Orkneyology Podcast

In Orkney, we used to have an expression: "I'll be ower wi' the moon," meaning, "I will come and visit you when the moon is full, to light my way."

In The Orkneyology Podcast: Ower wi' the moon, Tom and Rhonda Muir of the Orkney Islands in Scotland talk to fascinating and creative folk, both living in Orkney and also farther afield, usually with an Orkney connection. We chat about folklore, storytelling, books, history, life in Orkney and whatever else we find inspiring. We do hope you'll join us for a good blether. Look for the Orkneyology Podcast again on the night of the next full moon.

You can find more about life in the Orkney Islands on Orkneyology.com, where Tom and Rhonda Muir explore Orkney life and history, books, travel tips, folklore and much more.

Podcast music provided by Fionn McArthur

Podcast image artwork by Jenny Steer

For more stories of life and lore in Scotland's Orkney Islands, visit our website and learn about all things Orkney, moving to Orkney, living in Orkney, and the folklore and history of Orkney and its neighbours. https://www.orkneyology.com/

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Buy the new extended edition of Tom Muir's Orkney folk tales, the 25th anniversary edition of The Mermaid Bride and Other Orkney Stories: https://www.orcadian.co.uk/shop/fiction-poetry-folklore-myths/1419-the-mermaid-bride-and-other-orkney-folk-tales.html?aff=3

Please browse Orkneyology Press books and other intriguing items in our shop: https://shop.orkneyology.com/