
Rathergood Chat

Joel Veitch and David Shute in conversation

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  • 15. 15: Cooking

    Do you want to know how to cook? Learn to cook! Dave and Joel explain everything there is to know about cooking and cookery in this incredibly useful and informative podcast episode, which is about cooking.Discussion of eggs is thorough. Knives are covered, and also other things such as whether flames are a good thing. Your life will be improved enormously, and your cooking knowledge will amaze your friends, once you have listened carefully to this wonderful episode of Rathergood Chat. You know that aching void at the centre of your very soul? Maybe listening to our podcast about cooking will fill it! Worth a try hey?

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  • 14. 14: Crabs

    Joel and Dave discuss the most wonderful creatures ever to exist - namely crabs. Rathergood, where all of this began back at the dawn of the new millennium, is in fact The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom, and Joel is himself the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom - a gigantic crab with a human face, atop a gigantic pyramid surrounded by hordes of fanatical followers. Crabs have featured in many, many of their works over the years and so this is a subject very close to their crabby hearts. In addition to crabs, this podcast also covers (among other things) * The Margate Crab Museum* Meaty Steve, who sells carrier bags full of suspicious meat from round the back of the hospital* Oesophagal flesh centipedes* Squirrels
  • 13. 13: Trees

    Trees! Big wood things sticking out of the ground! They're magnificent, aren't they! Joel and Dave discuss the glory of trees, including why there are loads of mulberry trees around England planted due to an ancient misunderstanding about the diet of moth larvae.
  • 12. 12: Survival

    Would you like to survive? If so, this is the podcast for you. Failing to survive is generally considered a bad thing so you should probably listen to this. Obviously everybody knows the main "vanilla" way to survive is to eat the Eye of the Tiger but believe it or not there are other ways to survive. Find out about them here! Joel and Dave also explain lots of other things such as all the types of star including Brown Dwarf, Paisley Gnome and Cosmoctagon.
  • 11. 11: Crime

    Crime- good thing or bad thing? Joel and Dave solve the problem of crime that has plagued human societies forever. They also discuss other important issues such as the surprising fact that eels are the escaped intestinal tracts of deceased whales in search of a new host.
  • 10. 10: Bad Dinosaurs Netflix Release Special

    Joel Veitch and David Shute are joined today by their longtime friend and collaborator Alex Mallinson, to discuss the origins of the project which eventually became the Netflix show Bad Dinosaurs, on the day of its release.They tell the story of how they went from doodles of incompetent dinosaurs on a napkin, to a series of YouTube shorts, to a globally released animation series. SPOILER: It was neither easy nor fast.
  • 9. 9: Weather

    Joel and Dave delve deep into the vagaries of the weather. Weather is the staple favourite conversation subject of all Britons, and hence all outstanding questions and mysteries regarding the functioning of the weather are answered here once and for all. Is weather a good thing? Or a bad thing? Find out now! Also some other subjects such as haunted goat heads, baffling thoraxes and how to seize control of a bee colony from the existing queen.