Revolution in Military Affairs

Revolution in Military Affairs explores military innovation and modern warfare's evolution. Revolution in Military Affairs adheres to the position that the science of war exceeds the bounds of ideology. As such, Revolution of Military Affairs promotes the marketplace of ideas, and not just the advocacy of preferential thinking. Revolution in Military Affairs emphasizes military theory, dissecting wisdom from strategic minds that guide war. We discuss its relevance to today's challenges. Join us for conversations with experts and leaders, scrutinizing pressing issues from geopolitics to policies shaping armed conflict. Whether a strategist or theory enthusiast, we're your compass in navigating warfare and global strategy. Subscribe now to uncover the future of armed conflict and military theory's wisdom.

Amos Fox

Amos Fox is a PhD Candidate at the University of Reading. Amos' studies focus on the impact of proxy force employment on contemporary armed conflict. Amos is also the Chief Human Resources Officer for the Irregular Warfare Initiative and is a freelance writer with the Association of the United States Army.