
cover art for Singin' On The Train - A Michael Rosen Special

Jake Yapp presents: Not Today, Thank You

Singin' On The Train - A Michael Rosen Special

Season 1, Ep. 24

Sometimes a seeming disaster gives rise to something magical. Michael Rosen and I went to Salford to record Friday's Christmas edition of The Verb on BBC Radio 3. And on the way back, a fallen tree caused our train to stop, go to reduced power, and finally, to plunge us all into darkness.

As we waited for around an hour and a half for another train to come, Michael Rosen charmed and cheered the 'Quiet' carriage with songs and poems and funny stories. Frankly, it was one of those proper once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Have a look at our twitter thread, if you're bored. We pretended to be in different carriages.

Anyway. Here's a flavour of it, hastily recorded on an ipad, so forgive the sound quality.

As I write, it's just turning 2am. It's another hour and a half to London, and from there I shall have to take a taxi to Bedford.

I reckon it was worth it.

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    In which I finally actually figure out a format for the Unread Book Club...
  • 4. Febrezing Your Dad

    22:07||Season 6, Ep. 4
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  • 2. It's All Gone A Bit Seventies

    19:55||Season 6, Ep. 2
    Srsly. The music. And definitely the jokes. What I WILL say, is that if you buy a bed, it should, like, actually function as a bed. You shouldn't have to go back and buy an extra bit, separately, without being told, without which the bed will not function as a bed. You don't go and buy a car, only to be told ohhh if you needed the chassis, that'll be an extra twenty quid. It feels like a shakedown. And another thing, ladies and gentlemen, what about them new ten pees?I made a video of the music part, which I'll put on my new musicky youtube at some point. If you want to stay in the loop on that, honk onto on instabangs isn't it. Ok hugs x
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    12:13||Season 6, Ep. 1
    ...And that's a PITY. So do tell. The new email address is jakeyappmusic at gmail dot com. I don't know why I'm typing that address all CRYPTIC, like. I'd welcome spam at this point. Oh! I meant to tell you on the podcast, I did a really lovely radio show with Bibi Lynch, in front of an audience. If you want to listen, it's the second half of this: Anyway. DO get in touch. Any requests? I need a brief. x
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    In the last of the series, Molly Elwood joins me to share the love, with some of the best food I have ever tasted. I'll be on 9am-12pm every weekday from the 19th December, and LIVE on BBC Radio 4 Extra every weekday evening in January, 7-10pm for Jake Yapp's Unwinding. Stay in touch, and have a good festive season xxx
  • 16. Victor Lewis-Smith

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    Some memories of one of the great innovators of radio comedy, Victor Lewis-Smith. Rest in peace, you brilliant bastard.
  • 15. Two Per Cent Salt

    14:25||Season 5, Ep. 15
    That's all I'm saying. Chuck in all the firm veg you want - cabbage, carrot, maybe a little chilli, ginger, garlic, it's all optional - and add two per cent salt, by weight. At least. If you're nervous, go three per cent. And scrunch it in well and pack it tight into the jar. Leave it out of your fridge for a few days, depending on how warm your kitchen is, then move them to the fridge. And burp the jars. For god's sake. No-one needs cabbagey shrapnel. Anyway. We explored some mildly fraught stuff in the podcast today - that's on me - and I hope you're ok with it. Door's always open: xx
  • 14. What is the Meaning of The Line

    10:21||Season 5, Ep. 14
    Sort of blew it. Oh well. Helluva run, guys. Helluva run. I'd tell you I love you, but it feels a bit manipulative, you know?