
cover art for BlackRock’s Panama Grab

The Neoborn Caveman Show

BlackRock’s Panama Grab

Season 8, Ep. 14

Neoborn Caveman lays bare BlackRock’s 22.8-billion-dollar Panama Canal port grab—a calculated step to anchor us in their digital control net. Echoing Rome’s grain hoards, they’re turning trade routes into data streams, tightening the system that’s watching us from the shadows.

Neoborn Caveman's books go deep into how we can recognize we are trapped and how to break free one step at a time. Buy Canada's Mirage: The Illusion of Prosperity and Freedom in a Failing System and The Digital Trap: From Addiction to Liberation .

Free speech marinated in comedy.

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  • 17. The Recycling Religion: How They Made You Sort Your Own Chains

    06:59||Season 8, Ep. 17
    Neoborn Caveman exposes how the recycling myth became modern society's favorite ritual, turning guilt into profit while the planet burns. From sacred sorting bins to overseas dumping grounds, listen how they turned environmental consciousness into conscious control.Neoborn Caveman's books go deep into how we can recognize we are trapped and how to break free one step at a time. Buy Canada's Mirage: The Illusion of Prosperity and Freedom in a Failing System and The Digital Trap: From Addiction to Liberation .Free speech marinated in comedy.Support the show on Patreon:
  • 16. The Control Matrix: How All Roads Lead to Tyranny

    07:15||Season 8, Ep. 16
    Neoborn Caveman rips through the false left-right paradigm to expose how both communist and fascist systems serve the same masters. From ancient Rome to modern tyrannies, watch as the patterns of control reveal themselves across time.Neoborn Caveman's books go deep into how we can recognize we are trapped and how to break free one step at a time. Buy Canada's Mirage: The Illusion of Prosperity and Freedom in a Failing System and The Digital Trap: From Addiction to Liberation .Free speech marinated in comedy.Support the show on Patreon:
  • 15. The Food War: How They're Poisoning Your Plate

    08:51||Season 8, Ep. 15
    Neoborn Caveman exposes the latest front in the war against human health - the supermarket aisles themselves. From hidden emulsifiers destroying your gut to the corporate takeover of breakfast, listen how they've turned your shopping cart into a weapon against your own body.Neoborn Caveman's books go deep into how we can recognize we are trapped and how to break free one step at a time. Buy Canada's Mirage: The Illusion of Prosperity and Freedom in a Failing System and The Digital Trap: From Addiction to Liberation .Free speech marinated in comedy.Support the show on Patreon:
  • 13. Your Existence Is Unconstitutional

    19:46||Season 8, Ep. 13
    Neoborn Caveman rips apart the unconstitutional systems crushing your rights in this prelude episode. From CBP drones and smart meters shredding your Fourth Amendment privacy to AI like Lavender and PredPol trampling Fifth Amendment due process, it’s a raw expose of how your freedoms are gutted by lawless tech and power grabs. Neoborn tears into the First Amendment assault—COINTELPRO-style censorship—and unmasks Neuralink’s mind-reading tech, poised to obliterate what’s left of your constitutional protections. It’s the ugly truth, unfiltered, kicking off a bigger fight to come.Neoborn Caveman's books go deep into how we can recognize we are trapped and how to break free one step at a time. Buy Canada's Mirage: The Illusion of Prosperity and Freedom in a Failing System and The Digital Trap: From Addiction to Liberation .Free speech marinated in comedy.Support the show on Patreon:
  • 12. The Great Land Heist - How They're Monetizing Nature Itself

    08:12||Season 8, Ep. 12
    Neoborn Caveman rips into the stunning reality of how global financial powers are trying to turn sunlight, bee pollination, and even the air you breathe into tradeable commodities. Listen how the 30x30 agenda morphs into something far more sinister - the complete financialization of nature itself.Neoborn Caveman's books go deep into how we can recognize we are trapped and how to break free one step at a time. Buy Canada's Mirage: The Illusion of Prosperity and Freedom in a Failing System and The Digital Trap: From Addiction to Liberation .Free speech marinated in comedy.Support the show on Patreon:
  • 11. The Medical Matrix - Big Pharma's Trillion-Dollar Trap

    06:37||Season 8, Ep. 11
    Neoborn Caveman tears into the medical establishment's greatest deception - keeping Americans sick while selling them "treatments" that never cure. Listen as the truth about metabolic disease, hidden infections, and chemical warfare against our bodies gets ripped wide open.Neoborn Caveman's books go deep into how we can recognize we are trapped and how to break free one step at a time. Buy Canada's Mirage: The Illusion of Prosperity and Freedom in a Failing System and The Digital Trap: From Addiction to Liberation .Free speech marinated in comedy.Support the show on Patreon:
  • 10. The Great Sleep Robbery: 8-Hour Myth & Industrial Control (Part 1)

    36:30||Season 8, Ep. 10
    Neoborn Caveman rips into the industrial sleep scam, exposing the "8-hour sleep" myth as a factory-optimized con. Listen as your favorite unfiltered host traces our unnatural sleep patterns back to Welsh industrialist Robert Owen's 8-8-8 rule - not science, but capitalist efficiency. NC reveals how pre-industrial humans embraced biphasic sleep with wakeful periods between (and no, not just for sex, you perverts), while today's sleep-deprived zombies fuel a trillion-dollar industry of pills, energy drinks, and mindfulness apps. From the "sickening industry" to the "soul-sucking industry," this caffeinated rant connects our rigid 9-5 treadmill to rising disease rates, burned-out workers, and the death of human vitality. Discover why your inability to put down your screen is exactly what the system wants, and why biphasic sleep might be your first step toward breaking free from the modern sleep trap.Stay tuned for Part 2, where NC goes even deeper with solutions and talks about how modern neofeudalism keeps us exhausted, compliant, and paying tribute to our digital overlords.Eearly access to The Great Sleep Robbery: Mental Cage & Breaking Free (Part 2): Neoborn Caveman's books go deep into how we can recognize we are trapped and how to break free one step at a time. Buy Canada's Mirage: The Illusion of Prosperity and Freedom in a Failing System and The Digital Trap: From Addiction to Liberation .Free speech marinated in comedy.Support the show on Patreon:
  • 9. The Milk Truth: Nature's Warning Signs

    13:33||Season 8, Ep. 9
    Neoborn Caveman shatters the latest "scientific" attack on plant-based alternatives, proving how nature and ancient wisdom called these problems years ago. Listen closely to how the corporate puppets scramble as their fake food empire starts crumbling.Neoborn Caveman's books go deep into how we can recognize we are trapped and how to break free one step at a time. Buy Canada's Mirage: The Illusion of Prosperity and Freedom in a Failing System and The Digital Trap: From Addiction to Liberation .Free speech marinated in comedy.Support the show on Patreon: