
Archive Prism of Torah
Parshas Shemos - When Small Acts Speak Volumes
Discover how the Torah reveals a profound insight through the seemingly simple names of the midwives, Shifra and Puah. What can these names teach us about true greatness? Through the lens of Rav Shimshon Pincus's powerful teaching, we explore how our smallest actions in times of crisis reveal our deepest character. From emergency rooms to wedding halls, learn how conscious attention to life's smallest details shapes our greatest moments. Join Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman for an eye-opening journey into what makes an act of kindness complete, and how we can elevate our daily interactions from ordinary to extraordinary.
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Parshas Tetzaveh - Which Lens Are You Using
14:05|Why does the 'Meil Tchelet' (Turquoise coat) worn by the Kohen Gadol atone specifically for the sin of Lashon Hara? What deeper connection exists between the jingling bells at its hem and our everyday speech? Reb Asaf uncovers the hidden wisdom through this connection. Discover insights from Chazal about how the garments of the Kohanim carry profound messages for our modern lives. The symbolism of turquoise, the ocean's boundaries, and the surprising lesson of seeing the complete picture will transform how you view others and help you guard your speech. This isn't just about avoiding negative talk – it's about adopting a heavenly perspective that can bring true Shalom to your relationships and our world. Perhaps this can help you in one of life's most challenging but "very rewarding" mitzvos.Parshas Terumah - Rejuvenate Your Yiddishkeit
16:22|Parshas Terumah - Rejuvenate Your Yiddishkeit If the Kruvim symbolize our greatest Torah scholars, why were they fashioned with childlike faces instead of elderly, wise figures with flowing beards? And why does Midrash Rabbah compare Torah to both gold and silver when gold clearly holds superior value? This week, we uncover a profound paradox at the heart of authentic Torah learning that might transform your entire approach to Yiddishkeit. The Aron's design reveals a startling truth—that childlike wonder and openness, not just scholarly seriousness, forms the foundation of becoming a true Talmid Chacham. Through a personal encounter with Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l, we witness how even the greatest minds maintain their excitement for learning at every level, embracing both the golden depths and silver accessibility of Torah. Join us to discover the delicate balance between intellectual growth and spiritual simplicity that can breathe new life into your daily avodas Hashem.Parshas Mishpatim - The Heart of Hearing
14:17|At Har Sinai, our ears heard every mitzvah - Shabbos, Kashrus, and the laws of proper speech. So why does only the Eved Ivri get his ear pierced for not listening? What makes this mitzvah so unique that it demands this powerful symbolic punishment? And what profound message lies in the fact that our ears are uniquely designed for receiving, unlike all our other senses? In this fascinating exploration of Parshas Mishpatim, we uncover the deep connection between listening and spiritual balance. Through a gripping story of a Manhattan accountant whose expertise becomes his greatest challenge, we discover how true wisdom often means knowing when to set aside our own understanding. Join us for an eye-opening journey into the art of spiritual listening, the power of genuine humility, and the delicate balance between human wisdom and Divine guidance. This episode reveals how recalibrating our spiritual ears might be the key to unlocking life's most profound transformations.Parshas Yisro- Act Now or Stay Behind Forever
11:28|What compelled Yisro to join Klal Yisrael after hearing about both Kriyas Yam Suf and Milchemes Amalek? Why does this seemingly simple combination of events hold such profound significance? In this week's episode, we unlock a fascinating insight from the Zohar about the art of truly seeing and responding to life-changing moments. While countless nations witnessed the same miracles, only Yisro's response earned him an eternal place in Torah. Through contemporary examples and two powerful stories, we discover the secret of Yisro. Learn the secret of why some people experience profound growth while others let transformative moments slip away, and discover how to harness this wisdom in today's extraordinary times.Parshas Beshalach- When Faith Fights Fear
13:59|Why does the Torah describe the splitting of the sea twice, with subtle yet significant differences? What transforms someone's relationship with Hashem in their darkest moments? In this fascinating exploration of Parshas Beshalach, we uncover the profound connection between two groups at Yam Suf and their different levels of emunah. Through the brilliant lens of the Gaon of Vilna, discover how even the smallest variations in the Torah's text reveal timeless truths about faith and trust in Hashem. This eye-opening episode weaves together ancient wisdom with contemporary inspiration, showing us the transformative power of emunah through recent events that touched all of Klal Yisroel. Join us for an uplifting journey that illuminates how true faith can flourish even in the most challenging circumstances.Always on www.prismoftorah.orgParshas Bo - When Actions Speak Louder than Rules
07:05|Parshas BoWhen Actions Speak Louder than RulesHow could Hashem ask the Jews to take Egyptian clothing when maintaining distinct Jewish dress was one of the key merits for redemption? What does this fascinating paradox teach us about the true meaning of Jewish identity? In this week's Parshas Bo, we uncover a profound insight that challenges our understanding of what it means to live an authentic Jewish life. Join us for an eye-opening exploration of how the clothes we wear, the music we listen to, and the choices we make shape not just our external appearance, but the very essence of our connection to Hashem. This episode reveals concepts that will transform how you view the subtle interplay between halacha and the spirit of Yiddishkeit.Parshas Vaera - Gaining by Giving
13:04|What defines true greatness in Jewish leadership? When Moshe Rabbeinu was chosen to lead Klal Yisroel out of Mitzrayim, he possessed a unique quality that set him apart - but it wasn't his wisdom, his lineage, or even his humility. Through a fascinating analysis of why the Torah tells us twice that "Moshe grew up," we uncover a profound insight about the real meaning of being a gadol. From the shepherding of our greatest leaders to the open hands of those we lay to rest, this episode reveals an extraordinary perspective on what it truly means to be a big person. Discover how the seeming paradox of self-preservation and loving others as yourself contains the key to unlocking your highest potential. Join us as we explore how the path to genuine spiritual wealth might be hidden in the very act of giving itself.Parshas Vayechi - The Sword That Cuts, The Bow That Binds
10:50|When Yaakov mentions his sword and bow, what deeper message lies beneath these ancient weapons of war? In this week's Parshas Vayechi, we uncover a fascinating perspective on spiritual combat that turns conventional battlefield wisdom upside down. Through a remarkable insight from the Gemara, we'll discover why the sequence of these weapons holds the key to understanding our daily spiritual battles. Whether confronting personal challenges or seeking growth in avodas Hashem, this episode reveals timeless strategies for spiritual victory. Join us as we explore how Yaakov's final words to Yosef illuminate the true nature of our inner struggles.