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  • 8. Link oral and general health

    Creating a healthcare system that acknowledges good oral health leads to a healthier society, can cut costs and lessens the burden on health services.It’s a no-brainer.This is part 8 in our 10 part miniseries about our oral health manifesto. Read our full oral health manifesto here:

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  • 7. Teaching good oral health habits

    Setting aside specific government money for teaching people about taking care of their teeth can help everyone learn how to prevent oral health problems.This is part 7 in our 10 part miniseries about our oral health manifesto. Read our full oral health manifesto here:
  • 6. Bringing in new smoking age rules

    Changing the rules around buying tobacco so that no one born after 2009 will be able to purchase it will mean that we are taking proactive steps to save the health of the next generations.This is part 6 in our 10 part miniseries about our oral health manifesto. Read our full oral health manifesto here:
  • 5. No more sugar tax loopholes

    Many drinks you can buy at coffee shops have more sugar than what an adult should have in a whole day. Yet under the current sugar tax rules, they’re exempt. That needs to change.This is part 5 of 10 in our oral health manifesto miniseries. Read our manifesto here:
  • 4. Support toothbrushing in schools

    Toothbrushing in schools can significantly reduce oral health issues, yielding cost savings on the treatment of childhood decay within the lifetime of a government.This is part 1 in our 10 part miniseries. Come back every day in the lead-up until the 4th of July.
  • 3. Bring back oral health promotion teams

    Oral health promotion teams have been facing budget cuts in recent years and it’s time to restore them to their former glory.This is part 3 in our 10 part miniseries. Come back every day in the lead-up until the 4th of July.
  • 2. Expanding water fluoridation programmes

    Water fluoride programmes are already in place in some parts of the country - we happen to be from two of them - and we see the difference they can make on your oral health. This is a no-brainer, we should be encouraging the rollout of a universal water fluoridation program.This is part 2 in our 10 part miniseries. Come back every day in the lead-up until the 4th of July.