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No Bullsh!t Leadership

7 Big Culture Killers: Don’t let mediocrity destroy performance

Season 1, Ep. 302

Episode #302 // One of our dedicated listeners, Jonathan, observed that a number of culture killers can be described by words that end with the suffix, “-ism. He rattled off a couple to get me started — nepotism, narcissism, and favoritism.

He suggested that I should create a podcast episode based on these, and other “-isms” that negatively impact team culture and productivity, so I’ve come up with my list of seven big culture killers.

This episode’s pretty straightforward — I explain each term, and the nuances of the impact it has on team culture, which is antithetical to high performance. 

Any conscious effort you put into creating a constructive, high-performance culture will be silently undermined by these seven deadly sins. This can leave you feeling frustrated, wondering why your best efforts aren’t getting any traction.

But it’s incredibly easy to turn a blind eye to these culture killers, especially if they were existing cultural norms when you took over the team in the first place.


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Our mission here at Your CEO Mentor is to improve the quality of leaders, globally. 

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