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Livsrådet: Hjälp! Min tjejs pappa blåser henne på pengar
I veckans Livsrådet svarar vi på en fråga från en lyssnare vars flickväns pappa bor i en konfliktdrabbad region och är i behov av regelbundna pengar. Problemet? Pappan är väldigt slarvig med pengarna han får, så till den grad att övriga släktingar har cut him off. Hur ska lyssnaren hantera detta? Vi har svaret!
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Love is Blind Sverige säsong 2 – Vi möter deltagarna!
33:36|Svenska versionen av Love is Blind är runt hörnet och vi har fått en smygtitt på deltagarna. Vilka sticker ut? Vilka är vi out på? Vem behöver joina bald-laget? Och vem har en blandning av Tyrese och Patrick Swayze (!?) som typ? Enjoy!En grej till: Love is Blind s08e12 - "I am worried she's gonna have regrets"
52:20|We've finally made our way through that second batch of episodes and Sandra Rollins is in the building, joining Jon to determine if love is, indeed, blind. The two delve right into things, checking out the final dates, family meet-ups and big questions that need to be answered before the big days. We experience bachelor/bachelorette parties, prenup signings, church nit-picking and more. Don't miss the lead-up to the cliffhanger where we're not sure if Sara will say yes or no. Enjoy!163. #163: Trump's New Low
45:17||Ep. 163Sandra Rollins joins Jon to discuss the meeting between Trump, Vance and Zelenxkyy that turned into a public bullying session. The fallout from the chaotic meeting resulted in quick meetings between European leaders, echoes of support around the world for Ukraine, cowardice from Republican leaders not named Lisa Murkowski and doubling down from the US administration.Where does this leave us? Will there be a new bottom reached? Is this the beginning of a new world order/alliance? We're three months in, y'all.En grej till: Love is Blind s08e11 – ”Love is Blind but I don’t think marriage is”
42:24|Elfte avsnittet är här! Vi snackar Lauren och Daves uppbrott, Mollys uppläxning av Dave, Madisons mean girl-energi och callout av Alex, Meg och Masons relation, Dumb Ass Devins barber och barnsliga syn på äktenskapsförord, Drunk Daves sluddriga försök att vinna tillbaka Lauren + mycket mer. Enjoy!En grej till: Love is Blind s08e10 – ”I don’t want to waste my sister’s time”
50:44|Vi är tillbaka med Love is Blind-bevakningen! I avsnitt tio snackar vi det obegripliga i att Lauren ens vill ha Dave då han är – låt oss se – inte snygg, inte charmig, inte skön, inte rolig, inte smart, inte rik och dessutom är manipulativ, osäker och av allt att döma verkar ha en värdelös familj. Vi pratar även Ben och Saras diskussion om tiktokdramat, Joey och Monicas stela möte med hennes syrra, Dum Ass Devins syn på politik, plus mycket mer. Enjoy!162. #162: Constipated & Petrified med Ahmed Berhan
01:06:07||Ep. 162Amat is in Ghana, so Jon brought in the homie, Ahmed Berhan to discuss the important things that are going on in the world right now. First and foremost, they discuss Ahmed's bowel movements - or lack thereof - since he started back eating meat. Prepare for a very detailed account of Ahmed's most recent trip to the bathroom that almost made him not show up.Then they discuss the ever-right-moving political landscape of the western world, with Donald Trump going full mafia mode against a very fragile Ukraine whilst also calling himself the law of the land in respect to the governor of Maine. Ahmed believes it's all over for America, as the damage is done, but Americans (including Jon) aren't willing to accept that as fact. Meanwhile in Germany, their (center-right) Christian-based political party (CDU) is now the majority, with the far-right party doubling in size. The CDU leader promised to wipe out the far-right party. Will that be through bringing the voters to them, or will the CDU shift their policies to those extremist voters? Time will tell, but the guys have their thoughts, considering that dilemma was on the table here in Sweden not too long ago.***Patreon subscribers get a bonus discussion about one of Diddy's lawyers asking to leave the legal team, as well as Ahmed's thoughts on Diddy's rise and fall and all the crappy documentaries we got as a result of it.***Then Ahmed and Jon discuss fatherhood and how it affects their art. Has "girl dad" life effected Ahmed's artistic choices? What's next for him (besides performing at Jon's club this Friday)? The And what would a conversation between a Black American and a Black Swede be without an old woman, a ski slope and the "N-Word"? Enjoy!En grej till: Love is Blind s08e09 – "In my head, that's what it feels like." med Cassandra Klatzkow
01:09:10|Amat is in Ghana with bad connection, so Jon brought in his good friend, and occasional guest Cassandra Klatzkow, who was very triggered by some things that occured in this episode. Episode 9 was jam-packed, in what has been a pretty lackluster season. We meet Daniel's family, who display a masterclass in warmth and support, Taylor's "what about me" mother and Devin's "what is a pre-nup, exactly?" family. Joey sets his midwestern friendliness aside and gets real with Monica (or is it mah-nigga?) about her sister.Jon and Cassandra deep-dive into the textbook gaslighting executed by Dave, who may or may not have deep-seeded mommy/sister issues, but who knows? Then they go through the (staged?) discovery of a Ben-related TikTok and break down how refreshing it is that Sara "takes no prisoners" and how guilty Ben comes off. It's a meaty episode that will require both tea and popcorn. Enjoy!Video of this podcast and other cool stuff can be found at grej till: Love is Blind s08e08 – "Have you guys had sex yet?"
41:50|Vi fortsätter vår interkontinentala bevakning av Love is Blind. I det åttonde avsnittet snackar vi Daves, typ, slutshaming av Lauren, att Laurens ”ex” bor i huset dem flyttat in i, Devins löjliga skovana och mål att en dag vilja uppnå saker, Virginias prenup, Fam Jam och faktumet att vi har ännu en hatande syster. Plus mycket mer. Enjoy!En grej till: Love is Blind s08e07 – “You look amazing... me too?”
45:36|Att vi befinner oss på två olika kontinenter hindar oss inte från att fortsätta vår rapportering från senaste Love is Blind-säsongen! I sjunde avsnittet pratar vi Short Kings mirakulösa comeback från stalkeranklagelserna, Taylors överskattning av sitt eget utseende, bikinivaxningar, Bens bakgrund på the country club, vad Jon och Joey har gemensamt, Devin och Virginias shenanigans i poolen, Daves glasögon och stress över att han känner två av Laurens ”ex”. Plus mycket mer. Enjoy!