
One Thirty Biohacks
Mental restitution med performance psykolog Melissa Elveberg
Mental restitution er et vigtigt redskab, når vi ønsker at præstere på et højt plan. Vores krop og hjerne er levende og dynamiske enheder, og kan ikke, som computere, blot fodres med energi, og køre på i det uendelige, men har brug for søvn og hvile.
Men hvordan er det vi restituerer mentalt og hvad betyder det for vores mentale performance ?
Restitution er meget mere end pauser. Når vi restituerer, handler det lige så meget om variation fra de aktiviteter, der kræver noget af os i hverdagen, og om fysiske og mentale pusterum.
Mængden og kvaliteten af den mentale restitution har betydning for vores præstation. Hvis vi sørger for at restituere nok og på den rigtige måde, vil vi opleve et større overskud, hvilket giver os mulighed for at forbedre vores performance – både på kort og lang sigt
Melissa deler i dette afsnit af @onethirtybiohacks en række spændende indsigter og værktøjer til at optimere din mentale performance.
Til dagligt arbejder Melisa som performance- og sportspsykolog med atleter, erhvervsfolk, kunstnere og andre, som ønsker at booste deres performance, arbejde med præstationsangst eller ønsker at sætte fokus på deres personlige udvikling.
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Revolutionizing Breast Health: A Conversation with Emma Thornton, CEO of ThermochecK
39:38|In this episode of One Thirty Biohacks, we dive into the importance of breast health and the role a preventive lifestyle plays in avoiding sickness later on. Emma Thompson, CEO of Thermocheck, shares her personal journey, including her own breast cancer story, and how it inspired her to help other women take responsibility for their breast health.Emma explains how understanding risk factors early on is crucial in preventing sickness. It’s not about diagnosing illness, but rather about identifying and addressing risk factors before they lead to serious health problems. By making informed decisions about lifestyle, diet, and habits, women can take proactive steps to lower their risks and ensure better long-term health. The Thermocheck scan helps women understand their breast health in a non-invasive way, allowing them to make empowered, preventative choices.We are proud to offer Thermocheck at One Thirty Labs, and Emma emphasizes that early detection and lifestyle adjustments are key in creating a future free of illness. This episode is all about education, empowerment, and taking responsibility for your health before problems arise.Rewiring the Survival Brain: Ancient Instincts & Modern Health with Dr. Olivia Lesslar
55:25|In this episode of One Thirty Biohacks, we are joined by Dr. Olivia Lesslar, a global thought leader in functional and longevity medicine.Dr. Lesslar dives into the concept of the “survival brain,” explaining how our primal instincts, developed to ensure survival in ancient environments, often clash with the demands of modern life. She explores how these innate responses can lead to stress, anxiety, and various health issues in today’s fast-paced world.Through this conversation, Dr. Lesslar provides practical strategies to rewire the survival brain, promoting resilience and well-being. She emphasizes the importance of understanding our body’s responses and offers insights into aligning ancient instincts with contemporary lifestyles to achieve optimal health.This episode is packed with valuable insights into the intersection of evolutionary biology and modern health, giving listeners actionable advice to enhance their well-being.About Dr. Olivia Lesslar:Dr. Olivia Lesslar is an Australian medical doctor and thought leader who bridges ancient wisdom with modern science. She has completed postgraduate studies in skin cancer medicine, dermatology, and clinical nutrition management. As the medical director of functional and longevity medicine at the Brain Center in Sydney, she collaborates with innovative clinics, including LifeSpan Medicine in Los Angeles and Cingulum Health in Sydney. Dr. Lesslar is passionate about understanding and integrating the mind-body connection, focusing on psychoneuroimmunology and biohacking to optimize health and performance.Unlocking the Secrets of Aging: Martin Kremmer on Epigenetic Clocks and Healthy Longevity
41:21|Episode is in English. In this episode of One Thirty Biohacks, we are joined by Martin Kremmer, co-founder of,, and Copenhagen Health Week. We dive into the fascinating world of epigenetics and biohacking.We discuss the concept of epigenetic clocks, the difference between bioage and chronological age, and how we can navigate the complexities of determining our true age. Martin shares insights on how to assess biological age, the cutting-edge tools available to measure it, and what the science says about how we can slow down or even reverse aging processes.We also explore the key factors that contribute to healthy aging and how we can protect ourselves from disease and age-related conditions. What truly influences longevity, and what can we do to ensure we not only live longer, but live healthier lives?This episode offers a deep dive into the science of aging, with practical advice on how to optimize your health span and unlock the potential for a longer, more vibrant life.Hvordan kvantefysik kan transformere dit helbred med Henning Jensen
44:24|I denne episode af One Thirty Biohacks taler vi med Henning R. Jensen, forfatteren af Kvantelivet, som giver et videnskabeligt blik på, hvordan kvantefysik kan hjælpe os med at forstå forbindelsen mellem vores tanker, sindstilstand og generelle velvære.Henning forklarer, hvordan vi er energiske væsener, og hvordan vores tanker, følelser og overbevisninger udsender energi, der påvirker vores helbred og omgivelser. Han diskuterer, hvordan kvantefysik viser, at vores tanker og følelser skaber elektromagnetiske bølger, som påvirker vores kroppe og miljøer på måder, vi måske ikke er opmærksomme på.Henning deler også, hvordan vi kan opnå balance mellem vores hjerne og hjerte samt mellem de maskuline og feminine energier i os, hvilket kan hjælpe os med at leve sundere og mere opfyldende liv. Når vores energi bliver sammenhængende, kan vi skabe det liv, vi ønsker, meget ligesom den fokuserede kraft fra laserlys.Denne episode giver værdifulde indsigter i, hvordan vores energiske tilstand påvirker vores daglige liv, helbred og velvære, og hvordan vi kan bruge denne viden til at forbedre vores liv.Forstå sammenhængen mellem mænds helbred og potens - med Michael Strøm
43:45|I denne episode af One Thirty Biohacks taler vi med Michael Strøm, en anerkendt ekspert i seksuel sundhed og chokbølgeterapi, om hvordan mænd kan optimere deres seksuelle sundhed og præstation. Vi dykker ned i de ofte tabubelagte emner som erektil dysfunktion og faldende potens, og hvordan disse kan påvirke både det fysiske og mentale velvære.Michael er grundlægger af MS Insight, en klinik i København, som specialiserer sig i behandling af seksuelle sundhedsproblemer som erektil dysfunktion, Peyronie’s sygdom og bækkensmerter. Han er også certificeret sexolog og har været taler på flere internationale konferencer, herunder ISMST 2023 i Colombia.I samtalen deler Michael sine indsigter om, hvordan livsstilsændringer og behandlinger kan forbedre både seksuel sundhed og livskvalitet. Han understreger vigtigheden af at skabe åbenhed omkring seksuelle sundhedsproblemer og bryde de stigmaer, der ofte er forbundet med dem.Vi ser også tilbage på Michaels rejse med at etablere MS Insight, som har gjort det muligt for mange mænd at få adgang til specialiseret behandling og rådgivning omkring seksuel sundhed.Lyt med for at få indsigt i, hvordan du kan tage kontrol over din seksuelle sundhed, forbedre din præstation og bryde tabuet omkring potentielle problemer.At trække vejret med intention: breathwork som et redskab til sundhed og produktivitet med Saszeline
49:32|I denne uges episode af One Thirty Biohacks har vi fornøjelsen af at tale med psykoterapeut og breathwork-facilitator, Saszeline, hvor vi dykker ned i de transformerende fordele ved breathwork og at trække vejret med intention.I en tid, hvor mange oplever højt tempo og konstant stress, udforsker vi, hvordan bevidst vejrtrækning kan hjælpe med at reducere stress, forbedre fokus og øge det generelle velvære – både for den enkelte og for medarbejdere. Saszeline deler, hvordan virksomheder kan bruge breathwork som et værdifuldt værktøj til at forbedre medarbejdernes sundhed, øge produktiviteten, styrke team sammenholdet og skabe en sundere kultur i arbejdspladsen.Vi reflekterer også over vores personlige rejse sammen – fra de små, intime breathwork-klasser vi startede hos One Thirty Labs for to år siden, hvor vi kun var 3-4 deltagere pr. session, til i dag, hvor breathwork er blevet en fast del af programmet i de fleste yogastudier og træningscentre. Det er fantastisk at se, hvor langt vi er kommet med at sprede så vigtigt er værktøj, og vi er begejstrede for at fortsætte med at dele dens indvirkning på menneskers sundhed og velvære.Lyt med til en inspirerende samtale og lær, hvordan vejrtrækning med intention kan transformere ikke kun dit eget liv, men også medarbejdernes liv, styrke team sammenholdet og kulturen i din virksomhed.Reflecting on 2024 & Exciting Horizons for 2025
01:01:33|This special episode of One Thirty Biohacks takes you on a journey through the milestones of 2024 and offers an exciting sneak peek into what’s coming in 2025 at One Thirty Labs and beyond! 🌟From the opening of our new studio at Skodsborg to our involvement in groundbreaking initiatives like Copenhagen Health Week and the Recharge Lounge at Tech Barbecue, this year has been nothing short of transformative. We’ve celebrated growth, learned from challenges, and laid the foundation for even greater impact in the world of health and longevity.Tune in to hear Simone and me discuss the trends shaping preventive health, our personal goals for 2025, and how One Thirty Labs is poised to pioneer new approaches to well-being—locally and internationally.🎧 Plus, get a glimpse into the upcoming Copenhagen Health Week 2025 and discover how we’re bringing health optimization to more people than ever before.Listen now and get inspired to start your year with intention, health, and vitality! ✨Longevity, Resilience & Mindfulness: A Conversation with Dr. Ingrid Yang
56:34|In our newsest episode of @onethirtybiohacks, we are thrilled to welcome Dr. Ingrid Yang, a renowned longevity doctor, mindfulness expert, and the author of Adaptive Yoga & Zen Mindfulness. Dr. Yang’s unique approach blends modern science, ancient wisdom, and a deep understanding of the body and mind to explore the profound connections between longevity, resilience, and overall well-being.During this insightful conversation, Dr. Yang shares her journey from lawyer to doctor, her work in longevity medicine, and how mindfulness practices can profoundly impact health and life expectancy. We dive into strategies for building resilience in the face of life’s challenges and discuss how maintaining balance in our physical and mental health can lead to longer, more vibrant lives.Whether you’re seeking ways to enhance your longevity, build resilience, or simply improve your connection with your body and mind, this episode offers practical insights and powerful advice.And if you’re eager to experience Dr. Yang in person, don’t miss the chance to attend her session at CPHHW 2025, where she will be sharing even more of her transformative knowledge.This is the perfect listen for the holidays! Tune in to discover how small changes can lead to extraordinary results in your health and well-being! Find Dr. Ingrid Yang on:@longevitylifestylemdwww.ingridyang.comHolistic Health Uncovered: Preventing Disease and Embracing Natural Balance with Simon Markfoged Madsen
01:01:43|In this episode of One Thirty Biohacks, we are joined by Simon Markfoged Madsen, co-founder Aura Holistic Health Organisation and author of the insightful book, “How To Cure Cancer and Other Diseases.”As a previous co-founder of a holistic cancer clinic, Simon discusses practical steps for those diagnosed with cancer and those aiming to prevent it. He emphasizes understanding the body’s different systems to grasp cancer, diseases, and overall health more clearly. His book provides straightforward guidelines on maintaining bodily systems to prevent disease effectively, highlighting the pivotal role of natural balance and holistic therapies.Simon challenges conventional medical perspectives, advocating for a harmonious relationship with nature to achieve optimal health. Whether you’re seeking preventative measures or navigating a diagnosis, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable advice to empower your health journey.Tune in as we explore how to take control of your health, understand disease prevention, and embrace a future of vibrant well-being through Simon’s unique perspective and expertise.For more information about Simon’s work and resources, visit the Aura Holistic Health Organisation website (