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The Oral Health Podcast

The nations leading oral health podcast

Sink your teeth into this podcast, ran by the Oral Health Foundation, where we have bite-size discussions with different guests about all things dental. Listen in to improve your knowledge of oral health, keep up to date

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  • 2. Doing dry January and the benefits for your mouth

    13:06||Season 14, Ep. 2
    We're starting the second full week of January now, so if you're doing Dry January then you're well into your month of sobriety. Today we're talking about how giving up or cutting back on alcohol can do wonders for your oral health as well as your general heatlh.

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  • 1. Replacing missing teeth

    26:17||Season 14, Ep. 1
    When you lose a tooth, you have three options for replacing it: dentures, implants, and bridges. Each has its own perks and pitfalls, but we are here to help you make the best decision.
  • Learning more about salivary gland cancers

    Salivary gland cancers are rare, affecting just 5 people out of one million, but it's just as important to raise awareness of this often misunderstood and misdiagnosed condition.Learn more about salivary gland cancer by visiting involved with Mouth Cancer Action Month on social media using the hashtag #MouthCancerAction
  • Save money on dental products without compromising health

    There is a lot of clever branding on oral health products that can make you think you need the £25 toothpaste or the £500 toothbrush. In reality, whilst sometimes it's great to splurge on a luxury product, the basics can do just fine for most people.We break down the key things to ensure your oral health products have, so when you look at the no-frills options you know you're still getting a good quality product.
  • 6. Managing oral health with a disability

    27:07||Season 13, Ep. 6
    Gillian Howie, Consultant in Special Care Dentistry for Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT), joins us to talk about the challenges of accessing dental care when you have a disability, as well as some of the joys she experiences as a special care dentist.Thank you to Oral B for making this conversation happen.