
cover art for Episode 18  Listen, Learn and Lean In with Amy Ziegert

OVERFLOW with Kimberly Snider

Episode 18 Listen, Learn and Lean In with Amy Ziegert

Season 2, Ep. 2

Amy shares her Bravefull inspiration as well as issues permission slips for 2021. 

Amy is the creator of Bravefull: a Podcast for Achieving Women. Her mission is to connect with High Achieving Women and share their stories of achievements to inspire others and lift them for success in their life. 

This episode we talk about giving our self a permission slip. Give yourself permission. Permission to take a risk. …to be authentic. …to be open to what’s out there. …to slow down and appreciate your life.

It’s easy to be faking the happiness amidst all the expectations layering on. Maybe 2021 is the year to listen closely, learn and observe and then lean in. 

What is your Word of Year this year? What will be your guiding North Star for the year that will remind you of your direction, your energy to fulfill be authentic while at the same time enticing you to take risks, perhaps make mistakes followed by looking back, learning, and then compelling you to lean in to take that risk?

p.s. Amy is hosting a Vision Board class on January 24th, 2021

Connect with Amy here:





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  • 6. Do Something today Your Future Self will Thank you for

    Welcome to half way through the year 2024! It is the start of Q3 - Quarter three of 2024!Isn't it time to re-energize your plan? Refuel what fires you up? Can you do both? Can you equally dream the BIG GOALS for the future AND pause?I love "and"Engage your strengths AND appeal to your heart.Set the vision 10 years from now AND find time for more than all the activities to achieve, find time for self-care.Think about your past, the resilience of life AND (re-)build your courage today.and ... I'd remind you too: listen and look for nudges and clues that the universe is laying out for you. Be aware and be grateful.Do something today your future self will thank you for!Website:                       https://peoplebrain.caInstagram:                      

    EVENT JULY 5, 2024 AT 137 GLASGOW ST. KITCHENER, ONLet’s get out of the boardroom, on Friday, July 5th as the Catalyst Commons offers a friendly, open sky, “indoor green space” for us to gather, network, listen, and reflect. It’s time to inspire one another to lead with brave hearts, towards bold futures and enjoy better health.YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED! Let me share... JULY 5TH EVENT is the start of something spectacular! Juliana and I have been bubbling with enthusiasm to create an event (to kick off a series!) to support high-achieving women with inspiration, permission to be authentic (and a reflection of how awesome they ALREADY ARE!) as well as a green light to continue strive for BIG dreams, with a community of other amazing thriving women. We will also reinforce health and wellness … because, we need to insist we all take our health … a little more… seriously.  This event will be a chance for 3 key speakers to share their story and key messages as inspiration and as a reflection of the women in audience!Adrianne FeketeAgnes KieszJulie CowanOur mission for this event is to offer women permission to put the busyness on hold... Press PAUSE. Be INSPIRED. Fill up their cup and release the weight they have been carrying for far too long. We are on a mission to inspire women: brave hearts, bold futures and better health.These events will be beacons of support, empowerment and community-building for high achieving women.  Together each woman, speaker, attendee, sponsor, partner, supplier will be a reflection of INSPIRED LEADERS. Leaders who inspire and elevate others, as well as seek to be inspired to flourish and accomplish BIG things.   WE SEE BRILLIANCE REFLECTED IN EVERY WOMAN (even though, she may not realize it!) RESILIENCE AND TENACITY (LIFELONG LEARNING & GROWTH)Each women is pretty awesome themselves!AUTHENTICITY & GENUINE CELEBRATION OF EACH OTHERWith courage, confidence, and motivation to face life head-on, we celebrate each woman’s uniqueness, true self and their genuine story of inspiration. YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTHThe time to push at the expense of your health is over! It’s time to grant permission to nourish your mind, support our bodies, and feel emotionally well resourced. We truly believe that health is part of our legacy!Drop me a line today, and get your EARLY BIRD ticket pricing before they sell out!Website:                       https://peoplebrain.caInstagram:                      
  • 4. What would OVERFLOW look like TO YOU?

    Our conversation continues... about Coaching. What is Coaching? and How can we help?What is "OVERflow" to me? What is this the OVERFLOW Podcast? ... and what's your overflowing best life?What fuels your joy? your rest? your awesomeness? How are you living your BEST life, overflowing?How can we create space? How can we find a moment to be grateful? Where do find a moment to take a breath for ourself?How do we disconnect from the "need to do more" and include YOURSELF in the mix of all the people you are worrying for ... and caring for?If you are curious about Coaching, please reach out to Susan or I and let's have a conversation. Our Contact details are below and our hearts are open to meeting with you, supporting your high-achiever goals and your self-care space too!If you are interested in hearing more about the podcast course I took... look for Podcast Accelerator by Michelle Sorro’s connect! Website:                       https://www.womenredefiningsuccess.comInstagram:                       Website:                       https://peoplebrain.caInstagram:                      
  • 3. Join our Conversation about Coaching and Hope

    “Hope is not a strategy.”…one of my favourite quotes and I hope that it will inspire you today!Welcome!  Join our conversation!What are your thougths about:·       What advice would you give your younger self?·       What is coaching?·       Are you coachable?·       Do you have a strategy?Series… about coaching.  Beyond hope… have determination, a strategy, someone walking with you on this journey to have a safe, confidential conversation and bounce ideas and think clearly with too!I created this podcast to inspire, empower, motivate and spark guilt-free self-care.  I think we are often sharing (giving) so much, that we do not take good care of our self… and live our best life.  So please join our conversation, this mini-series of episodes about coaching, be coachable, hope and strategy to redefine success… on your terms, this season.=Let’s connect! Website:                       https://www.womenredefiningsuccess.comInstagram:                        Website:                       https://peoplebrain.caInstagram:                      
  • 2. Decision Mindset

    "Living in your OVERflow is not the absence of chaos, rather finding yourself in the midst of that chaos and remaining calm in your heart." Kimberly SniderHow can you make a better decision?... have you ever made a decision in the heat of the moment? ... maybe you were hungry, hurt or overtired?Let's create a strategy to make positive, strong and calm decisions, today.How are you feeling? ... and moreover, how would you like to feel? What can you do to change your mind, shift your energy from negative to positive?Change your perspective. What advice would you have for your BFF if she came to you with this challenge? and in reverse, what might you say to her? What if the situation and the characters were different, how might this perspective shift change your response?I am resilient. Repeat after me: I am resilient. YES! ... and how have you overcome obstacles in the past? What strategies have helped you reframe a decision, or better communicate (from a more positive, smart, fun...) point of view?and lastly... are you watching? listening? ...because the universe is conspiring to guide you, lead you, support your beautiful life. What clues are you noticing? Do you feel the tap on your shoulder? Take time to wonder. Wander into wishful thinking ... and make a decision from here, this strong and calm decision mindset!OFFER: Live Your Best Life Today: A JournalIf you need a space to journal, capture your dreams and the busy day... I have created a journal, blank, lined pages with inspirational quotes and space to breathe ... JUST FOR YOU! It sells on Amazon... here is the link:'t it be wonderful, to re-energize! Refuel! Dare to dream!Invest in daily journalling. Re-ignite what lights you up and fuels your soul!...and... I believe, the universe is conspiring to help you, guide and encourage you to choose to live your best life today! ...psst... and I am cheering for you too! This is life in OVERflow.Let’s connect!Website:                       https://kimberlysnider.caInstagram:                      
  • 1. Simple Strategies for Strong Mental Strength Mornings

    Good Morning!Are you set up for success? Are you feeling the dread of the day, distracted, overwhelmed?Let's start with some simple strategies to strengthen your mindset each morning. Let's start with positivity, motivation, calm and strong mornings.Here are my simple strategies... pick one or two that will have a BIG impact on your mental well-being and fuel your day. Live your best life today - that's what I call living in your OVERflow!Align your energy with the universeAffirmations and fuel your body with the strength and pride, calm and strong with every positive affirmation.Mind over MIND! How can you appeal to your senses to attract positive vibes? What will lure you into feeling good to start your morning?Gratitude and Wishes.... sending out love and appreciation, feeling a true sense of gratitude AND also, an anticipation of adventure, fun, potential, possibilities! Make a wish, take time to dream or anticipate something positive, crazy awesome FOR YOU! Fill up! Fuel your day - with gratitude AND an unselfish wish!May you be safe.May you be happy.May you be healthy.May your spirit be strong and live with ease.May you be free from fear.May you be at peace.May today to be a good day... or something better!Lastly, if you could use a guide, a thought-partner, a safe, confidential Coach to start your 2024 on a strong step… let’s TIME-BLOCK 2024 Strategic Thinking & Dare to Dream Sesh.  YOU WILL NOT REGRET ONE HOUR (...hey... and IF YOU DO, it is a money-back-guarantee!)Shift from overdrive, distracted, and half-empty, to Calm. Strong. Empowered.ARE YOU READY? truly live YOUR BEST LIFE, today?  Start here:… The universe is conspiring to see you successful and happy. Let’s connect!Website:                       https://kimberlysnider.caInstagram:                      
  • 12. What is your Mantra for 2024?

    What is your mantra for 2024? Got a WORD of the Year, as your North STAR and guide? Please let me share my thoughts, my ideal 2024... and hope that it inspires you to reframe your year. What energizes you? What do you need to remind your heart of? What will fill you up and fire up your soul? ...because there is humongous value in finding time, finding the energy to think strategically, get fired up about life's accomplishments, adventures, be grateful for the people in our life and find the joy in the journey ...OVERFLOW # 6Today – Create Your Mantra for 2024...and a reminder that the universe is cheering for you too!So grab a pen and your journal. Find a quiet space without distractions. Close the door (or simply walk away...) so that you can think, dream and create your life in OVERFLOW!Lastly, if you could use a guide, a thought-partner, a safe, confidential Coach to start your 2024 on a strong step… let’s TIME-BLOCK 2024 Strategic Thinking & Dare to Dream Sesh.  YOU WILL NOT REGRET ONE HOUR (...hey... and IF YOU DO, it is a money-back-guarantee!)Shift from overdrive, distracted, and half-empty, to Calm. Strong. Empowered.ARE YOU READY? truly live YOUR BEST LIFE, today?  Start here:… The universe is conspiring to see you successful and happy. Let’s connect!Website:                       https://kimberlysnider.caInstagram:                      
  • 11. Your Thoughts Matter. Time to live YOUR BEST LIFE Today.

    Your Thoughts MATTER!Have you carved out time for you, your ideas, hopes, dreams and time for reflecting and STRATEGIZING, a new year?Here to help: 10 prompts, nudges, inspiration to journal, reflect and find your OVERFLOW this year! ...because there is humongous value in finding time, finding the energy to think strategically, get fired up about life's accomplishments, adventures, be grateful for the people in our life and find the joy in the journey ...OVERFLOW # 5Today – YOUR THOUGHTS MATTER!1.      Strategic Thinking.  … set goals, move forward.  §  TIP:  If it’s helpful here is my RATE YOUR LIFE document to support your thinking … for different areas of your life.§      Dare to Dream.  …what is possible?  What would be wonderful?  What would be exciting?  What are you secretly wishing to accomplish or experience?3.     Be Coachable.  … be open, curious, vulnerable.  It’s not about being perfect, nor about guilt.  Let’s start today.So grab a pen and your journal. Find a quiet space without distractions. Close the door (or simply walk away...) so that you can think, dream and create your life in OVERFLOW!Lastly, if you could use a guide, a thought-partner, a safe, confidential Coach to start your 2024 on a strong step… let’s TIME-BLOCK 2024 Strategic Thinking & Dare to Dream Sesh.  YOU WILL NOT REGRET ONE HOUR (...hey... and IF YOU DO, it is a money-back-guarantee!)Shift from overdrive, distracted, and half-empty, to Calm. Strong. Empowered.ARE YOU READY? truly live YOUR BEST LIFE, today?  Start here:… The universe is conspiring to see you successful and happy. Let’s connect!Website:                       https://kimberlysnider.caInstagram:                      
  • 10. 10 Days Reflection to New Year - Journalling Episodes

    It is a crazy busy time of year... AND .... you are likely also trying to show up at parties and be festive...Have you carved out time for you? for your hopes, dreams and some reflecting, as you approach a new year?Here to help: 10 days to New Year's Eve and 10 prompts to journal, reflect and prepare for a new year! New You! ...because there is humongous value in finding time, finding the energy to think strategically, get fired up about life's accomplishments, adventures, be grateful for the people in our life and find the joy in the journey ...It is time to unlock your potential.Regain control. Rebuild. Not settling for average anymore.So grab a pen and your journal. Find a quiet space without distractions. Close the door (or simply walk away...) so that you can think, dream and create your life in OVERFLOW!#3 -Self-Care versus excuses and distractions throughout the yearMost importantly:When you look at the past year, When did I prioritize self-care? When was I distracted from really living in your OVERflow?Think about, Did I fill myself up? ...or did I allow excuses to take over?#4 - Rate my life in all 8 areasRate your 2023 areas of life, from physical health and well-being, mental health, career, personal growth, time with friends/family, love and connection, personal peace as well as your money and finances. Download your Wheel of Life to capture your ratings, here: have you lived your life in OVERflow this year? ... and moreover, how can you set yourself up for success in a new year? Look for patterns, and strengths. Look for what IS possible! Consider what might be FUN! Building the foundation for OVERflow in a new year. You got this!Let’s connect!Website:                       https://kimberlysnider.caInstagram: