
cover art for The Nordic Way: modern training and health with Nicoline Roth

One Thirty Biohacks

The Nordic Way: modern training and health with Nicoline Roth

Season 3, Ep. 21

In this episode of One Thirty Biohacks, we have an interesting conversation with Nicoline, the visionary behind Nordic Strong—a concept revolutionizing the fitness landscape with its multifunctional fitness machine. Nicoline shares her journey of discovery, leading to the creation of a holistic fitness studio seamlessly blending strength, cardio, balance exercises and sauna club. 

Among many other things, we delve into the profound benefits of cold water immersion, the significance of intentions & gratitude and how this practice contributes to mental resilience.

We also unravel the daily routines and health hacks of Nicoline, highlighting early risings, hot water with lemon rituals, and consistent workouts. 

Inspire your own health journey by listening to our new episode now!


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    45:27||Season 3, Ep. 39
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