

pluspluspodcast is a show about science, tech and the future, told from laboratories, garages and factories across the world. Motherboard embeds with the humans and machines shaping our future behind the scenes.

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  • PlusPlus Update!

    After a fun first season Jason and Ankita talk about what's next for the podcast.

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  • Introducing Science Solved It

    A mystery is only as good as its solution…at least, that’s what host Kaleigh Rogers believes. Science Solved It is a new weekly show from Motherboard that introduces listeners to the world’s greatest mysteries that were solved by science, with insight from the actual researchers who cracked the case. We cover everything from strange, underwater noises to cartoons that give people seizures, all with a satisfying scientific solution at the end. Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app or on iTunes:
  • Vote for Motherboard

    We'll be back with a new episode of plusplus tomorrow, but in the meantime, please vote for our other podcast, Radio Motherboard, in the Webbys:…sts/technology  Tweet at us telling us you voted (@jason_koebler or @motherboard), and we'll select one person to come on a future episode of Radio Motherboard show to talk about whatever they want.
  • #5 - Should Robots Make Your Clothes?

    Motherboard editor Ankita Rao went to Hyderabad, India to investigate the city's garment industry. She found rooms filled with hundreds of people making clothes by hand for low wages. If their jobs were automated, would they be better or worse off?
  • #4 - Who Killed the Smart Gun?

    With an epidemic of mass shootings and gun accidents devastating communities nationwide, a small movement seeks to change technology instead of gun control laws. But the players behind the movement to create smart guns have been blocked at every turn. Motherboard features editor Brian Anderson went on a two-year quest to learn who killed the smart gun.
  • #3 - Domestic Surveillance

    Motherboard reporter Joseph Cox surveils himself using off-the-shelf Android spyware he bought from a sketchy Polish website. It turns out this software is commonly used by domestic abusers to spy on their partners. pluspluspodcast meets a woman who was stalked and surveilled by her ex-husband using software like the kind Joseph purchased.
  • #2 - America's Television Graveyards

    We love our gadgets, but we rarely think about what happens with them when we get rid of them. Often, they don't go far at all. In the last three years, the EPA has found warehouses full of millions of abandoned CRT televisions in eight states.  Motherboard reporter Jason Koebler traveled to electronics recycling center near Dallas to learn why our old TVs are so hard to deal with.