
cover art for Episode 113: PTSD Coaching

One Dive at a Time

Episode 113: PTSD Coaching

PTSD coaches complement traditional therapy and offer unique benefits that address some of its limitations:


Coaches often provide more affordable and flexible support options, making help accessible to a wider audience. Many coaches offer online sessions, sliding scale fees, or group coaching programs to accommodate different financial situations.


Coaching is typically viewed as a form of personal development rather than medical treatment, which can be more appealing and less stigmatizing. This perspective can encourage more people to seek support.


Coaches focus on helping clients set and achieve specific personal and professional goals. This forward-looking approach can foster a sense of progress, accomplishment, and empowerment, which is especially beneficial for individuals with PTSD who may feel stuck in their recovery.


Coaches emphasize identifying and leveraging individual strengths, building confidence, and promoting a positive self-image. This strengths-based approach helps clients see themselves as capable and resilient, which can be transformative for their recovery and overall well-being.

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  • Episode: 116 Should You Own Your Own Dive Tank?

    This has been a faily frequesnt question with my new divers. So breaking down the advantages and disadvantages of having your own tank. #scuba #Scubadiving #bluemind #wellness
  • Episode 114: Top 10 Dive Movies

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  • Episode 115: Atomic Habits for Diving

    Be sure to see the blog at TheNeptuneWarrior.comDiving, like many other activities, relies on consistency and small improvements. Atomic habits are tiny changes that compound over time to create significant results. James Clear, in his book "Atomic Habits," explains that improving by just 1% each day leads to results nearly 37 times better after one year. This principle is ideal for diving, where small, regular practices enhance skills and safety significantly.The theory behind atomic habits is about making small, maintainable changes. These habits, repeated consistently, create a compound effect, much like interest in finance. Our brains automate these behaviors, making them easier over time.Building on successes is essential. Small wins release dopamine, creating a positive feedback loop. Celebrating milestones like mastering buoyancy control or navigating a dive site builds confidence and motivation.To apply atomic habits to diving, start with daily stretching. Just five minutes can improve flexibility, enhancing maneuverability and reducing cramps. Regularly review dive tables and plan dives to keep knowledge sharp. Routine equipment checks ensure everything is in order, building confidence and safety.To create a habit system: identify a trigger (cue), attach a positive outcome (craving), make the habit easy (response), and celebrate small wins (reward). Overcoming challenges requires consistency and not letting setbacks derail progress.The compound effect in diving means small, consistent improvements add up, leading to significant progress. Consider a diver who practices buoyancy control for five minutes daily, gradually improving until it becomes second nature.Habit stacking is another technique, where you pair a new habit with an existing one. For example, review dive tables right after setting up your gear.The long-term benefits of atomic habits in diving are profound, fostering continuous improvement and a mindset of excellence and resilience.
  • Episode 112: More Before Nine

    I remember an advertisement from the Army back in the late 80’s, “We do more before 9 AM than most people do in a day.” My military experience was just that. Up at o’dark-thirty for PT, shower, chow, first formation. #scubadiving #diving #scubaislife #naui #divetravel #scubawreckdiving #couplesthattravel #divelocal#xsscuba#podcast @xsscuba #mindful #zen #mindfulness #wellness #change #crucialcinversations #cliftonstrengths #care #meditation #backyardzen
  • Episode 111: Your Next Mission

    Did you know you can use you education benefits as a veteran to get your scuba certification?When Skye, a former linguist for the U.S. Air Force first joined our program, she was hesitant and unsure of what lay ahead. However, with each dive, I saw her confidence grow. She started with the basics and quickly progressed, driven by her newfound passion. Our program through NAUI not only provided her with the skills and certifications needed to become a proficient diver but also gave her the courage to explore the world.G.I. Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at to get StartedStep 1:​(a) Contact Neptune Warrior ( Learn about G.I. Bill® eligibility requirements and find out if you can get these benefits. If you’re an active-duty service member or Veteran, a member of the National Guard or Reserves, or a qualified survivor or dependent, find out if you can get VA education benefits through the G.I. Bill® and other educational assistance programs.Step 2:​Apply for your G.I. Bill® benefits.​How to apply for the G.I. Bill® and related benefits go to the VA website at: and follow the directions.​If you have already applied for your benefits and just need to find out how many months of benefits you have left, please go to the VA website at: and follow the steps on how to check your benefits.Print out your VA statement of benefits you will need to bring it to us. ​Step 3:​Upon completion of all exams. The NAUI VA testing center will give you three documents and a presentation so you can submit for your VA reimbursement. (all reimbursements from the VA are first come first serve but it is taking about 30 to 60 days to receive your reimbursement from the VA). #veteran #missionimpossible #scuba #naui
  • Episode 110: Why You Should Hire a Travel Buddy

    Selecting the perfect travel companion is crucial for anyone, but it's especially important if you have PTSD. The right travel buddy can make your journey enjoyable and stress-free, while the wrong one might exacerbate your symptoms and ruin your trip. When considering a travel partner, focus on compatibility, communication skills, and reliability. Your travel buddy should share your interests in diving and travel, have an understanding of PTSD, communicate openly, and be dependable. These qualities will ensure a supportive and harmonious travel experience, allowing you to fully enjoy your adventures.#ScubaWellness #TravelForWellness #VeteranScuba #DivingTherapy #WellnessTravel #ScubaHealing #VeteranWellness #PTSDRecovery #ScubaLife #TravelTherapy #DivingAdventures #VeteranTravel #MentalHealthJourney #HealingWaters #OceanTherapy #TravelWithPurpose #ScubaAdventures #VeteranSupport #WellnessJourney #HealingThroughTravel
  • Episode 109: Rob and Brooks Talk About Diving Strengthening Relationships

    Was great to have Brooks on tis episode!Happy couples are often characterized by their strong emotional connections. Engaging in activities like scuba diving, where trust, communication, and support are paramount, naturally fosters these connections. Underwater, where verbal communication takes a back seat, couples learn to communicate through signals and body language, deepening their understanding of each other’s needs and emotions. This silent dialogue enhances empathy and fosters a unique bond that transcends the dive itself.#diving #scubadiving #romance #Couples
  • Episode 108: How Neptune Warrior Trains Vets

    A Holistic Approach to Dive Training In the world of diving, there’s a significant difference between simply certifying individuals and truly creating divers. At Neptune Warrior, our focus is on the latter. We strive to cultivate true divers who are confident, competent, and find personal fulfillment in their underwater adventures.#scuba #scubadiving #veterans #mentalhealth