
cover art for Procrastinophobic


Procrastination, n.f, tendance à ajourner, à remettre systématiquement au lendemain.Cette définition, Ramdane Touhami la déteste. Dans Procrastinophobic, il part à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui sont dans le mouvemen

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  • 5. Vijay, a story of humanism

    01:13:39||Saison 1, Ep. 5
    Procrastination : n.f, tendency to postpone, systematically until the next day.Ramdane Touhami hates this definition. In Procrastinophobic, he sets out to meet those who are in perpetual motion and who mark their era: musicians, artists, athletes, committed personalities, designers, gallery owners, entrepreneurs... They have one thing in common: to always be in action.After a very intense and emotional month in French politics, I'm very happy to share my conversation with the Indian Marxist historian, Professor Vijay Prashad (@possiblehistory). Vijay is the director of the Tri-Continental Institute For Social Research, the author of 20 books including three with Noam Chomksy, an incredible force for good and justice, and a once-a-generation speaker.We recorded this episode in my office in Paris, around a cup of coffee and a pair of boxing gloves. We had just recently met but found out we had a lot in common, and of course we talked about Gaza. If you're feeling down or uncertain about the future right now, listen to this one right now. Trust me, it's a real shot in the arm. RamdaneRealisation: Elsa Daynac

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  • 4. Nigel Cabourn, the legendary designer

    48:19||Saison 1, Ep. 4
    Procrastination, n.f, tendency to postpone, systematically until the next day.Ramdane Touhami hates this definition. In Procrastinophobic, he sets out to meet those who are in perpetual motion and who mark their era: musicians, artists, athletes, designers, gallery owners, entrepreneurs... They have one thing in common: to always be in action.In this episode, Ramdane engages in a fascinating conversation with the cult British designer Nigel Cabourn, about fifty years producing collections.Cabourn detailed his early life, from his passion for football to the influence of pop music, the decision to pursue fashion design, attending Newcastle Fashion College, then starting his own business by 1969. His early career saw the launch of Cricket Manufacturing Limited, producing garments and expanding internationally with the help of Paul Smith. Cabourn discussed the decline of small fashion shops due to big commercial groups, and his inspiration from vintage military clothing, which influenced his use of fabrics like Ventile. Realisation: Elsa Daynac
  • 3. Nigo, a lifetime of creation

    34:28||Saison 1, Ep. 3
    For the first time, Nigo reveals himself in a way he has never done before: from his childhood to the present day, and how the creative process has taken root in him. Despite initial skepticism from his parents due to their backgrounds, he pursued his love for fashion over academics. Nigo’s interest in fashion blossomed during high school, leading him to Tokyo, where he met influential figures.The evolution of Nigo's career was marked by resilience and adaptability, transitioning into music ventures while staying true to his unique style. He reflected on past mistakes that shaped his present success, emphasizing the importance of continuous growth and learning.Nigo remains dedicated to innovation, drawing inspiration from vintage culture. With longevity in the industry spanning three decades, Nigo credits hard work, evolving interests in Japanese culture, as well as a forward-thinking mindset for sustaining relevance. His future aspirations focus on preserving heritage and embracing new directions influenced by collaborative efforts with global talents.An intimate and fascinating conversation with Ramdane Touhami, where Nigo will tell you everything you wanted to know!NIGO氏がこれまでの半生を率直に語ります。幼少期から現在に至るまで。そしてクリエイティブな思考が、どのように自分の中で育まれていったのか…。やや懐疑的だった両親に反して、NIGO氏は学問ではなくファッションの道を歩むことに決めました。高校時代にファッションに興味を持ち、その結果東京に移り住み、東京ではさまざまな人たちと出会います。NIGO氏の活動は東京の刺激にしなやかに適応しながら進化し、ユニークなスタイルを貫きながらファッションだけでなく音楽のフィールドにも進出することになりました。NIGO氏は、過去の失敗に学ぶこと、成長し学び続けること、で今いる場所にたどり着きました。NIGO氏はアメリカのヴィンテージカルチャーや日本の伝統文化にインスパイアを受けながら、30年にわたって手を休めずに少し先の未来を創造してきました。NIGO氏は、ラムダン・トゥアミとの肩肘張らない刺激的な対談の中で、あなたが彼について知りたかったことを一つ残らずお話しします。Réalisation: Elsa DaynacMixage: Simon Zrak
  • 2. Laraaji, music as a cure

    55:56||Saison 1, Ep. 2
    Procrastination, n.f, tendency to postpone, to systematically postpone until the next day.Ramdane Touhami hates this definition. In Procrastinophobic, he sets out to meet those who are in perpetual motion and who mark their era: musicians, artists, athletes, gallery owners, entrepreneurs... They have one thing in common: to always be in action.For his show, he managed to convince those who never stop to take a break. A break to which his guests are not accustomed, they who look ahead, and do not always take the time to reflect on their life journey.Unpublished and unconventional interviews with guests whose words are rare.In this second episode, Ramdane exchanges with the legendary American multi-instrumentalist Laraaji. An essential figure in the New Age movement, the 80-year-old young man has always seen music as a means of healing. The man who began with jazz training, stand-up comedian, aspiring actor and part-time jazz pianist, has produced no less than 50 albums, long, hypnotic and captivating compositions.At the microphone of Ramdane Touhami, Laraaji avoids nothing: her childhood, her mother's "church for cinema" deal, the piano at 10, her discovery of New York, the activism of the 60s, the discovery of meditation in the 70s, his meeting with Brian Eno...A fascinating interview, a particular x-ray of the entire second half of the 20th century.Réalisation: Elsa Daynac
  • 1. Yvon Lambert, une vie au service de l' Art

    50:46||Saison 1, Ep. 1
    Procrastination, n.f, tendance à ajourner, à remettre systématiquement au lendemain.Cette définition, Ramdane Touhami la déteste. Dans Procrastinophobic, il part à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui sont dans le mouvement perpétuel et qui marquent leur époque: musiciens, artistes, sportifs, galeristes, entrepreneurs… Ils ont un point commun: d’être toujours en action.Pour son émission, il a réussi à convaincre ceux qui ne s’arrêtent jamais de faire une pause. Une pause à laquelle ses invités ne sont pas habitués, eux qui regardent devant, et ne prennent pas toujours le temps de se pencher sur leur parcours de vie. Des entretiens inédits et peu conformistes avec des invités dont la parole est rare.Dans ce premier épisode, Ramdane est allé à la rencontre du plus grand galeriste français, Yvon Lambert: ses origines, son enfance, les prémices de son goût pour l'art, ses rencontres avec des artistes incroyables.... Pour la première fois, le très discret Yvon Lambert, l'enfant unique d'un chauffeur de taxi et d'une épicière, se confie sans retenue et raconte son parcours atypique, qui l'a emmené au firmament de la profession.Réalisation: Elsa Daynac