
cover art for R2Kast 204 - Maddy Bretey-Smith on 4H, Tanzania and youth development

R2Kast - People in Food and Farming/All In

R2Kast 204 - Maddy Bretey-Smith on 4H, Tanzania and youth development

Season 4, Ep. 39

4-H, dancing, Tanzania and…Banana bread?

Ever meet someone and just get on straight away? That was myself and today’s guest and I’m quite certain she’ll have that impact on most! 

Maddy Bretey-Smith from Iowa in the states was one of the American team in Tanzania that we spent a week with last year! 

She has been in 4H her entire life and now as a staff member leads a team that she once saw as the peak to be involved in, she joined as a member and now is overseeing global integration and much more!

A great person advocating a phenomenal youth development group! She also loves cats so what more could you ask for?


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  • 51. R2Kast 216 - Charlotte Evans on marketing, Chester Zoo and Clarkson’s Farm

    Marketing, zoos and farming!I met today’s guest over email a couple years ago when she helped make the Adam Henson podcast possible!!Charlotte Evans isn’t from this sector but has deep dived in through the medium of marketing! Operating at the Cotswold farm park originally and now with StowAg (you might recognise that name from the hat on Jeremy throughout Clarkson farm season three).She’s actively involved with Chester Zoo and much more! She seems to be one of those folks that can fit a ridiculous amount into a day! Great chat with a lovely and impressive lady! Enjoy! 
  • 50. R2Kast 215 - Ella and Lawrence Martin on getting into farming and growing up on a farm

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  • 48. R2Kast 213 - Ben Andrews on veg, livestock, flooding and inclusivity in farming!

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  • 47. R2Kast 212 - Glen and Chris talk the army, farming, whisky and tattoos

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  • 46. R2Kast 211 - Olivia Shave on EcoEwe, farming as a healer and awards!

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  • 45. R2Kast 210 - Lucy Thornton on trekking the Himalayas, cancer and teaching!

    Boobs, fundraising and inspiration!Today we welcome a legend in my eyes!  Lucy Thornton who has has in her words 42 jobs to date and really has tried everything but had three main loves, animals, teaching and the woods!Currently working as a lecturer in Wildlife Conservation Management at SRUC Barony where she runs forest school, teaches and is involved in a lot of college activities.3 years ago she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and chose to document her journey on social media in the most inspiring way! She now finds herself fundraising for CoppaFeel!, a charity in which she plans to walk the Indian Himalayas with! An utterly AMAZING woman!Enjoy!