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New Voices As We Rise

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  • 3. Tawanda Tehillah Midzi on his journey and building a music business

    28:47||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Tawanda Tehillah Midzi joins me to talk about how he discovered his gift of singing, and later passion for gospel music production. We dive into the dynamics of running a music business and Tawanda shares nuggets on how to make it.

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  • 2. How to make your moves

    29:36||Season 1, Ep. 2
    A lot of young people in my generation are failing to establish success in the area of their calling for lack of models to look up to. While everyone is hungry to succeed, most of the influences available are those echoing overnight success, which in many cases is not sustainable. In this podcast i share insight on what a believe are foundational truths and thus a blueprint for success. Anyone who is patient enough to apply themselves to the information i share in this podcast can gain control over their success story, create it from whatever circumstance they are in today and even predict a timeline on which they would've made it
  • 1. What's Gone Wrong

    25:19||Season 1, Ep. 1
    On this episode we kick off this podcast journey by talking about the ills that have come from social media. Toxicity has become the order of the day and we fear that it is this narrative that is shaping the next generation. The current generation of African people have become hand to mouth, with meagre ability to pass on wealth. We dare challenge the source of everything and talk about why conversations are at the centre of turning around our fortunesemail us on:donroyc@gmail.comConnect with us on social mediaFacebook: Donald RoyInstagram: @donaldroy_zw