’s talk Jay discussed the Good Samaritan. Like almost all of Jay’s talk, it’s about that…but really about so much more. It’s about the Samaritan, and the man beaten, it’s about Jesus and it’s about Paul and it’s about Gaza. It’s about Martin Luther King, and John Hume and Tammy Faye. It’s about forgiveness and grace! It is about Jay’s compulsion to forgive, or at least trying his hardest to. Today Jay also expands on a principle instilled in him by his mom, and that is we all have a shared common humanity that keeps use connected to each other. We can’t forget that or overlook it. Often, we struggle with the idea of forgiveness, but Jay poses the question that if we reframe forgiveness as mercy rather than sacrifice does it change things? If we see forgiveness as just more than all the adjustments we have to make and overcome, does that reframing help us? Is this how we can find ways to be kinder to everyone and build better bridges? What happens when we think like the Good Samaritan thought? If we see that all people are people and all people matter. What happens if we let grace do what grace does?This talk was given on Sept 8, 2024 from Seattle,
  • The Gospel of Paul

    This will be a bit of a shock to our viewers and listeners but today Jay will be talking about the Apostle Paul. I know, we can’t believe it either. Paul is a bit of a troublesome character these days…or is he? That is what Jay is exploring in today’s talk. He’ll be re-examining Paul and his writings. Are we reading Paul’s letters correctly today? In their correct context? Did Paul know he was writing the Bible at the time? Is everything attributed to Paul actually Paul’s writing? These are some of the topics we’ll be exploring today. Because Paul gets a lot of hate…and also Paul is the person a lot of Christians quote when using the Bible to justify their bias…but Paul also is quoted at almost every wedding when talking about love—how can someone with a message of love and grace that echoed Jesus’s same teachings sit on both sides of the spectrum? Maybe we’ve been wrong? Maybe the context of Paul’s letters is the key to everything! The Bible is so complex with so much nuance, let’s not be afraid to take these deep dives so that we can learn more, know more, and so that we can unlock more. And let’s do all of that together. This talk was given on Sept 1, 2024 from Seattle,
  • Eulogy for a Friend

    Jay received a text that a dear friend of his, Bobby, had passed away. This news came as a shock and devastation to Jay, so today is a bit of a memorial for Bobby. This talk is hard to summarize, because it’s not just about Bobby, but it’s about grace, and how grace is for us and for others, that there is no asterisk. It’s about telling people you love them, while you can. It’s about letting people know the impact they have on your life while you’re able to tell them. It’s about realizing that grace isn’t too good to be true. It’s about the nuance of life. It's about being there for people when they need you. It’s about the dangers of pushing people away. The dangers of retreating into yourself. It’s about the power of community and love and the impact we can have on each other’s lives. It’s about love, it’s about friendship, it’s about grief, it’s about loss. It’s about togetherness. It’s about Bobby. This talk was given on August 25, 2024 from Seattle,
  • Grace Without Peace

    Lately a lot of our talks seem somber but recently we’ve been living in some tough times, and here at Revolution we try to live life on life’s terms, but as of lately those terms are pretty somber. There is a famous quote about some of the things we’ll remember most in this life will be the silence of our friends when we needed them. We don’t want to stay silent, and we don’t want to make our friends or any loved one feel alone, like they don’t have anyone in their corner—that is for our brothers and sisters both local and abroad. All over the world. Today Jay discusses how all conflict stems from differences, the problem is that difference is the essence of humanity, so there will always be differences. Jay dives into the gospel of Matthew, as well as some letters from Paul to try and see what grace without peace looks like, and what we can do to both show each other grace, and to be peacemakers. This talk was given on August 18, 2024 from Seattle,
  • Tomorrow is Today

    The world is upside-down and on fire. Everyone is killing each other, being nasty to each other, violence is begetting violence, bombs are falling everywhere…and our tax dollars are footing the bill. It’s making us go mad—and enough is enough. We’re stumped, we’re at a loss, so today we’re going to be leaning on King. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote a great map on how to approach conflict resolution, and on that map is his speech Beyond Vietnam. We’re going to take a look at this speech, and we’ll be treating it similarly to how we do other scripture and letters in the Bible. Why? Why not! We don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t treat it that way. King refers to speaking up and speaking out, and to peacekeeping as a vocation of agony—and here at Revolution we couldn’t agree more. It’s tiresome, constant, and unceasing. But it’s part of the work and it comes with the territory. Can you have grace without social justice? And can you have social justice without grace? Because this is part of it, right? They go hand in hand and should be talked about equally. We are all accepted as we are, not how we should be. And if we don’t grow to learn that and see that in others than have we arrived at spiritual death? Can this part of the work, speaking out against the dangers of people wielding power without compassion, be the mustard seed of faith and hope that we need? This is a good one folks, and Jay pours his guts into it. Jay is a punk rocker at heart, always has been and always will be, so when he gets to talking about Social Justice and combines it with his calling to show and teach grace, it’s hard hitting and great. Buckle up folks! We’re in this fight together, and we can only win it if we stay together and love each other.This talk was given on August 11, 2024 from Seattle,
  • Let Love Rule

    Love is a common thread through all of the talks that come from Revolution. Love and Grace. And this week we continue that thread when Jay looks at 1 John to unpack what the Bible says about love and about loving God, and about how God loves. We seem to live in a time of almost exclusively biting and devouring each other, or as Jay puts it, Dancing on Their Graves. But when we do that, instead of how the Bible calls us to gently and humbly restore one another, then where is the love? Do we leave room for others to make mistakes? Do we demand perfection over progress? The struggle is that some of us have hurt that runs so deeply in us that we can’t help but pay it forward, even if we don’t want to. Even if we try not to. But we always have to keep trying. Again, progress over perfection. Because what if how we love others is how we truly love God? What if how we know God, and God’s place in our lives, is by how we love others. That is how we experience God. So, let’s let love rule. Because if any of us are saints, it’s not through works, it’s not through religion, it’s not through hate—We’re saints because of grace.This talk was given on August 3, 2024 from Seattle,
  • Pigs & Pearls

    Seems like every week life finds new ways to surprise us, and there has been a string of things lately. An attempt on Donald Trump’s life, Joe Biden stepping out of the presidential race, and now everyone being upset over the opening ceremony of the Olympics due to some misunderstandings and projections. It’s always something. Always something that has people clutching their pearls, horrified and disgusted. And often it leads us to scapegoating and othering. All of these things swirl together in todays talk. Jay uses passages from Matthew and Luke to discuss an idea we talk about pretty often here at Revolution—arguing and disagreeing well. Having tough conversations. But in todays talk Jay takes a different approach and wonders if even though we believe in disagreeing well, maybe some disagreements aren’t worth having. Some tough conversations aren’t worth the effort. When do we know when to just drop it and walk away, knowing our efforts will not accomplish anything, that we’re spinning our wheels. When is it okay to call it quits on trying to have these discussions and cut our loses? We believe in arguing well, but we need to do it wisely. When our words fall on deaf ears, we need to find another way. There is nuance in everything, including our daily interactions. When is a disagreement worth having, and when is it just throwing pearls before swine?This talk was given on July 28, 2024 from Seattle,
  • Mama Tried

    The talk last week was pre-recorded so this is the first live talk since the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Jay spends some time addressing and discussing that. This talk, however, being live at the time, is when Jay found out about President Biden dropping out of the Presidential Race—strange times, we’re living in. Strange times. But beyond all the political stuff, today’s talk is very special. It’s been 17 years since we lost Tammy Faye. We miss her every day! Today Jay discusses some of Tammy’s favorite Bible verses and some stories about who she was and her legacy. More than that though, Jay also discusses grief and grieving. Personally speaking (This is Josh writing this), when my dad passed in 2020 Jay’s words about grief and the pitfalls of not grieving properly were such a huge, huge, Godsend and helped me navigate those dark times. His words about navigating grief are very helpful, and as good as this talk is, that in itself makes this talk worth the listen. Tammy Faye was a wonderful person, and we can see how well Jay is carrying on her legacy. Life is short, and it’s the only one we’ve got, so show as much love as you can. Show as much grace as you can. And if we all do that, we stand a fighting chance.This talk was given on July 21, 2024 from Seattle,