Native-like fluency in English
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Improve your flow in English and fall in love with effort. Listen, follow along, and do the exercise with me.
54:56|To become a member, apply hereTo access my free self-study recourses, create an account here Free Synchronization Exercise to improve your listening skills: subscribe on Telegram and Youtube
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Improve your pronunciation by mastering the English vowels | A special episode with Dela Martin
01:01:15|Watch this episode on Youtube - join small group classes with Dela, become a member's instagram Interview: How to Find Joy in Learning and Be Honest With Yourself | Marina's True Stories
53:30|Interview with Alex: How do you communicate in English so that your clients take action? Making an impact when English is the language of business:
46:01|Watch the interview on Youtube join the Community of Practice, get on the waiting list here with Clara: Why Modern Dentists Invest in Learning English
50:27|You can watch our conversation on Youtube too a comment there if you have questions for us.Why reading out loud is a MUST-DO exercise if you want to be spontaneous in English
22:11|Find the transcript of the episode in the community of practice. It's the only place on the internet where we discuss the episodes. To read out loud with me, open any video episode of Natalia Reads and practice too! Here is an example you need native-like fluency in English, you need a system to make English practice a lifestyle. You will find hundreds of creative exercises and endless inspiration in our community of practice. Request to join here or Poor Pronunciation? Unconscious Stereotyping and Conscious Practice to Improve your Pronunciation
28:11|See the show notes in the community of practice will find over a hundred creative exercises in the community of practice (it keeps growing!) to help you achieve native-like fluency in English. Start your practice routine today and receive human, caring feedback.