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Pardon The Lariat

Pardon The Lariat

In the squared circle of the digital wrestleverse, how do you shape a fleeting thought noted down in the dead of night into a world-class product? Pardon The Lariat is your front-row seat to a podcast where content creat

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  • 3. S1 E3: Dalton Crooks, The Commissioner Chris Aaron

    39:01||Season 1, Ep. 3
    At three years old, Dalton Crooks sat on a couch, engrossed in Blues Clues. But his destiny took a turn when his uncle barged in, switching the channel to Monday Night Raw. Little did he know, that moment would spark a lifelong passion for pro wrestling.Fast forward to age 12 or 13, Dalton stumbled upon Pure Chaos Wrestling, a vibrant e-fed, later rebranded as GCA. The turning point in Dalton's journey occurred at the Path to Glory event, where he clinched the Chaos Libra championship and triumphed in the battle royal.However, the road to the GCA world title hit bumps, echoing the stop-and-start nature of PCW and GCA. Yet, Dalton's experiences marked him as a pivotal creator in the Wrestleverse.Enter Code of Honor, a rising e-fed where Dalton, recruited by creator Daniel Lions, became a central figure. Dalton, along with characters from PCW/GCA, became instrumental in shaping COH's narrative.Life had its interruptions, and Dalton took breaks from the e-fedding scene, seeking the time he needed. In 2019, a misdiagnosed stomach infection nearly claimed Dalton's life, prompting a hiatus for recovery.Rejuvenated, Dalton returned to the scene as the general manager of COH Overdrive, also contributing to Relentless Pro's management, handling HR duties for CAWs.But at the peak of his e-fedding journey, a revelation struck Dalton during a friend's bachelor party. Surrounded by talks of weddings, wrestling bookings, and character stories, he questioned the path he was on.At 3 am, Dalton, amidst the revelry, realized he was missing out on life beyond the wrestling realm. Fueled by this epiphany, he declared, "I have to stop, I have to get away."Leaving the scene abruptly, Dalton prioritized real-life connections over the niche hobby dominating his existence. It wasn't long before Relentless Pro reached out, proposing a commission role. Hesitant yet intrigued, Dalton saw an opportunity to rejoin the scene, contributing through recorded audio promos for the commissioner.Balancing fun with friends and a renewed focus on life, Dalton found a way to merge his passion for e-fedding with a healthier perspectiveThis is the creation story of Chris Aaaron the Commissioner.Dalton Crooks SocialCode of Honor Twitch SocialRelentless Pro SocialGRPPLCredits: Pardon the Lariat is hosted, produced and edited by Ryan Gripon, Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Google Play, Pocket Casts , Goodpods or the podcasting app of your choice.

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  • 2. S1 E2: Sophie Adams, The Summit Tournament

    01:00:20||Season 1, Ep. 2
    In July of 2023, Sophie Adams found herself in the comfort of her cozy apartment, lounging on her favorite couch, engrossed in the endless stream of tweets on her Twitter feed. As she leisurely scrolled through the myriad of posts, one particular tweet caught her attention, causing her to abruptly halt her scrolling and focus her gaze.It was a tweet from the Premier Wrestling Network, a widely respected e-fed organization known for its innovative wrestling showcases. They had posted a territorial map of the United States, and it seemed they were on the lookout for other e-fed organizations willing to stake their claim in different regions of the country. Sophie's curiosity was piqued as she watched, with growing fascination, each state on the map being steadily claimed by various e-fed entities.Intrigued by the unfolding display, Sophie couldn't help but join the conversation. She replied to the thread, expressing her excitement, "It would be so cool to see e-feds from every state come together for a March Madness-style tournament!" Her words hung in the digital air, sparking the imagination of those who shared her enthusiasm.But even as she typed out that tweet, a skeptical thought crossed her mind. Who would be audacious enough to attempt to gather so many e-fed organizations from around the world, let alone the United States, for a tournament of this magnitude? The idea seemed nothing short of gutsy.Then, as if by magic, a light bulb moment illuminated her thoughts. Sophie realized that she could be that bold person. She possessed the necessary time and a burgeoning concept that seemed ready to blossom. With determination in her heart and the belief that this idea could be something extraordinary, she knew that her mission was clear. She needed to unite e-feds from the United States and beyond, bringing them all together under one banner, one grand tournament.And so, with that spark of inspiration, Sophie's journey began, setting in motion a series of events that would forever change the landscape of the Wrestleverse, leaving an indelible mark on the world of sports entertainment.This is the creation story of The Summit Tournament.LinksSophie Adam's SocialCovenant Pro Wrestling E-FED SocialLeave us a review on Apple Podcasts!Credits: Pardon the Lariat is hosted, produced and edited by Ryan Gripon, Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Google Play, Pocket Casts , Goodpods or the podcasting app of your choice.
  • 1. S1 E1: Martin Chanza, Paul Smithson's Fan Official

    33:24||Season 1, Ep. 1
    In 2022, Martin Chanza's curiosity sparked a digital odyssey. His quest: a simple online search to answer the question that had lain dormant for years—do e-feds still exist? Little did he know that this search would become the genesis of a remarkable transformation.He stumbled upon FAM, also known as Forever A Movement. There, Martin witnessed a virtual battlefield where CAWs (Create-a-Wrestlers) clashed in an epic battle royal match. It was a spectacle that held him captive for three mesmerizing days. As the stories of these digital warriors unfolded, a profound realization struck him like a bolt of lightning."Why is nobody talking about this?" Martin questioned, the words echoing in the solitude of his room. Here was a world filled with creativity, dedication, and passion, yet it existed largely in obscurity.With the precision of a storyteller's instinct, Martin's path became clear. His background in journalism became a beacon of hope. Paul Smithson's Fan Official emerged as his canvas, a platform to share the insights of CAWs and e-feds.And so, a spark of curiosity ignited a roaring blaze of determination, and Martin became the voice of this digital subculture. As his magazine gained momentum, it became a monthly testament to the artistry and commitment of those who crafted their dreams in the Wrestleverse.This is the creation story of Paul Smithson's Fan Official.LinksPaul Smithson's Fan Official SocialPaul Smithson's Fan Official WebsiteLeave us a review on Apple Podcasts!Credits: Pardon the Lariat is hosted, produced and edited by Ryan Gripon, Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Google Play, Pocket Casts or the podcasting app of your choice.
  • Trailer: Crafting the Wrestleverse - Pro Wrestling Gaming Stories

    01:42||Season 1
    In the Wrestleverse, the path to achievement is a winding road filled with epic clashes and unforgettable moments. How do you embark on this journey, charting the roadmap to success that sets you apart in the vibrant realm of pro wrestling gaming?Expect hurdles and twists in the storyline, whether you're a fresh face in the scene or a seasoned veteran. Just like a battle-tested wrestler trying to reinvent themselves, how will you grapple with these challenges?Ultimately – how can you shape a fleeting thought noted down in the dead of night into a true heavyweight contender, orchestrating its rise to become a smashing sensation?Credits: Pardon The Lariat is hosted and produced by Ryan Gripon.