
Off Air... with Jane and Fi
It's all about the baby Jesus! (with Julia Samuel)
Ep. 366
She's back in the building! Yes, Fi joins Jane in the studio for their final episode before they 'break up' for the Christmas period. A bonus Christmas special will air on the big day itself, and normal service will resume on Monday the 6th of January. Before that, Jane and Fi chat yuletide highlights, painful show-biz endings and going solo.
Plus, psychotherapist Julia Samuel answers listeners’ Christmas dilemmas.
Get your suggestions in for the next book club pick!
If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us:
Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi
Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury
Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler
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420. Reproducing and heavy lifting (with Stig Abell)
50:51||Ep. 420Jane and Fi have received some postcards, and they're thrilled! Do please send more, but only with second-class stamps—we don't want anyone breaking the bank. They also chat bus positioning, farm-sitting, and Saffron Walden. Plus, Times Radio presenter Stig Abell's joins them to discuss his latest novel 'The Burial Place'. Send your suggestions for the next book club pick! If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfiPodcast Producer: Eve SalusburyExecutive Producer: Rosie Cutler419. Harry Redknapp and Michael Ball making sweet, sweet music
54:48||Ep. 419You won't believe it but Mystic Garv is back, and she's got some ground breaking predictions. Jane and Fi also chat Vegas, snoring, pesto and Fi Glover's Wellness Clinic. Plus, writer James Montague discusses his book 'Engulfed: How Saudi Arabia Bought Sport, and the World'. Send your suggestions for the next book club pick! If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi Podcast Producer: Eve SalusburyExecutive Producer: Rosie Cutler418. Up and down the street with a loudhailer
43:31||Ep. 418Please be warned: accents feature in this email-only podcast episode. Jane and Fi also discuss adolescence, Hadrian's Wall, Mother's Day, and Basingstoke. Send your suggestions for the next book club pick! If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radioFollow us on Instagram! @janeandfiPodcast Producer: Eve SalusburyExecutive Producer: Rosie Cutler417. Book Club - Eight Months on Ghazzah Street
42:04||Ep. 417Jane and Fi are back with their eighth book club, and this one's gone internationale - get the nibbles ready... Plus, Nicholas Pearson, Hilary Mantel's editor and publisher of 20 years, joins Jane and Fi to discuss her life and work. Thank you so much for your engagement and interaction. We hope you'll join us for the next one.Get your suggestions in at: janeandfi@times.radioFollow us on Instagram! @janeandfiPodcast Producer: Eve SalusburyExecutive Producer: Rosie Cutler416. Please avoid space if you've got a vagina! (with Sara Cox and Clare Hamilton)
52:17||Ep. 416Jane and Fi have something to get off their collective podcast breasts, and amid that, there's also chat about space travel, rumours of who will be the next Archbishop, advice on Mother’s Day, and more twin towns. Please excuse the brief funny noise in this episode — the aliens have finally landed. Plus, broadcaster Sara Cox and her best friend Clare Hamilton discuss their podcast 'The Teencommandments'. The next book club episode is coming this Friday. The book is 'Eight Months on Ghazzah Street' by Hilary Mantel. If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfiPodcast Producer: Eve SalusburyExecutive Producer: Rosie Cutler415. Kinky in Kingham (with Ruth Wilson)
43:22||Ep. 415Accent alert in this podcast — proceed with caution! Jane and Fi chat saucy postcards, sex work, twin towns, and space nappies. Plus, actor Ruth Wilson discusses narrating the new audio books for the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy. The next book club episode is coming this Friday. The book is 'Eight Months on Ghazzah Street' by Hilary Mantel.If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radioFollow us on Instagram! @janeandfiPodcast Producer: Eve SalusburyExecutive Producer: Rosie Cutler414. Kind Regards, Jane and Fi
43:56||Ep. 414The Lady has landed, and it's causing a stir... Jane and Fi also chat sufferable men, bonny babies, Lucozade, and 80085. Plus, Phyllida Lloyd — director of The Iron Lady, Mamma Mia!, and Tina: The Tina Turner Musical — joins them (with some minor tech issues). The next book club episode is coming this Friday. The book is 'Eight Months on Ghazzah Street' by Hilary Mantel. If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfiPodcast Producer: Eve SalusburyExecutive Producer: Rosie Cutler413. With Love, Jane and Fi
43:42||Ep. 413Welcome to this unspecial email-only podcast episode — Jane and Fi chat Cockney frogs, twinned towns, and St. Patrick's Day. The next book club episode is coming this Friday. The book is 'Eight Months on Ghazzah Street' by Hilary Mantel. If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi Podcast Producer: Eve SalusburyExecutive Producer: Rosie Cutler412. OFF AIR... EXTRA
12:01||Ep. 412Welcome back to another Friday special. This week's bonus episode features an interview with The Times' Deputy Literary Editor, Laura Hackett, from our Times Radio afternoon show (2–4 pm, Monday to Thursday).Laura joins us for our weekly round-up of the best book releases.Speaking of books, the next book club pick has been announced! Eight Months on Ghazzah Street is by Hilary Mantel.If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radioFollow us on Instagram! @janeandfiPodcast Producer: Eve SalusburyExecutive Producer: Rosie Cutler