
cover art for R2Kast 199 - Tatum Claypool on Canadian History and Resurgence of Indigenous people in Agriculture

R2Kast - People in Food and Farming/All In

R2Kast 199 - Tatum Claypool on Canadian History and Resurgence of Indigenous people in Agriculture

Season 4, Ep. 34

Fixing a politically engrained issue in Canada and living -40!

Night 2 in Brazil I jumped in the pool again on my own when everyone was bored of it…as it felt like nothing short of warm tea I decided to jump out and heard someone shout “hey Wallace” and I instant recognised the person as the 2024 Nuffield Scholar with hands down the coolest title!  

Tatum who works in credit is from an indigenous population in north Battleford, Saskatchewan! She is aiming to look at the resurgence of indigenous people in agriculture…let me tell you the barriers people have faced purely based on their origin is insane and not too much of a distant memory yet!

You can also tune in for my most embarrassing story yet in the first few minutes!

A pretty bloody inspiring episode with my Canadian mother in Brazil!😂


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  • 40. R2Kast 206 - Miranda Timmerman on travelling as a vet, Nuffield and farming in Qatar

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  • 38. R2Kast 203 - Josie Eccles on cal rearing, animals and TikTok!

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  • 37. R2Kast 202 - Anna Bowen on equine dairy crossover, Nuffield and Cow Calf Contact

    Cow calf contact, horse racing and…judging in the UAE! Today’s guest has been a target in the pod for a while! Anna Bowen is a Nuffield scholar who looked originally at the practise of killing bull calves.  She was a COVID scholar and there for things got delayed, the practise her topic was based on was (finally) outlawed and she made a shift to cow calf contact.You can see Anna thinking outside of the box as she goes, putting herself in the mind of a calf and her transferable skills from the equine industry is very interesting!I’m always open to hearing everything, hence this podcast but only on 2 or 3 occasions have I so quickly considered my opinion like I did in this episode….you’ll have to listen to why!Thank you for making me and most likely the listeners think differently!Enjoy!
  • 36. R2Kast 201 - Leah Griffiths on veterinary nursing before getting into farming and starting a vet degree!

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  • 35. R2Kast 200 - Ant Thomas on hoof trimming, social media and Keeping Cows Moovin!

    Almost 2 million followers, travelling the world with hoof trimming and the best beard on this call!First off…200 episodes! Well it’s actually 207 because of bonus but that’s not got the same ring to it! The networking tool, source of much hilarity, education, reality and feeling of being part of something this has all offered me is insane so for every person that never misses an episode, those of you who have only listened to one you’re all stars!…especially to the one person from Singapore who has listened since about episode 3!Today’s guest, Ant Thomas is a hoof trimmer who posts what he’s up to as Keeping Cows Moovin has carved (is that a pun) a career not just technically but backed up by content creation.  Genuinely we’ve spoken for more than a year and never managed to make this happen! I’m so glad we did! Enjoy!
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