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Archive Prism of Torah

The Archive Section of The Prism of Torah podcast

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  • Parshas Vayigash - Breaking Free From External Chains

    Parshas Vayigash - Breaking Free From External ChainsWhat makes someone truly royal in Hashem's eyes? When Yehuda confronted the Egyptian viceroy, the other brothers stood back, saying "Let them fight - they are both kings." But how could they view Yehuda as a king when he had fallen from his previous status? This fascinating episode uncovers a profound understanding of true leadership that transforms our view of self-mastery and spiritual nobility. Through powerful stories of recent Gedolim who demonstrated extraordinary control over physical and emotional challenges, we discover how each of us can access this inner sovereignty. Prepare to gain life-changing insights about achieving genuine greatness in Hashem's eyes.

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  • Parshas Miketz -The Gift of Letting Go

  • Parshas Vayeishev - Recipe for Success

    This weeks episode is sponsored by the Weitzner family in memory of Leah Yetta bas Shmuel Zanvel Why does the Torah detail Yosef's seemingly mundane search for his brothers? And why specifically was it the angel Gavriel who found him wandering? This week's parsha reveals a profound insight about maintaining clarity in life's most challenging moments. Through the Kotzker Rebbe's unique analysis and a modern metaphor of laser beams, we discover how to stay focused despite life's turbulence. We'll explore this through the inspiring story of a man who found spiritual strength through near-total paralysis. Learn how to transform life's wandering moments into purposeful direction.Mazel Tov to Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman and his family on the engagement of his son Yishai!
  • Vayishlach - Wrestling With Shadows

    Why did Yaakov demand to know the angel's name, and what deeper meaning lies in its refusal to answer? What lessons does the injury to the Gid Hanasheh teach us about our spiritual struggles? This week's parsha offers profound insights into identifying and confronting our true adversaries. Through examining Yaakov's nighttime battle, we uncover both the identity of our real enemy and the nature of our struggle. A powerful narrative illustrates how excessive strictness can sometimes work against us. Together, we'll explore practical approaches to identifying and overcoming genuine spiritual challenges.
  • Parshas Vayeitze - When All Doors Close, Heaven Opens

    When do our deepest prayers finally break through? What happens when we realize that even our closest supporters - our spouse, our teachers, even great tzaddikim - can't help us anymore? In this exploration of Parshas Vayetze, we uncover a stunning insight about why Hashem sometimes seems to close every door except one. Through the profound stories of Rachel Imeinu, Chana, and a remarkable shidduch that started with a letter carried by the wind, we discover why our moments of greatest isolation might actually be divine orchestration. This episode reveals how our most painful experiences of feeling utterly alone can transform into the exact catalyst needed for our prayers to reach unprecedented heights. Join us for an eye-opening journey into understanding why sometimes having nowhere else to turn becomes our greatest blessing.
  • Parshas Toldos - Break Free From Autopilot

    Ever wonder why going through the motions feels spiritually empty, even when you're doing everything right? This week, we tackle a paradox that might shake up your perspective: Sometimes, growing up with a silver spoon of spirituality presents the greatest challenge to authentic Avodas Hashem. Through an eye-opening analysis of Yitzchak's Tefillos, we uncover why maintaining genuine enthusiasm can be harder than starting fresh. Join us as we explore the hidden struggle of the tzaddik's child - the art of transforming inherited wisdom into personal truth. Whether you're feeling stuck in spiritual routine or searching for your unique path, this episode confronts the unspoken challenge of keeping your Yiddishkeit real and raw in a world of comfortable conformity.Always on
  • Parshas Chayei Sarah - Walking The Talk

    "The Righteous say little and do much, while the Wicked say much and do little" - but why does how much we talk define our righteousness? Shouldn't actions alone matter? In this eye-opening episode, we uncover a revolutionary understanding of human nature through the lens of Avraham Avinu's behavior in contrast to Ephron's.Through Reb Yerucham, the Mir Mashgiach's profound insight, we discover how our neshamah's natural desire for chesed can actually be diminished by merely talking about our intentions. Through a powerful contemporary story of a young boy named Shmulik and his remarkable notebook of Chesed, we explore the psychological concept of "moral licensing" and its spiritual implications. Could your words be inadvertently satisfying your soul's thirst for doing good before you even act? Join us for an illuminating journey that will transform how you think about every act of kindness.