Ninety One | The Big Picture

  • Tackling health, climate, and inequality

    In this episode of Sustainability with Substance, Stephanie Niven is joined by Paul Ronalds, CEO of Global Ventures at Save the Children, looking at on the ground, impactful routes to delivering change across different drivers, pulling together health tech innovation, climate adaptation insurance, and decarbonising cooking facilities into a sustainability landscape, comparing opportunities and approaches across the public and private markets.
  • US election | how a Trump or Harris victory will shape markets

    The conventions are over, the banners banished, and the balloons have popped. Now Kamala Harris and Donald Trump get serious in the run-up to November 5th. Without picking sides, Philip Saunders analyses this most tight of political struggles and speculates on market reaction to both possible eventualities.
  • Has inflation bottomed?

    Inflation in the UK has ticked up while in the US it’s crept lower. It’s tempting to call that a halt in inflation’s precipitous fall is upon us because of amongst other factors, the base effect. Jason Borbora-Sheen disagrees, and even sees a possibility of continuing disinflation. The reaction by central banks will likely continue to be the focus of market participants’ attention. With this backdrop, Borbora-Sheen forward the case for bonds.
  • Addressing digital inclusion challenges

    In this episode, Sustainable Equity analyst Eric Opara sits down with Nikki Gwilliam-Beeharee from the World Benchmarking Alliance to examine some of the challenges and opportunities of digital inclusion.
  • Too high for too long?

    The performance of developed economies and the action of central banks recently caused acute financial market tensions and volatility. What really happened, why, and was it avoidable? John Stopford looks back on a testing week and assesses the near-term prospects, with a keen eye on the background of US politics.
  • Gold and Trump 2.0

    Gold has been breaking records in US$ terms in 2024, and the future seems bright for the yellow metal. Fundamentals underpinning the gold price include central bank demand, US fiscal worries and the prospect of lower interest rates and the de-dollarisation of the global monetary system. Add to this the chance of another Trump presidency and gold bulls are on high alert. Iain Cunningham examines the key factors.
  • The year of the ballot: a mid-year snapshot

    We are half way through 2024 and most emerging market elections have now taken place, notably in South Africa, India, and Mexico. Given that elections often move markets, Ninety One emerging market specialists, Malcolm Charles and Nicolas Jaquier take stock to assess their impact.
  • Medicine for change

    Bram Wagner, a prominent specialist from the Access to Medicine Foundation, engages in a thoughtful conversation with Portfolio Manager, Matt Evans, about how we can think of healthcare investing through the lens of accessibility. Initiatives aimed at improving accessibility on a global scale can significantly expand addressable markets within the healthcare industry. This provides investors with an opportunity not only to contribute meaningfully to enhancing accessibility, but also to invest in areas primed for structural growth.
  • Alpha Sources in impact investment

    Stephanie Niven sits down with experienced and award winning impact investor Dimple Sahni from Anthos Fund and Asset Management to examine some of the challenges and opportunities of turning impact insights into an alpha advantage.